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Green Day Across The World


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Any Australians who want to be representatives for your state, let me know! I've already bagged Victoria!

I'll represent SA! That should be a snap! Already got someone to help me too :happy:

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I'll represent SA! That should be a snap! Already got someone to help me too :happy:


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Any Australians who want to be representatives for your state, let me know! I've already bagged Victoria!


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Does anyone know an easy way to get this out to people? I mean, reaching a whole city is hard, especially when your not even a teen and got only one friend helping at the moment. And Facebook is hard to use for this too. Any help?

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Does anyone know an easy way to get this out to people? I mean, reaching a whole city is hard, especially when your not even a teen and got only one friend helping at the moment. And Facebook is hard to use for this too. Any help?

You could go old school and post flyers... thats the best I can think of



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You could go old school and post flyers... thats the best I can think of

good idea! And my other friend knows people in the media... so this could work! And I realize that I was being a bit over-dramatic!

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Does anyone know an easy way to get this out to people? I mean, reaching a whole city is hard, especially when your not even a teen and got only one friend helping at the moment. And Facebook is hard to use for this too. Any help?

There are lots of ways: word of mouth, flyers like someone mentioned, ads in local news paper,

I'm trying to combine the USA meet with something to help the environment in honor of

Green Day (because we all know that they are into cleaning up the environment) I also think

that helping the environment in the name of Green Day all across the United States may

attract attention from TV news and possibly MTV if we can get this going on a big enough

scale & all of Green Day's fans get involved. The Green Day meet ups will not just be about

cleaning up the environment afterward I plan on a huge Green Day party for everyone's efforts in this

I am working toward making history in honor of Green Day! Anyone in USA please email me

greendayfansacrosstheusa.unite@gmail.com Email me so we can get this going. If everyone

pitches in a little it will be huge!!!!!

I think "Green Day Fans Across The World Unite" would be an awesome title because it shows that

we as fans are coming together for a cause.

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Alright well 28th May is right slap bang in the middle of my university entrants exams so I can't be coming! So me and "Slappy" on these forums have discussed and she's gonna be the new representative for England. I'll be helping her etc. but I won't be coming. Hope the change in plan for England is cool. If anyone has any ideas/suggestions for England meet-ups just contact me or Slappy.

EDIT: Just checked the exam timetables and I finish earlier than usual cos it's the subjects that I don't do that stretch out after the 28th :P. Silly me :pinch:

One more time: Any ideas/suggestions pm me or Slappy!

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Alright well 28th May is right slap bang in the middle of my university entrants exams so I can't be coming! So me and "Slappy" on these forums have discussed and she's gonna be the new representative for England. I'll be helping her etc. but I won't be coming. Hope the change in plan for England is cool. If anyone has any ideas/suggestions for England meet-ups just contact me or Slappy.

Okey that is to sad but great that you help Slappy anyway! :)

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I want to see the logo but FB just tells me the page is "temporarily unavailable" :runaround:

About the promotion: has someone told about this on IC?

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green for a day is still winning? oh god. i love that name but it sounds totally like an environmental thing.. only gd fans would know what is it about, and the point is that media would know too.

and we should do some new threads, one to discuss our plans, second about cities from each coutry etc.. i think discussing everything here creates a mess.

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"So if you don't do this, you are not a real Green Day fan" is the lamest thing i've ever heard... Not gonna participate, Green Day would know how much they are appreciated, and celebrated at every single show, all across the world. I feel no need for proving anything to myself, or anyone else.

who said that??

you're right, I am not sure if I'll go 500 km while i have to study my university exams and no one can't afford a trip like this.

but I think this is great I love meeting people who also love Green Day, you make many friends

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Yeah I totally don't agree on the "if you don't do this then you're not a real Green Day fan" line. A lot of people won't have the time to attend an event like this, furthermore many people don't like the idea of meeting with people from the internet so that quote could been fine without.

green for a day is still winning? oh god. i love that name but it sounds totally like an environmental thing.. only gd fans would know what is it about, and the point is that media would know too.

Well an environmental thing doesn't sound too bad, it'll only be promoting the event a bit more. If there were titles saying "Green for a Day" on any kind of advertisement it would attract the attention of both Green Day fans and environment friendly people.

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There are lots of ways: word of mouth, flyers like someone mentioned, ads in local news paper,

I'm trying to combine the USA meet with something to help the environment in honor of

Green Day (because we all know that they are into cleaning up the environment) I also think

that helping the environment in the name of Green Day all across the United States may

attract attention from TV news and possibly MTV if we can get this going on a big enough

scale & all of Green Day's fans get involved. The Green Day meet ups will not just be about

cleaning up the environment afterward I plan on a huge Green Day party for everyone's efforts in this

I am working toward making history in honor of Green Day! Anyone in USA please email me

greendayfansacrosstheusa.unite@gmail.com Email me so we can get this going. If everyone

pitches in a little it will be huge!!!!!

I think "Green Day Fans Across The World Unite" would be an awesome title because it shows that

we as fans are coming together for a cause.

I like that name as well. Ugh, too many good names =D

And your ideas sound epic. It makes the whole event sound a lot more epic. I really hope we can get the attention we are hoping for!

I want to see the logo but FB just tells me the page is "temporarily unavailable" :runaround:

About the promotion: has someone told about this on IC?

Not that I know of. But I can go make a thread in the forum over there. Or are you a member there? Because I don't know what to put in the post lol

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Umm, DAWN71!!

I think you accidently gave my email to someone :D

I mean I'm not organizing anything :lol:

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Umm, DAWN71!!

I think you accidently gave my email to someone :D

I mean I'm not organizing anything :lol:

the only email I gave out is the one that ItsHoAsHell gave me to give fans outside of the USA

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Not that I know of. But I can go make a thread in the forum over there. Or are you a member there? Because I don't know what to put in the post lol

No I'm not a member. But you could just tell them the basic idea (Green Day fans getting together etc), and give them a link to the FB page and... Uh, tell them to register on GDC because IC sucks :D I think we should collect the emails of the representatives and spread the list of emails. Then people could contact their representative and organise this thingy. Idk. I should be writing my Spanish essay. :lol:

Btw, wouldn't it be nice to have a banner we could put to our sigs/websites/whatever to let people know we're a part of this project?

And I still can't see the logo, fuck my life :runaround:

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And I still can't see the logo, fuck my life :runaround:

I can't see it either. Damn you, facebook.

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it would be cool to do something for the environment but im doubting i could arrange that in denmark. :(

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For those who do not see the logo of ItsHoAsHell :


I try to change it into "cartoon" :

V1 :


V2 :


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I think doing something for the environment is the best idea. It's not hard to do.

there are so many things you can do to help the environment. You can recycle,

plant trees,get people to donate old clothes & recycle them by giving them to the

needy, clean up trash or something so easy as raising money for lots of environmental

projects. You can even just hold up signs and have a rally for clean air or something.

I love dawn71's idea. We all know how much Green Day is into saving the

environment. What better way to pay tribute and say thank you to Green Day than that.

You don't have to do something huge to help the environment every little nit helps. Just

think of the impact we Green Day fans can have if everyone all over the world does

something small to help, with everyone all over the world doing it will add up & be huge!

Then afterwards everyone all over the world have a huge Green Day party. That sounds so

kick ass if you ask me.Also doing this will generate lots of press and Green Day will

then be made aware of what we are doing. Just think how proud of us Green Day will be.

A meet up of Green Day fans across the world isn't big or important news but Green Day

fans getting together to make a difference in saving the environment in honor of Green Day

is very big news!

I like that name as well. Ugh, too many good names =D

And your ideas sound epic. It makes the whole event sound a lot more epic. I really hope we can get the attention we are hoping for!

I LOVE that name too. It seems to really sum the whole idea up.

I also agree that dawn71's idea would make this whole thing epic

and draw 100000 more times attention to this. I bet it would

get world media attention and probably even MTV. It's not like

it's a hard thing to do, but it would be so very important. Green Day

would be so touched that their fans would do this in honor of them.

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For those who do not see the logo of ItsHoAsHell :

Thanks for posting it! I really like the logo, it does look a bit like we're going to blow up the whole Eurasia or something, but yeah, I like it :D That'd look brilliant on posters/flyers.

I think doing something for the environment is the best idea. It's not hard to do. there are so many things you can do to help the environment. You can recycle, plant trees,get people to donate old clothes & recycle them by giving them to the needy, clean up trash or something so easy as raising money for lots of environmental projects. You can even just hold up signs and have a rally for clean air or something. I love dawn71's idea. We all know how much Green Day is into saving the environment. What better way to pay tribute and say thank you to Green Day than that. You don't have to do something huge to help the environment every little nit helps. Just think of the impact we Green Day fans can have if everyone all over the world does something small to help, with everyone all over the world doing it will add up & be huge! Then afterwards everyone all over the world have a huge Green Day party. That sounds so kick ass if you ask me.Also doing this will generate lots of press and Green Day will then be made aware of what we are doing. Just think how proud of us Green Day will be. A meet up of Green Day fans across the world isn't big or important news but Green Day fans getting together to make a difference in saving the environment in honor of Green Day is very big news!

I agree. It will be difficult to organise (I don't know where we could plant trees or how/what we could recycle) but I think we should do something. I mean, we have the fucking power and if we all get together we could really make a difference. Green Day fans getting together to save the planet - that'd be awesome as fuck.

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