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MTV World Stage in Theaters


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Well, I'm glad I went. It wasn't spectacular but I really enjoyed it, apart from the cutting of JOS, which was really badly done & kinda unneccessary.

That performance of 21 Guns will always be one of my favourites and it was awesome seeing it in such good quality.

God I miss them now :(

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I feel short changed for £10 that gig was butchered to death, I can't believe how the hacked at Minority and JOS, it was billed at 90mins there's no way that was 90 mins more like just over an hour :/

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I saw this last night at the Braintree Cineworld in Essex. There were only about 50 people in the theatre, probably a little less than half capacity. I'm surprised there were even that many people there as this had no local promotion whatsoever. There wasn't even a poster of it at the cinema! Overall I thought it was an amazing experience. The rest of the audience was a little less enthusiastic than I was. Other than myself, my son and my hubby, there were only a few other people that seemed to be getting into it at all. Most people sat very still with blank expressions. I sort of wondered why they were even there. The audio was a perfect volume(wonderfully loud) for people to be able to sing along without being heard over the film, though very few took advantage of this. I did notice my son facepalm when I was waving my hands in the air....I couldn't help it, Billie told me to! I agree with previous comments about the editing being a bit rubbish in certain places(JOS especially...I felt like I was left hanging on the edge of a cliff). Seeing it on the big screen was incredible though. I loved the shots of all the different perspectives within the venue. Shots from the band's perspective as well as the "nosebleed" perspective. The shot of the formation of the wall of death during AI was spectacular on the big screen! Getting to see what the guys see makes you appreciate how awesome we all look to them during a concert. The close ups of the guys reacting to the crowd captured beautifully why Green Day loves to perform live. You could just see how proud they were of their ability to get the crowd riled like that. I saw a glimmer in Billie's eye that looked to me like he would have just loved to have jumped into that pit to join in! Of course, the money shot was Billie ass. I think I would have paid the ten pounds just to see that in all of it's giant screen HD splendor! I was a bit disappointed with the set list. I think it would have been so much better if they would have shown the concert in its entirety in sequence. In all honesty, I think I would have preferred to watch Bullet in a Bible at the cinema if given the choice even though I have watched it a gazillion times. I must say though, all in all I'm grateful to have been able to have the experience. We're pretty spoiled as fans. There aren't too many bands out there that have their concerts shown at the cinema, as well as having their own video game, and their own musical all on top of being the best live band on the planet who perform for over three hours at nearly every gig during tours which last well over a year. Thanks for a good time guys.

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i was pretty gutted tbh guys my cinema wasnt really busy .. which i dont mind but the editing was crap and i have half of the show on dvd from the mtv show i thought the mix would have had more crowd in it and all mixed like you were in the crowd and not just watching a concert on a screen .. they could have added some reverb and ambience to make it sound as if your in the venue

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I went to the showing in Southampton. It rocked :)

We had singing, clapping, Hey Ohs, a mini mosh and tons of dancing. It was mainly done by me and like 6 other people, the rest just kind of sat there blankly and watched. But it was still a good, fun night.

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The Odeon in Liverpool was crap. After keeping us all standing around waiting for ages they turned loads of people away because they had "only just been told" the certificate had changed to 15. I did feel sorry for the people turned away but there were kids there who can't have been 12 anyway. Watching Green Day sitting quietly was extremely bizarre, there were a few people signing (good on you) but it was mostly quiet.

I'm glad I went but agree with everyone else the editing was appalling. Also the volume was nowhere near high enough for me!

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I had an awesome time last night even though the crowd was totally lame (I always knew that croatian fans suck). It was so funny when they stopped JOS just before Dearly Beloved started and you could hear dozen of people saying "what the fuck" at the same time :lol: To be honest I expected more of it but knowing this was made by MTV I'm not really surprised...Epic fail of the night was the after party in a small club near the cinema ( they played so many old songs :woot: ) on which appeared... 8 people if my memory serves me right..haha

But I managed to grab a poster and MTV t-shirt! :banana::lol:

a lot of parents showed up with younger kids to watch the performance.

this :pinch:

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It was good enough.. but definately nothing special. Plus there were the unbearable fangirl/boy type fans there, I overheard a conversation a guy and a girl were having, and the girl said "NO OMG BILLIE HAS BEEN PLAYING PIANO SINCE HE WAS 14 SO FUUUUU OMGZZZZ !!!1111!!"

Same girl didn't know who Jeff was :dry:

Then at the end the guy went "Paramore next time please" I was ready to kick his face in.

Anyway, if this is gonna be the dvd I aint buying it =/

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The Odeon in Liverpool was crap. After keeping us all standing around waiting for ages they turned loads of people away because they had "only just been told" the certificate had changed to 15. I did feel sorry for the people turned away but there were kids there who can't have been 12 anyway.

under 12s can see a 12A. 12A means under 12s must be with an adult.

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It was good enough.. but definately nothing special. Plus there were the unbearable fangirl/boy type fans there, I overheard a conversation a guy and a girl were having, and the girl said "NO OMG BILLIE HAS BEEN PLAYING PIANO SINCE HE WAS 14 SO FUUUUU OMGZZZZ !!!1111!!"

Same girl didn't know who Jeff was :dry:

Then at the end the guy went "Paramore next time please" I was ready to kick his face in.

Anyway, if this is gonna be the dvd I aint buying it =/

My thoughts exactly

I was ready to snap at them. At one point she screams "OMGZ BILLIE YOU SEXY FUCKER!"

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It´s interessting to read, how different the experience was at the different cinemas. Sorry for the people who had empty cinemas and lame crowds :huh:

The cinema in Munich has 450 seats and I think there were 350-400 people, because only the very first rows were empty. And a lot of people were singing along and clapping. Not like at the concert, but also not lame and everybody was into it and obviously having a great time. :banana: It was funny to hear and watch people screaming and laughing out loud, who spotted themselves in the audience on the screen :lol:

of course thats not surprising, that the interest was big in Munich, because it´s the city the show was filmed.

It´s true that there was not so good advertising, and a lot of people didn´t know about the event. And for many kids it was a problem that it was a Monday and school the next day and so parents didn´t allow them to go there. I know at least ten kids who would have loved to go there and weren´t allowed. I´m sure in Munich the cinema would be full another time with different people if it was a Friday or Saturday and if it would get more attention by local press and radio stations.

I´d go again any time and I´d love to buy a DVD from that. :D

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Nononono. I said they didn't lol and I was pissed off. You could tell at the end of good riddance when Billie ends it and then he goes "wake me up when september ends" but they cut that out :(

Ahh that makes sense :P Wish they did play it though....

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Seeing them on the big screen was great especially billie's ass :eyebrow:

but duisburg was boring nobody clapping or singing and not even moving :mad:

many seemed to be in the wrong movie :huh:

we`ve only been around 30 :dry:

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It's a shame this wasn't promoted more on TV or something, so that more people knew about it.

Our cinema in Dundrum in Dublin (near Marlay Park actually!) was sold out

I spent so much money getting myself to a cinema that was actually showing it and now i can't help feeling like it wasn't really worth it.

I know the feeling...

Then at the end the guy went "Paramore next time please" I was ready to kick his face in.

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The cinema here in Hamburg was pretty empty, but the crowd was quite cool. We sang along a few times or clapped so that was pretty nice.

The only thing that annoyed me was that the cut was extremely lame, how could they leave the end of JOS out? >.<

Oh and I realized that they censored the big screen behind the drumkit during East Jesus Nowhere.... I'm probably not the first one o mention this though. xD

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There were only like 15 people in the cinema and nobody was singing along or clapping. But I actually liked it this way. I mean, it was a cinema not a real concert. I didn't feel like singing along either. I just wanted to sit there and watch. At concerts, I always totally freak out. This wasn't a concert though, so I felt like just sitting there and enjoy seeing Green Day was nice, too.

Btw... did anyone else feel that post-gig depression? :(

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Oh and I realized that they censored the big screen behind the drumkit during East Jesus Nowhere.... I'm probably not the first one o mention this though. xD

Apparently they used some guys artwork without his permission, and thats why they didnt use in at the live shows towards the end of the tour too

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Apparently they used some guys artwork without his permission, and thats why they didnt use in at the live shows towards the end of the tour too

Yeah, I know. ^^ I just didn't know that they actually had to censore it.
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Btw... did anyone else feel that post-gig depression? :(

Yes! Totally. After the movie we kept sitting there for like another hour. I was just sitting there, daydreaming, thinking back to all the memories of this past summer. It felt so weird.

In our cinema, there were only around 20 people which was kinda disappointing. Everyone just sat there and watch the show quitely.

And oh my god, there was this old couple (a big, fat, grey-haired man - no offence xD) and they sat down RIGHT next to me :blink: It was so awkward that me and my friend ended up changing our seats :lol: I mean, the entire cinema was empty, why would you sit next to strangers?!

Anyway. It was amazing to see the boys on big screen, close-up :wub: And to see so many familiar faces in the front row! The only negative point for me was, as already mentioned, the cut. Worst. cut. in a movie. ever.

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There were only like 15 people in the cinema and nobody was singing along or clapping. But I actually liked it this way. I mean, it was a cinema not a real concert. I didn't feel like singing along either. I just wanted to sit there and watch. At concerts, I always totally freak out. This wasn't a concert though, so I felt like just sitting there and enjoy seeing Green Day was nice, too.

This. lol at people complaining about other people who didn't move or sing. It was shown in a cinema and you aren't supposed to go crazy in it. There's enough time to do it at a real show but for some reason nearly nobody does it there... =/

The fact Jesus Of Subribia was cut is a shame. You just can't do it since the song itself nearly tells a full story but I think the representives of MTV didn't know that.

Well, I would kill to see a proshot version of Static Age and Jaded, maybe it'll appear online in a few weeks. :)

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It felt so weird seeing the film in the cinema, it was a totaly different to sitting in a room watching BIAB or being at the gig itself . There were only a handfull of people there aswell, i mean i didn't expect it to be packed but there must have been only 20 people or something!

The film itself was pretty good, and the guys were awesome, but i think that some of the cutting could have been done better, and i know a 1000 people must have said this but wtf why did they cut JOS like that???

but the highlight of the night has got to be seeing billie's ass up on the big screen!

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There were only like 15 people in the cinema and nobody was singing along or clapping. But I actually liked it this way. I mean, it was a cinema not a real concert. I didn't feel like singing along either. I just wanted to sit there and watch. At concerts, I always totally freak out. This wasn't a concert though, so I felt like just sitting there and enjoy seeing Green Day was nice, too.

Btw... did anyone else feel that post-gig depression? :(

Yeah I think there were like 50 people in the cinema but that was enough. Behind me were like 6 13 year old skaters and they thought they were the coolest people ever. >.<

(Die hatten das Taktgefühl von Wattestäbchen. xD )

Oh yeah, post-gig depression, the film made me realize how much I actually miss the concerts. I nearly started crying right before 21st Century Brekadown started and you could only hear the guitar. :mellow:

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Yeah I think there were like 50 people in the cinema but that was enough. Behind me were like 6 13 year old skaters and they thought they were the coolest people ever. >.<

(Die hatten das Taktgefühl von Wattestäbchen. xD )

Oh yeah, post-gig depression, the film made me realize how much I actually miss the concerts. I nearly started crying right before 21st Century Brekadown started and you could only hear the guitar. :mellow:

Oh, nice. :lol: Next to my boyfriend there were three 16 year old girls who've never even been to a concert, but still thought they were the best Green Day fans and the most punk-ish people ever. xD

Same here! There were just so many emotions coming up at that moment. And when 21st Century Breakdown really started and all the people in the crowd were freaking out, my only wish was to be down there in the pit and go crazy with them. :D

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I loved this experience! There were only like 15 people in the cinema, but we were all a good crowd! We all sang along, clapped, put our hands in the air... everything that Billie asked the crowd to do and more :happy: It was well worth the 8€, it was amazing!

Of course, cutting JOS before Dearly Beloved was a crime . And I don't know about you guys, but in my cinema they had an intermission, and they decided to stop the film right in the middle of When I Come Around :dry: I was so pissed...

And I loved that in the end of the movie, when we were leaving the cinema, some people started to scream "heeeeey hoooooooooo!" really loud :wub:

Oh, and I got another person into Green Day! My godmother went with me, because if she didn't go, I couldn't be able to go either. I thought she was going to hate the music and be there against her will, but no! She loved it! Right in 21st Century Breakdown she started saying "oh that man sings so well", "they have so much energy" and "they are really amazing"! I thought (and so did she) that she wouldn't like it, but she did... She even tried to sing along, she clapped and put her hands in the air... She said that whenever they come back here, she will go :woot: I love when people start to love Green Day... it's an amazing feeling :wub:

Btw... did anyone else feel that post-gig depression? :(

I did :cry: I already want to go back!

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oh and there was a guy who "introduced" the movie before it started and he said that it's 2 hours long and contains some extra interviews with the band that was never seen before. I don't know what was he talking about but there was no single interview and it lasted 1 and half hour

what a retard :dry:

I guess it was just like that for everyone else, or?

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