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Songs that grew on you

Little Girl Little One

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I'm sure it's happened to almost everyone: you just got the latest Green Day CD and you're psyched as hell to listen to it. You pop in the disk and you bask in the awesomeness, but then, you reach A SONG. For some reason, this song either just doesn't stand out in any way imaginable or it outright annoys the crap out of you. You find yourself disappointed in Green Day for producing this pile of suckage. You may even skip over this particular song the next few times you listen to the CD. Eventually though, you decide to give it a chance, and the more you listen to it, you realize that hey, this isn't so bad after all! In fact, it's pretty damn great!

Some examples for me of songs like this are Static Age, Pulling Teeth, Misery, and Whatsername. So what I want to know, guys, is which songs you didn't like initially but after a while grew on you?

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tbh, when i was a few years younger, i used to hate their old stuff, kerplunk etc and loved the newer stuff. now though i LOVE the old stuff a slight bit better than the recent albums but nimrod and warning are probably my favourite era :wub:

i used to hate Geek Stink Breath and now i have no idea how i could have hated it. strange though the way my tastes change :pinch::pinch: now i love all their songs...Take Back is probably my least favourite :blink::pinch::blink:

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One For The Razorbacks, 80, Android... Didn't really like Kerplunk at first. Well, it's a masterpiece!

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Sweet Children!!

At first I was like 'it's so screechy, fast and mumbly' :dry:

then I was like 'it's so screechy, fast and mumbly! :woot:

Also I was there and a few more that I need to think of. Rollin' by limp bizkit too

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Hmm, my least favourites have always been by least favourites. And the ones I REALLY love I've always really loved. Others have moved up and down slightly in my estimation but I can't think of any extreme cases.

The best example I can think of is !Viva La Gloria!. I always liked it a lot but I didn't understand people's absolute adoration for it. Now I adore it too :happy:. But that was just "like" to "love" so it doesn't really count. I'll get back to you if I ever start to love My Generation :D

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I used to dislike ; Take Back, Platypus, Christians Inferno, East Jesus Nowhere, and 2000 Lighters Away. But now, I love them. :D

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desensitized, i couldn't catch the intro and that's why I was usually skipping that song, but now I just love it :happy:

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Stuart & the Ave. is probably the best example of a song I used to dislike years ago. Now I absolutely love it :lol:

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Static Age.

I thought it was a bit too poppy... and generic. :(

Then I saw it live a couple of times... it was great. :wub: And I really became into the song after the Static Noise-episodes!

Now I'm thinking; why, o, why, didn't they release this song as a single?! O, the irony...!

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When I was younger I used to dislike Dookie and in general, old school Green day :ermm: (I am ashamed)... The only song I used to like was basket case and I was absolutely in love with the American Idiot stuff. On my 14th birthday, I decided to change some things in my life and try new experiences... Well I decided to listen to Dookie all the way through (extreme uh? :blush: ) and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! Now it's my favorite one and Burnout is my favourite song! And now I also love old School Green day :)

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I really used to hate Jaded, Hitchin' A Ride, and Jesus of Suburbia.

But then I cleared the shit out of my head and listened to them until I really got to liking them :)

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On 12CB I hated Peacemaker but now it's like omg yes whenever it comes on.

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Before the Lobotomy, Christian's Inferno, Peacemaker, Restless Heart Syndrome, Viva La Gloria: Little Girl.

I don't know why but for some reason, the first time I heard 21CB I didn't like it very much. Of course now every song on every album I love. :D

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The first thing I heard after WMUWSE and American Idiot was and then the full 1039/sosh, and I didn't like it that much. I think that's why it took a while since I first heard Green Day till I got into them. I just heard the full CD and thought "OK, so, that song must be the only nice Green Day song" and didn't search again for a while :lol:

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