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You know you're addicted to green day when...


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I remember when Greed Day were like the reason I woke up every morning because I just wanted to listen to their music. Now I like them but I'm not obsessed,

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When you're constantly thinking about what your custom member title will be when you finally hit 10,000 posts.

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when you're constantly sick whenever not seeing the band live or touring to see them

no joke. It's like they enhance my immune system or something

Ok... just got the answer to the question why this damn flu won't go away. :mellow:
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When you type 'g' in the address bar and you get 'greendaycommunity' and 'greendayauthority' before google.

Your ears perk up anytime you hear the word 'green' -and you get disappointed when it's not followed by Day-.

these are SO true.


- when you see/hear ANYTHING green day related you wanna tell someone but all your friends wont get it so that makes you sad but you're so happy because it was a green day reference..

- when you already got all the songs but only buy the physical CD to have a complete collection and so spend your money for something you technicaly already got.

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also, when you're typing "Green Day" or "Billie Joe Armstrong", "Mike Dirnt" and "Tre Cool" faster than you type your name...

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when they're all you think about.

when you're bored and you just google them.

when you smile when you hear their name/song on the radio.

when you see someone in a GD tee and want to run after them (happened today ha)

when you see them live and know nothing else can top it

just...ah i'm smiling now :)


- when you see/hear ANYTHING green day related you wanna tell someone but all your friends wont get it so that makes you sad but you're so happy because it was a green day reference..

omg so true...like...why didn't any of my friends laugh at the llama picture??? i was in hysterics!

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when playing their music in your car makes driving become hazardous, because you put all your attention into the songs and not enough on what's happening around you.

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When you type 'g' in the address bar and you get 'greendaycommunity' and 'greendayauthority' before google.

hahah this is so true!

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When you make your dad spend almost 1000 dollars on a trip to see Green Day live. Haha.

Haha i made my dad do this too :)

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...when you're walking down the hall during first block in school with one of your friends and you see a poster on the wall entitled "Platypus" and you precede to start singing "Dickhead Fuckface Cock Smoking...!!!" somewhat loudly.... then you realize that the door next to the poster is open and a whole class (who heard every word) is starring out at you... :lol:

Oh how Green Day references can get me in so much trouble...

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When you listen to the first few seconds of a song and automatically know it's them.

sometimes all you gotta hear is the first guitar/bass chord lol

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- when you look for references while your reading a book.

- when you can relate almost everything to them

and you describe me perfectly. i found green day references in digital fortress by dan brown. i also start singing it's fuck time in the middle of art class a lot, and people stare. i wonder why.

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sometimes all you gotta hear is the first guitar/bass chord lol

this happens to me all the time... One note will play and i'll be like "GREEN DAY!" and everyone will be like "no i don't think so............ oh yeah now it is"

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- when you breath

- when you sleep

- when you drunk

- when you having sex

- when you playing guitar

- when you can't eat 50 eegs

- when you look yourself in the mirror and say FUCK IM SO BEAUTIFUL.

- when you come around

- when you look at clouds

- when you see pink bunny

- when you wearing clothes

- *insert millions of items here*

- when you die.

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when you say "Orange Mocha Frappachino!' and start giggling and everyone just looks at you wierd :huh:

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this happens to me all the time... One note will play and i'll be like "GREEN DAY!" and everyone will be like "no i don't think so............ oh yeah now it is"

Haha same here! and im always like "IN YOUR FACE"

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you plan your senior goodbye song way in advance, choosing a Green Day song of course.


your friends roll their eyes at the mere mention of Green Day, knowing how hard it'll be to shut you up. :)

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When every time someone hears a GD song, instantly looks at u with a weird expresion xD

When every conversation with your friends on msn reminds you to a GD song and you instantly send them the lyrics and they say, your so inspired and you are like :eyebrow:

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When you

-can relate any of their songs to your life

-their songs make you cry because they're too amazing

-do a 40 minute presentation on them at school and when you're saying Billie's biography your teacher asks "this is the same person?"

-they make you want to live (yes depressing I know)

I made a Billie's biography on school too hahahaha.... That was awesome... That was my favorite speech hahahaha

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One of the first times I stayed the night with my boyfriend, he and I were watching some talk show. When it came back from the last commercial, the host says, "And now, Green Day!" and I moaned in a somewhat orgasmic way, leading to a very interesting conversation, after, of course, Green Day finished playing. And I wasn't even sorry. XD

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when you spend your weeks pay to have GD merch sent from the UK on ebay

hey ive done it

!. when you have to ipods one forgreen day and one for other less cool stuff.

2. when your friends complain when you sing green day.

3. when you sort your greenday albumbs by year.

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when you pimp out your wheelchair with Green Day patches & stickers all over it...

when Green Day has it's very own category when figuring out your finances...

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When you suddenly start to hear Billie's voice and you're thinking "whaaaa? I'm going crazy"

and then you realize it's the commercial for the American Idiot musical on TV in the other room. :lol:

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When you suddenly start to hear Billie's voice and you're thinking "whaaaa? I'm going crazy"

and then you realize it's the commercial for the American Idiot musical on TV in the other room. :lol:

haha that happened to me too :lol:

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When you get pissed at someone and start screaming obscenities at them, only to realize afterwords you were screaming the lyrics to Platypus (I Hate You) because you'd listened to it earlier. XD

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