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You know you're addicted to green day when...


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When your mum tells you that your future career can be summed up in two words. As much as I would love that, it would be hard.

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when you can count the days billie joe has had a certain hairstyle and/or colour for

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When you get a fangasm when you think about having a Mike Dirnt Precission Bass

When you play She 10 times in a row O.o

When you always find a way to relate to any GD song

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When your listening to a song from the AI cast and you little brother knows that Billie Joe is not the one singing the song.

When people know you because you like GD or they call you the GD girl.

When you can listen to Green Day all day everyday.

When most of the songs on your MP3/IPod are GD or GD related/side projects.

When you play your music on shuffle and almost every other song is GD.

When your not really paying attention in class until some one says a word like melodramatic, nimrod, minority and you start paying attention and think about GD or the song the word comes from.

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when you´re searching for green day references everywhere i.e in new schoolbooks :D

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When you're looking at map and instead of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines you see Green Day (in Polish it is Saint Vincent i Grenadyny, so it's easier :D)


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When you have the urge to write Saint Jimmy in every bathroom stall you use

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when a customer comes in to work and says "You'd be the one to ask about this, when is Green Day coming back to the UK?"

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when you twist your wrist and the moment you get home from emergency you start writting "Rage and love" "time grabs you by the wrist and directs you where to go" "mother mary take my hand" and other GD related stuffs on it.

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When your English teacher tells you to write a research paper about anything, you already know your subject. And then you ask about the page limit, not the requirement (which was 3 pages typed for the final draft, 6ish pages hand written for the rough draft). And then you turn in a 30-somthing page hand written rough draft and a 13 page typed final draft. :D


And that was with leaving out Awesome as Fuck (for censorship reasons :/ school is school is school, no matter what) and also leaving out all touring stuff.

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when you found that someone at your school is a GD fan and you hold each other screaming and laughing while everyone look at you like "What the fuck?"

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This thread makes me feel like such a shitty fan. You guys are all hilarious though :lol:

When you post on GDC just to see your Green Day avatar/signature once more

All the fucking time lol.

your favourite colour becomes green.. lol

it's so simple, i love it

When you have the urge to write Saint Jimmy in every bathroom stall you use

do ittttttttttttt

When you obsess over obsessing over Green Day on a Green Day fan forum.

oh my god yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes.

I am crying.

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When you can't stop collecting tons of GD photos for sigs and avatars you may never do

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When you have a dream that Billie is at one of your school assemblies.

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When your English teacher tells you to write a research paper about anything, you already know your subject. And then you ask about the page limit, not the requirement (which was 3 pages typed for the final draft, 6ish pages hand written for the rough draft). And then you turn in a 30-somthing page hand written rough draft and a 13 page typed final draft. :D


And that was with leaving out Awesome as Fuck (for censorship reasons :/ school is school is school, no matter what) and also leaving out all touring stuff.

i had to do this last year too. we had to write about a subject and i chose green day and i wrote about 14 pages. my teacher asked me to read it and i said: i´ve written 14 pages about my fav band." and my teacher answered : oh no, it is too long" and my classmates were very happy that they don´t have to listen to a 14 page green day essay :D

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When your sitting on the computer entering a new username and the only things you can really think of are relating to Green Day. Things like.... GreenDayFan11 or GreenDayFanatic11....

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when you're so happy that you can go to a festival with green day as headliners that you told everyone and posted it about 3 times on facebook (to keep them current: e.g. one time that they play on the festival and you wanna go, the next time - about 5 mins later - that you try to convince your parents and the third time that you're allowed to go and already ordered the tickets) and everyone's just annoyed about it after just 1 day, cos you don't even know another topic anymore !! :lol::whistle

Edit: hehe page own :D

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When you are asked what you look for in the opposite sex in writing class and you say they have to like Green Day!

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When you kiss the clock at 10:39, 4:09 etc.

When you kiss the radio when Green Day is on.

When you are asked what you look for in the opposite sex in writing class and you say they have to like Green Day!


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you know you are addicted to green day , whe you always check on GDA news :P

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