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You know you're addicted to green day when...


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When you put your iPod on shuffle and try to guess as fast as possible which GD song it's playing! :P

So true. I can now guess the song on the first sound.

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When you feel like you talk too much about Green Day, and are therefore afraid to bring them up for fear of annoying people around you. Even though it's not true you talk too much about them, it's just that you're always thinking about them or listening to them, so it seems like it.

story. of. my. life.

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Just about every conversation you have with anyone about anything has at least one mention of Green Day.

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When you see a random word and can instantly relate it to a Green Day song. I did that today with the word infatuation. My mind went to Going to Pasalacqua.

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^I do that too with infatuation

When your friend tells you that Green Day have possessed you after just looking at the lock screen of your iPod. Then you think, wow you haven't even seen my music yet!

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When in Spanish class a guy sees your Green Day belt buckle and says that all of Green Day's songs are about Communism, and you freak out and yell at him that Green Day's songs are about masturbation!

... And the teacher doesn't say a word! XD

Yeah, I'd had Longview stuck in my head all day ....

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When Your Iphone's named Mikey Jimmy Jason. (Jason's for a délire we had with a friend about the Jasons, and she said me to name my little beauty after them.)

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When the smallest thing reminds you of Green Day. Like on the radio they said something Misery.. reminded me of GD.

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When you see a random word and can instantly relate it to a Green Day song. I did that today with the word infatuation. My mind went to Going to Pasalacqua.

I do that all the time, especially with numbers. Last night for instance, I was counting up my till and I had €8.80 worth of 20c coins. I immediately thought of Green Day and 880 Studios

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When when you ask your 10-y-o little sister what she'd like to listen, she says "GREEN DAY!"

And when you put the Tubbies on, she's all "NO! I said Green Day!" "It's the same!" "I don't care! The name's remind me of the teletubbies!"


What's wrong with this kid?

When you brought a friend into the fanfics again

When you have arguments about Billie Joe's age

When you want to rip someone's insides when they say Mike's ugly or is usefulness ("YOU FUCKING TEENIE BITCH!")

Idem for a fat Tré

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When I tell my friends I stayed up half the night and they immediately know it's because of something Green Day-related (like the Underground Garage show last week or just because I forget the time when watching them on You Tube).

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when your friends see you with the earbuds on and they aldready know what you're listening to ;)

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when your friends see you with the earbuds on and they aldready know what you're listening to ;)

That happened to me yesterday.

When youre just sitting in your room and you hear certain voice singing "do you know what's worth fightin for" and you rush out of your room to go hear where it's coming from.

When the only correct gut feelings you get are relevant to Green Day

When you are researching random stuff and find a way to relate in back to Green Day

When you start planning how you are going to convince your parents to let you go to the next Green Day concert in your town, even though you have no idea when it is

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When youre just sitting in your room and you hear certain voice singing "do you know what's worth fightin for" and you rush out of your room to go hear where it's coming from.

Ahahah it happens me a lot, when I even just hear a slight sound that may be a Green Day song, I run as hell to go and see if it actually is a Green Day song on the radio/tv/someone singing, and I sing it along xD

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when you read all the magazines in a shop and are disappointed when Green Day are not in there and when they're in you start shouting: "Woo hoo Green Day are in !!!!" and you run to your parents and have to tell them about that "wonder" (cos that doesn't happen very often atm)

...and when you read that magazine finally you're disappointed and angry when you find a mistake and have to tell everyone about it

(all that happened to me today btw :lol:)

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When there's a text in your english book, in which there's a class meeting in the parking lot of a 7-11 and then there's Jesus of Surburbia stuck in your head for the rest of the day :)

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When you get Green Day songs with lyrics appropriate for situations you are in. Like, whenever I see a girl crying, "Little Girl, Little Girl why are you crying" gets in my head.

When youre at (concert) band practice and you're playing a piece and you think "if GD were playing this in a concert (why I don't know), Billie would totally shout "Let's Go!!" right in this spot"

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when every thing you say has a green day reference and when people get pissed at you for mentioning green day in every conversation even if green day isn't really related in it. and also if you hear a green day song on the radio, you roll down the window and scream to all the other cars "ZOMFGEEEE A GREEN DAY SONG IS PLAYING x290" :banana:

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when every thing you say has a green day reference and when people get pissed at you for mentioning green day in every conversation even if green day isn't really related in it.

That's EXACTLY what I do alle the time. Everyone of my friends is annoyed! Exept the ones who like Green Day, of course :D

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when you wanna go to youtube and listen to a green day song there but in google you give in green day instead of youtube

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when your friends interrupt what you're saying with "is this going to be about green day again?"

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