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You know you're addicted to green day when...


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when you hear whatsername (cast album) and you get a little emotional

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I saw a road sign today that said '6TH OF JULY' and somehow thought it said 'SAINT JIMMY'

yup. :mellow:

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I saw a road sign today that said '6TH OF JULY' and somehow thought it said 'SAINT JIMMY'

yup. :mellow:

:lol: Ok, I have a friend who constantly misreads stuff, but THIS is genuinely brilliant! Well done!

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-When someone says something negative about Green Day and your ready to bite their head off and throw their body off a cliff

-When at a school pep assembly, a band plays KYE and you start freaking while your Green Day hating friends look at you weird

-When your friend says that Linkin Park/ My Chemical Romance are better than Green Day and you start yelling at them

-When people you thought were your friends go up to you and say "Fuck Green Day" and you flip them off

-When you talk about Green Day to piss your Green Day hating friends off

-When you get mad that they played a nearby town and you didn't know they did

-When a guy wears a dress one day during Spirit Week and you start singing King For A Day

-When you aunt says her friend has been to a Green Day concert and even though you have no idea who this person is you ask "WHY DIDN'T THEY TAKE ME???"

-When you get mad cuz your brother says he only likes "old Green Day"

-When you are constantly trying to convert people into liking Green Day

-When you get only 4 hours of sleep and start saying "y'know" cuz your so tired

-When you a weird have dream with them in it

-When you make your 8 year old cousin listen to Green Day

-When you always have a random song by them in your head

-When there is something about Green Day on TV and your eyes never leave the screen

-When your aunt can get you to go somewhere with her saying "Bring a Green Day CD"

-When you realize Billie, Mike and Tre are your best friends, yet you have never met them

I'll think of others this was all I had

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when you understand the words in platypus (i hate you) and take back

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You are about to open your mouth and the others are like "SAY GREEN DAY AND YOU'RE DEAD"

When you use a facebook app about words you mostly use and the results are:

Green (400.523 times)

Day (400.523 times)

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When your parents amuse themselves by playing a Green Day song on the computer downstairs and counting how long it takes for you to come racing down. "Just like Pavlov's dog," they say. :rolleyes:

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When you use "y'know" countless times, even in your first language...

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-When you always have a random song by them in your head

Absolutely! :D

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When your friends watch the Simpson's movie and text you about how they thought of you.

When your parents hate all of your music except for Green Day cause you've subjected them to it for so long.

When people don't know what to get you for Christmas/Birthdays, so they just end up getting you Green Day stuff cause they know you'll like it.

When you're learning guitar and all you're practicing are Green Day songs.

When you tell your musician friends to play you a song that you know, and they immediately play Green Day.

When your best dreams are of the band.

When you have a tattoo of Green Day lyrics, or something related to the band.

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When you see things abbreviated with GD in them (Like GDI) and think... what's Green Day I?

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that moment when you miss Green Day so much and nearly going to cry when you remember them :D

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When your mother says to you that she's got a Green Day song stuck in her head.

When you see or hear refrences that remind you of something Green Day.

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i was in science and we were using "distilled spirits" for an experiment and i started humming hitchin' a ride

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When you see a road sign that says 'Queen's Way' and you get excited because you thought it said Green day

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This is one of my favorite threads on the DF. :lol:

...Billie's tweets about jamming with the boys makes your week.

...you emcee for an event and slip in subtle Green Day references that no one would ever get. :shifty:

...you wake up every morning somehow loving the band more than you did the previous day.

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When your out and about and see something Green Day related, you decide to take a picture of it and feel all proud. :shifty:

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...when Green Day T shirts have their own section in your wardrobe :D

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... When you have about 50 shirts, but you only wear your Green Day shirts :P

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when you have a GDC, on on every day, and are making posts in this thread :lol:

when you constantly where your green day shirts and have posters pictures all over your walls :lol:

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when the only near years resolution you made ( or a tleast kept) at the beginning of the year involves spending hours on a website dedicated to Green Day

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When you sabatoge the Pandora account at work to play more Green Day :shifty:

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When your Top 25 Most Played on iTunes are all Green Day songs.

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