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You know you're addicted to green day when...


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i think you are a green day addicted when you think you are an addicted :P ,when you love them as much as you want you are addicted when you know about them things that you want you are and addicted. i think i am and addicted cause i know all what i want about them (almost everything :P ) .there is no limits of being and addicted it just depends on your passion with the band :P

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When your 22 month old niece tries to play Green Day Rockband with you. When same 22 month old niece headbangs to Kerrang! when a Green Day song comes on.

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When someone says your awesome for having a green day shirt on and that they like the song last night in earth and you start telling them all your favorite green day songs and they start to slowly walk away because you creeped them put a little too much :lol:

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When you're by one of your posters and your mum comes in and thinks you've been kissing them.

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When everything in your life is related to a Green Day song.

When you spit out random lyrics to everything people say.

When there's Green Day everywhere you look, all day long.

Hmm...we need some GDAA meetings

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when you go on and on about how good Green Day are to your friends, even when they are clearly not listening

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when you get bugged for loving them every single fucking day but you don't care because you love them too much

and no one of them understands your undying love.

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When you develop a sixth sense for Green Day. Example: You can ask an answer a Green Day related question (while watching a TV game show) before they even ask it. Or you just get the feeling Green day is on TV.

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When you develop a sixth sense for Green Day. Example: You can ask an answer a Green Day related question (while watching a TV game show) before they even ask it. Or you just get the feeling Green day is on TV.

That's so true... then you start shouting at the TV if the person on the there gets the question wrong!

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When you randomly write out the lyrics to J.A.R. on a scrap of paper because it's just hit you how awesome they are.

When you added a link for GDA on your iPhone home screen. :lol:

Good idea. :ninja:

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-- when anyone mentiones pabst blue ribbon and you immediately have to think of FBHT/the rev.

- when you're tempted to ask your teacher if you could read 'catcher in the rye' in english class though you

never read it, don't quite know if it's good and know that the class is gonna hate it because they hate reading.

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-You hear via facebook that the tv quiz show 'The Chase' had a question about Catcher in the Rye followed immediately by a question about Green Day so you go onto ITV player to watch said programme just so you can see them asking the questions (and then proceed to shout loudly at the laptop because the person got BOTH questions wrong whilst your mum sits in the corner looking scared)

-Everytime you go into a bathroom your first thought is Green Day when you spot the maker of said bathroom sink is Armitage Shanks

-You spend a long car journey looking at number plates and thinking 'Green Day!'

-Your known as 'Green Day girl'

-Your friends have hidden your actions on face book due to the large amounts of green day related pages liked and green day related groups joined

-Your facebook news feed is constantly filled with green day related posts from said pages/groups and fellow green day fans

-Your facebook page is overflowing with green day pictures, setlists and announcements during tour & gigs from said pages/groups/friends etc

-You get calls/texts/shouted whenever one of you friends/family hears a green day song or sees a green day video on tv

-You're on yard duty and are ready for leaving when your not as obsessed green day friend spots a horse box with 'Oakland' written on in big letters who then shouts you over where you continue to stand there stairing at it for several minutes :rolleyes:

-Your have a rather large collection of merchandise and your family member/friends have to ask before buying something greend ay related to double check you've not already got it

-Your parents Sky+ box is full up with green day related programmes, interviews, tv appearences, videos etc

-Your parents haven't replaced said sky+box with a brand spanking new sky+HD box to match the newly decorated house and brand new HDTV as you have been unable to borrow your grandad's DVD recorder yet to copy over all the programmes :shifty:

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When you added a link for GDA on your iPhone home screen. :lol:


you're addicted to Green Day wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeen:



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When you've removed your Green Day tab on Google News because you know everything days before it shows up as 'news'. :lol:

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When you get depressed when you don't think you have enough Green Day stuff on your wall. And you feel like you've betrayed the band when you listen to other music :lol:

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When you get depressed when you don't think you have enough Green Day stuff on your wall. And you feel like you've betrayed the band when you listen to other music :lol:

this :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

When you get really mad when someone says greenday instead of Green Day.

When you get way too excited when one of their songs on the radio.

When you've watched so many interviews that you start saying y'know.

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When you sleep 4 days on the street just to get the front row at a gig

When you start laughing by yourself remebering some goofy thing they did

When you listen to the same songs for over 8 years and just can't get enough of them

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when you go abroad to their concert instead of writing the final math exam (yeah, I'm doing the 3rd year all over again because of that :pinch: )

you feel like you've betrayed the band when you listen to other music :lol:

this! :lol:

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