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You know you're addicted to green day when...


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When i reference a Green Day song, and my dad says something random and asks me, is what i said a Green Day song?, and he keeps doing that forever.

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when you're jumping on your couch , cause you've just seen Green Day on TV .

oh oh eah oh yeah!!

i know what ya talking about!

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you're going on yet another international trip to see them (well, St Billie in the musical but it's still GD), causing you to put off university for yet another semester.

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  • when you spend your whole day on gdc with about (hang on, i gotta count) 11 tabs open... 8 of which are gdc forum/chat/profilepages, 2 of which are youtube [one with a live video and the other with an interview i must have watched at least seven times already] and one which isn't greendayauthority/greenday.com/youtube. its a photographer called anton corbijn who took this photo: 84_u2andgreenday_L031106_01.jpg for this album cover: U2-Saints(1).jpg for the green day u2 colab - "the saints are coming"
  • and when you dream about meeting them multiple times and wake up real disappointed when you realise its not true
  • when you plan out EXACTLY what you'd do if you got pulled up to sing longview
  • now this ones a little worrying - when you have a "sleepover" after a green day gig and stay up practically the whole night talking about green day, but also discussing which parts and items of their clothing you'd keep if they got chainsaw massacred - oh, and still have a bajillion things to talk about in the morning.
  • finally... i think... when you know the exact rhythm/timing volume of cheering and what billie says in bullet in a bible

i think thats it... for the moment...

omg... i've lost my mind! -----> SCHWEET :woot:

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you just heard "You know you make me wanna shout, pick my hands up and shout' on the TV and nearly broke your neck turning around because your mind automatically linked it to Green Day. :lol:

'i cant get no satisfaction' was also being played on tv for something and i thought back to Tré Cools version at some of the concerts... you cant beat GD's covers :dance:

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When your work colleague assumes that you are likely to have a Green Day themed birthday party. (?)

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When you go up to your teachers and say

you: "Mrs, I just need to get something out of the way."

Teacher: "what?"

you: " you a Green Day Fan"

Teacher: "oh hell yes i've seen them (x) amounts of times"

You: "good, we should get along just fine then" :P

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When your boyfriend says to you "you only talk about GD since you went to that concert just shut the hell up talk about something else!!!" That just recently happened to me :dry: ... He apologized instantly :happy:

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When you go up to your teachers and say

you: "Mrs, I just need to get something out of the way."

Teacher: "what?"

you: " you a Green Day Fan"

Teacher: "oh hell yes i've seen them (x) amounts of times"

You: "good, we should get along just fine then" :P

You have nice teachers...:lol: You're lucky!

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You have nice teachers...:lol: You're lucky!

hahah yeah, i guess I am. I have one whos been to see green day 6 times.. but he left

One whos been to see them once, on with a brother who got vip and backstage tickets to see them, and two who were obsessed with them in hihg school :P and my form tutor loves them two :P:D

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  • now this ones a little worrying - when you have a "sleepover" after a green day gig and stay up practically the whole night talking about green day, but also discussing which parts and items of their clothing you'd keep if they got chainsaw massacred - oh, and still have a bajillion things to talk about in the morning.
  • finally... i think... when you know the exact rhythm/timing volume of cheering and what billie says in bullet in a bible

ummmm.... you forgot the part where we discussed whether we'd keep their saliva in a little bottle if they spat on us... i think that was it... oh god.

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  • when it feels really personal just talking about them to someone else
  • when you hear someone diss them and you're just like "SHUT THE FUCK UP THATS MY FAMILY YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!!".... oh wait
  • when you smile to yourself everytime you see "armitage shanks" in a public bathrrom, and notice that green day spellt it wrong
  • you have a notebook just full of lyrics, pictures and all kinds of green day related crap
  • you keep everything (bus tickets, train tickets, confetti) from green day concerts you're been to
  • you only read catcher in the rye because of "who wrote holden caulfield", and now, in your mind, holden looks just like Billie Joe
  • you have a 'top 3' favourite Hairstyles for each bandmember, because there are just that many
  • there is a green day song for every chapter of your life that you listened to obsessively during that time
  • you have, or want to, name a pet something green day related (i personally want a one black and one white cat and call them rage & love :3)
  • you laugh it off when your close friends insult green day but inside you're like "FUCKYOUFUCKYOUFUCKYOU"
  • You go out with your other green day-obsessed friends and do NOTHING but talk about billie joe's new trousers, what you would do it you met them, 5 green day songs for a desert island, for 6 HOURS.,
  • when it you've tried poprocks and coke together, just to see if it was true
  • when words used for green day songs (platypus, basket case, whatsername) sound strange when people use them in their normal context
  • when it really isnt that hard coming up with a massive list like this one :3

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  • now this ones a little worrying - when you have a "sleepover" after a green day gig and stay up practically the whole night talking about green day, but also discussing which parts and items of their clothing you'd keep if they got chainsaw massacred - oh, and still have a bajillion things to talk about in the morning.
  • finally... i think... when you know the exact rhythm/timing volume of cheering and what billie says in bullet in a bible

ummmm.... you forgot the part where we discussed whether we'd keep their saliva in a little bottle if they spat on us... i think that was it... oh god.

haha yes :P well we both know that there are other bits that i left out too... but... i think tose are better left unsaid. eh??


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when you're new teacher said that he was on their concert. twice. seven-fucking-teen years ago. and you'd decided that you won't ever talk to him, now that you've heard that, he's your favourite teacher XD

whoa whoa, I love you Jeremy the Teacher <3 !!!

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You're about to have a shower and be ~motivated but you can't because you're talking about Green Day.

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You mistakenly read something and think it has Green Day relevance that has absolutely no connection...

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When Green Day comes on the radio whilst your driving, and you turn the radio up so loud, your sure someone in Asia could hear it

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When you see this


in a store and get lost of great ideas for the next concert that you're going to see- whenever that may be.

I saw it today and almost died of excitement.

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...when you leave the country to watch a recorded Green Day show (that you've already seen most of on TV) in the cinema with people you've never met! :thumbsup:

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when you think of writing "it's fuck time" in an idioms exam instead of "it's high time"... (but I really write it's high time :lol:)

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When most of your teachers can name them as your fave band

they know you fave green day song...

and they can name the green day concerts you've been to! :P

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When ya say things the way billie says it.

When ya seriously consider having a sex change just to be like billie

When ya can relate every line in a song to your life and hang on every word

so many more reasons why i know im addicted to Green Day <3

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