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Billie Joe to play St. Jimmy in the musical


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jaksdfha sdfomg i know. i visited suny new paltz and fell in love with it except i knew i wouldnt get in and when i didnt i realized i didnt really like the school or the people at all, but i just loved the town.


Haha, aw. I'm pretty content there. :)

Oooooh if in Red Hook would it be at Greig Farm, by any chance?

I'm going!

Yay! Maybe I'll see you there. We should have some way of indentifying each other so we know who the hell is from GDC or not :lol:

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People will probably be all "wtf?!"

Actually, it'll probably get taken down since people are UNCOOL :( but one of our reporters/copy editors is almost as big of fans as we are, so she was kind of in cahoots with me :lol:

My dad just called me from out of town to ask if I heard about this. You know, if you're working, out of town, not watching much TV, and you heard about it, I think it's a fair bet that I have heard it! :lol: But I appreciate it.

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Whoa! I stop reading for 6 hours and this becomes a thread about who's an Upstate NY hick and who's not? Whoa. I grew up on Long Island (not proud of that, but in my defense I grew up in a part that was sans guidos), and, I'm sorry to say, I'm a semi-city snob so basically anyone north of Weshchester lives in "Upstate NY." I'm not really sure why people were saying that Buffalonians get offended when you call them Upstaters. They live in the fucking armpit of New York State (sorry, no offense to anyone here who lives there!). Pshhh. And in our defense, "Upstaters" call us big city folk "downstaters," which sounds like a mental deficiency, but you don't hear us screaming about it ;)

Anyways! I can't wait for tomorrow night! I'm doing everything in my power to restrain from watching any of the video clips. I have a few friends and acquaintances that were there tonight, still waiting to hear their reactions! I'll be at lotto tomorrow because despite already having tickets, I always like sitting in seats where I might get kneed in the eye during the opening.

The reason Suckalonians get offended when you call it upstate because they say "UPSTATE IS UP. WHERE POTSDAM IS. WE LIVE IN WESTERN NEW YORK." Unfortunately because I lived there for 9 months (at school) I'm now like that too but you know what, its still all the same because IT ALL STILL SUCKKKKS. And above Westchester (even Northern Westchester) it gets pretty countryish but I still dont feel right calling Putum & Dutchess upstate... but I still joke about it being the country to my friends from there. I mean the proper term for it all is The Hudson valley i think up to albany, but I think anything past Dutchess is upstate. BUT IF YOU DARE CALL SOUTHERN WESTCHESTER UPSTATE I DARE YOU TO COME TO MY TOWN. THERE IS NOTHING UPSTATE ABOUT IT AT ALL.

I'm going! :happy:

All this New York talk makes me wanna visit my uncle now.

Where does your uncle live?

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Yay! Maybe I'll see you there. We should have some way of indentifying each other so we know who the hell is from GDC or not :lol:

I know! Me and my friend on here was talking about that when we went on the 19th.

We said, "We should have name tags that say 'Hi! I'm [insert real name here] also known as [insert GDC username here] on GDC.'" :lol:

If that doesn't happen [which probably won't, lol.]

I'm gonna wear my Green Day hoodie with the 21st Century Breakdown album art on the back or my Holmdel tour t-shirt.

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Actually, it'll probably get taken down since people are UNCOOL :( but one of our reporters/copy editors is almost as big of fans as we are, so she was kind of in cahoots with me :lol:

My dad just called me from out of town to ask if I heard about this. You know, if you're working, out of town, not watching much TV, and you heard about it, I think it's a fair bet that I have heard it! :lol: But I appreciate it.

:lol: that's awesome.

You'd think your dad would know that you probably already knew by the time he found out.

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Haha, aw. I'm pretty content there. :)

Oooooh if in Red Hook would it be at Greig Farm, by any chance?

Yes!! Well actually my mom claims theres a bigger more busy farm "that had a carnival" we once went to and didnt like the looks of and went to a smaller one "down the main road in Red Hook" (yes, very detailed isnt she?). Do you know if there is more than one in Red Hook?



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I know! Me and my friend on here was talking about that when we went on the 19th.

We said, "We should have name tags that say 'Hi! I'm [insert real name here] also known as [insert GDC username here] on GDC.'" :lol:

If that doesn't happen [which probably won't, lol.]

I'm gonna wear my Green Day hoodie with the 21st Century Breakdown album art on the back or my Holmdel tour t-shirt.

If its cool out I'll wear my obnoxiously purple San francisco hoodie and carry a sign that says HI MY NAME IS ASSHOLE.

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You should totally visit and well hang out on the island!

I really should! I haven't been up there in a couple of months so I should swing by.

He used to live in Queens so I used to be in Queens all the time. But, since he moved, I barely go over there.

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I really should! I haven't been up there in a couple of months so I should swing by.

He used to live in Queens so I used to be in Queens all the time. But, since he moved, I barely go over there.

:( but long island isn't far!

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If its cool out I'll wear my obnoxiously purple San francisco hoodie and carry a sign that says HI MY NAME IS ASSHOLE.

:lol: Fucking score.

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:( but long island isn't far!

I know. I've been extremely broke lately. :(

And this musical isn't helping at all.

When he was living in Queens, I was working at Toys R Us and making $9/h so that's why I was up there a lot. :lol:

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:lol: Fucking score.

Although, that isnt a reference to a Billie Joe quote even though I think it is something he said....

despite, if I could get him to sign that it'd make my life.

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Yes!! Well actually my mom claims theres a bigger more busy farm "that had a carnival" we once went to and didnt like the looks of and went to a smaller one "down the main road in Red Hook" (yes, very detailed isnt she?). Do you know if there is more than one in Red Hook?

I'm pretty certain there is more than one, I just don't know what their names are or anything. I always thought Greig was the biggest! But the main road in Red Hook would be Rte 9...

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Although, that isnt a reference to a Billie Joe quote even though I think it is something he said....

despite, if I could get him to sign that it'd make my life.

Yeah...I think he did say that but it's still a fucking score that you'll make that sign, reference or not. :lol:

But, that would be boss if he did sign that.

I remember when he signed my Awesome as Fuck sign, I nearly died.

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I'm really excited about going into the city again AND meeting GDCers AND the show, obviously. :D

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Yeah...I think he did say that but it's still a fucking score that you'll make that sign, reference or not. :lol:

But, that would be boss if he did sign that.

I remember when he signed my Awesome as Fuck sign, I nearly died.

I should just get it tattooed on my face... but then I'd never get a job.

He'd probably half sign it, then read it and be like FUCK YOU.


I'm really excited about going into the city again AND meeting GDCers AND the show, obviously. :D


but you are mariann's friend so i lyKe yeW.

are there anymore video footage from the show?


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sorry, i know it kinda just butts in to you thread conversation, but the thread topic IS Billie Joe to play St.Jimmy... i'm just sayin, if anyone has any, be kind to share with us

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Sat next to Giovanni Ribisi at @AmericanIdiotNY. Very cool.

less than a minute ago

also heard Serena Williams & Jason White were there tonight.

um um ummmm Giovanni Ribisi is my life. man im so jealous.

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