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Billie Joe to play St. Jimmy in the musical


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Oh I totally get that. I'm not saying just because you live in the USA you should be able to go to it automatically, it just makes it a little easier!

Claire if you find something, let me know!

Cheapest so far is American airlines at $750 dollars. :unsure:

If there was more notice given about this I could probably go, but I honestly can't go to my parents in the morning an be like "I've spent whats left of my education fund on flights to NYC to see Billie play in AI, ring school and tell them I''m sick. I'll be staying in Martina's. Bye!" :lol:

I was going to wait till the musical comes to London(well eventually) but now it's tempting me so bad. WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO ME GREEN DAY???? WHY????????

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Awh no I hope it doesn't. I'd hate for the show to be ruined by the "celebrity" aspect of it. If there are genuine Broadway people there to see if it's a good musical, I wouldn't want it ruined by Green Day fans going mad about Billie being there

Yeah... I hope they don't do that. Big Green Day fan and Billie there or not, don't go start screaming in the middle of a song. Applauding and perhaps an occasional 'woooooh!" is okay, but I hope no one will do more than that.

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Awh no I hope it doesn't. I'd hate for the show to be ruined by the "celebrity" aspect of it. If there are genuine Broadway people there to see if it's a good musical, I wouldn't want it ruined by Green Day fans going mad about Billie being there

But I think it would also be as a thank you to him for everything about the musical being on Broadway. Well, that's why I'd stand and applaud. But you're probably right about the fan girls/guys going nuts just for seeing Billie on stage. *sigh* that would be sad.

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that would be amazing to go see billie in his own musical :)

to bad i dont live in New York :dry:

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Honestly, I just wanna see him ATTEMPT that high note in KYE. Just sayin.

Im going Wednesday and Saturday.

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Awh no I hope it doesn't. I'd hate for the show to be ruined by the "celebrity" aspect of it. If there are genuine Broadway people there to see if it's a good musical, I wouldn't want it ruined by Green Day fans going mad about Billie being there

Agreed, of course there is going to be a way bigger reaction than normal, but I don't want it to over shadow the musical to much. In a way, it would be better if they gave no notice of Billie performing, and just kept it as a surprise for everyone :lol:

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Awh no I hope it doesn't. I'd hate for the show to be ruined by the "celebrity" aspect of it. If there are genuine Broadway people there to see if it's a good musical, I wouldn't want it ruined by Green Day fans going mad about Billie being there

I think that it would be out of pure respect for the "auteur" if you will - the creator playing a part in his own ya know - it's his baby

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But I think it would also be as a thank you to him for everything about the musical being on Broadway. Well, that's why I'd stand and applaud. But you're probably right about the fan girls/guys going nuts just for seeing Billie on stage. *sigh* that would be sad.

Hmm, I'd say that for the the standing up and applauding, at least wait till the song is finished. I get the whole thanking thing and I'd definitely clap and stuff as well, but I wouldn't interrupt the song.

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Hmm, I'd say that for the the standing up and applauding, at least wait till the song is finished. I get the whole thanking thing and I'd definitely clap and stuff as well, but I wouldn't interrupt the song.

It's pretty typical to applaud when the "star" comes out on stage in theatre. So it's probable that that will happen. I'm sure it will happen after his first song too. Well, I'm not sure, but I would assume it would/might.

And I agree with Suzie: "the creator playing a part in his own ya know - it's his baby."

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Well, when I've been to musical plays - like I saw David Cassidy in something years ago - or I took my grandma to see something and Robert Goulet or someone was in it - Camelot I think - or who was that other older Hollywood actor I saw. . . I think I saw Donald O'Connor in something - and when the you know big reputation actor makes his entrance - there's usually applause for a second - and Billie Joe being the author and stuff - I think he will stop the show (for a second)

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It's pretty typical to applaud when the "star" comes out on stage in theatre. So it's probable that that will happen. I'm sure it will happen after his first song too. Well, I'm not sure, but I would assume it would/might.

Applaud, yeah, but standing ovations in the middle of a song as well?

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Applaud, yeah, but standing ovations in the middle of a song as well?

It does happen. Probably not as often, but in this case he's the author too...so anything's possible. But I hope it's in acknowledgement rather than just fan crap doing it! :)

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Honestly, I just wanna see him ATTEMPT that high note in KYE. Just sayin.

Im going Wednesday and Saturday.

I snorted. xD

Completely forgot about that note.

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^ woooo nice! :happy:

sneak in a camera? haha

It does happen. Probably not as often, but in this case he's the author too...so anything's possible. But I hope it's in acknowledgement rather than just fan crap doing it! :)

Okay, then I stand corrected. :)

Yep, I hope that too.

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I think that it would be out of pure respect for the "auteur" if you will - the creator playing a part in his own ya know - it's his baby

very true

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I'm going the weekend right after. MY. LIFE. SUCKS. AAAAAAHH :\

maybe he'll extend his stay there...? :unsure:

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I will have my camera with me but i dont want to get in trouble for using it. If I can I may be able to get the audio of just Billie's performances. The camera can only hold 25 minutes I think.

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I'm going the weekend right after. MY. LIFE. SUCKS. AAAAAAHH :\

maybe he'll extend his stay there...? :unsure:

Don't think he can. He needs to get to SA for the last of the tour. Sorry.

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Don't think he can. He needs to get to SA for the last of the tour. Sorry.

Awh, crap, that's true :runaround: *sigh* I'll stalk him and make him sing it to me privately XD

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Awh, crap, that's true :runaround: *sigh* I'll stalk him and make him sing it to me privately XD

That's the ticket! :lol:

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It was stupid. We're you looking for a fight?

Wow. Ouch. I wasn't really trying start a fight, thus the "lol". I thought we were talking about Billie playing St Jimmy here. I just think people are being a bit harsh about his abilities. We're all entitled to our opinions.

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I'd do anything just to see one picture of it... *-* lucky the ones that are going! :D

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