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Green Day nominated for EMA


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I really don't like what I'm going to say... But I think that the winner will be unfortunately Tokio Hotel :(

They have lots of hysterical fans that spend the whole day voting. They have already won in categories where bands like Muse and Linkin Park were nominated!!!!!! These awards aren't fair!!

So, I'm very pessimist. But I'll keep on voting. The Green Day's concert that is nominated is simply A-M-A-Z-I-N-G . I hope that I am wrong....

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I think I should do some mass voting in a couple minutes.. They should've been nominated for Best Live Act too. Like, this year, 21st Century Breakdown summer tour, Wembley and all the other epic shows Green Day played.. and no nomination? I don't get it.

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I think I should do some mass voting in a couple minutes.. They should've been nominated for Best Live Act too. Like, this year, 21st Century Breakdown summer tour, Wembley and all the other epic shows Green Day played.. and no nomination? I don't get it.

Exactly! And they should have been up for Best Rock again too :dry: Thats why we need this award :cool:

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Voted loads during RE on Monday when the nominations came out, I was trying my best on twitter to get them nominated too :happy: Btw if your voting more than 100 per day, MTV start to presume it's some sort of automated programme and they can disqualify all votes for that band =/ I've been carefully counting mine :lol:

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I just reached the voting limit. =/

go to another country's EMA site.

















anyone have another website to add to it?

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go to another country's EMA site.














anyone have another website to add to it?




Edit: well then never mind this post either :lol:


Thanks for posting. :)

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Thanks for posting. :)

haha, thanks. I had just figured out the Sweden one, but I'm not familiar with the Scandinavian things :lol:

mind if I add them to my big list?

aand you're welcome (:

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Ok so I'm not best in the morning, so I looked at the thread title and went "why are Green Day getting Education Maintanence Allowence, they're not in futher education!"



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haha, thanks. I had just figured out the Sweden one, but I'm not familiar with the Scandinavian things :lol:

mind if I add them to my big list?

aand you're welcome (:

Sweden isn't that easy to figure out.. :lol:

No, add them :)


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It sucks that they lost on the VMAs so now they really have to win this! I only voted 48x till now but I'll vote more tomorrow. But the strange thing is that when I vote suddenly I can't vote anymore and then I wait and vote again.

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This isn't good news. :(

Were you here last year for the Fuse Best of 2009 voting? :lol: Trust me, it's good news, regardless of Paramore's talent.

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Were you here last year for the Fuse Best of 2009 voting? :lol: Trust me, it's good news, regardless of Paramore's talent.

Omg, yes lol At that time, I didn't even like Paramore that much. I voted my fingers off for Green Day. haha

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voted :D

i'm i'm afraid Tokio Hotel will take it Dx there fans are just.. Eh whatever !

i'm agree, here in italy girsl are creazy...they spend 24 hour to vote th XD

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I voted for every category too just cause.

But seriously, Miley Cyrus against Lady Gaga for best female? Fer reals?

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I voted for every category too just cause.

But seriously, Miley Cyrus against Lady Gaga for best female? Fer reals?

Well you know it'll be another "How many awards will Lady Gaga win and what will she wear"-award show. She'll most likely win, so they just added other artists that don't have a chance anyway :whistle:lol:

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