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Green Day nominated for EMA


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well we still got the People's Choice Awards. the voting opens for that in a couple of days :)

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MTV can suck my dick.

Tokio hotel fans need lives instead of using programs to vote like fuck.

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What the...? Tokio Hotel won? When both Muse and Green Day were among the other nominees....?

If that's how it is, I'm exactly glad they didn't won. They deserve much better than some Mtv-award, which has proven to be quite meaningless and commercially driven anyway.

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I don't think those awards prove anything anyway since it's not the success (and talent) that makes someone win but the amount of time fans spend in front of a computer to give votes. Which is kinda sad actually. Anyway, for me GD won because they are still the best live band out there so who cares what the rest thinks!

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I guess we could expect that, but it makes me sad...or more angry than sad, because everyone should know that GD is the best live band in the world! But I absolutely agree with Anja, we all know that they're the best and that's all that matters!

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I've been in denial all day long. It's worse cuz I like Tokio Hotel so a lot of people I follow on Twitter and Tumblr are as happy as can be and I'm sulking ;_;

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The whole thing yesterday was a joke. Expect Linkin Park and Bon Jovi, nobody was able to sing live, it sounded terrible (especially Katy Perry... Holy shit, that was so bad).

The fact fucking Bieber won "Best Male" might be the biggest joke of the year because it means he is the best male artist on the planet... Ehrm, what the hell? There were music legends (for example Eminem) nominated and this 16 year old kid wins it? And then Tokio Hotel. I actually didn't know they are still that succesfull, unbelievable they won "Best World Stage Performance" instead of Green Day or Muse...

The other categories were completely absurd as well. Eminem would have deserved at least one more awards but no, this stupid Lady Gaga has to collect all of them. But that's not the topic here and we shouldn't care about it that much because it is MTV :)

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Who is Tokio Hotel?

I have no idea at all.

I have never heard of Tokio Hotel either.

Seriously? They were... everywhere! a couple of years ago. At least here. It's hard to think you never heard about Tokio Hotel :lol:

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i tell you! Tokyo hotel italian fan are CREAZY!! thay vote nore than 50000 a day!! but everyone know that green day are better than them!

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I'm still kinda in shock that Tokio Hotel won this...I mean what has the world come too?

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Y'know what?

The Tokio Hotel fans can go die behind a fucking screen.

Us Green Day fans will be ALIVEEE! at a Green Day show.

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I've almost choked on popcorn when I saw that tokio hotel won that award.

damn! it's not our fault that we're not as all of those 14yrs old girls, desperate to vote 1700 times a day for that band..

it's sad, but it's not a contest for the best musicians any more, it's nothing but a subjective contest for fans.

and i agree with DecanoLP - it's nothing but a one big joke.

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It's just pathetic that Tokio Hotel won.... Green Day is sooo much better... but well, like a friend of mine said: Green Day is the minority!

We know who's the best band =) and that's certainly not Tokio Hotel.

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