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John Roecker's Updates For HLAHG


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Got to say i'm not bothered about it either. Not anymore.

I would much rather see something a lot more ... i don't know, positive? The making of that record wasn't the easiest time in any of their lives, from what they've let on. Like Spark In The Night said above, i'd like to see something a whole lot more like a celebration. As good as AI is, perhaps we were never supposed to see it come together.

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^ What she said was in response to someone saying everyone is looking forward to the live album, and what she described was what HLAHG is (supposed to be) like, haha. :)

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^ What she said was in response to someone saying everyone is looking forward to the live album, and what she described was what HLAHG is (supposed to be) like, haha. :)

But what I meant was i'd rather have a DVD like that, but about another record. I guess I didn't make that clear, haha. I was rushing XD

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But what I meant was i'd rather have a DVD like that, but about another record. I guess I didn't make that clear, haha. I was rushing XD

Ah, okay.

I think a DVD/HLAHG about American Idiot is a celebration as well. Maybe not a celebration as in "yay party let's celebrate", but I think it's a celebration of the record, including the ups and downs of it, recording and writing the album and moments just showing the guys being three friends having a good time. Probably not exactly what you meant, but oh well :) I think while it's not a feel-good thing, it is still a positive movie. And definitely a movie I would love to see.

edit: this post doesn't really make a whole lot of sense in relation to your post/s, I just realized.

I guess I'd like to see a DVD like that for any or every record, really.

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I'm not...

I'm not even planning on purchasing it

I would actually be much more interested in seeing a behind the scenes dvd of the band creating American Idiot. what's going on in their minds, how do they rehearse, writing songs, erasing lyrics, adding new lyrics, blowing off steam from creativity frustation, goofing around, laughing, joking, seeing a Green Day that isn't "staged"

I think some people will be disappointed when this comes out when it's not the type of behind the scenes they expect. You don't see a lot of "creation" in this. You see a lot of recording, which can be a bit more mundane than people think. There do their joking around and stuff - I just feel like the interviews/randomness we saw in BIAB was more entertaining.

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I think some people will be disappointed when this comes out when it's not the type of behind the scenes they expect. You don't see a lot of "creation" in this. You see a lot of recording, which can be a bit more mundane than people think. There do their joking around and stuff - I just feel like the interviews/randomness we saw in BIAB was more entertaining.

Did you see the premiere of HLAHG?

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I'm not...

I'm not even planning on purchasing it

I would actually be much more interested in seeing a behind the scenes dvd of the band creating American Idiot. what's going on in their minds, how do they rehearse, writing songs, erasing lyrics, adding new lyrics, blowing off steam from creativity frustation, goofing around, laughing, joking, seeing a Green Day that isn't "staged"

I'm sure we all would, but if it's not going to happen, it's not going to happen and we can at least enjoy what the band IS releasing. Awesome as Fuck is definitely not going to be another Bullet in a Bible, much less anything on par with HLAHG in terms of backstage stuff and all that, but at least it's something, and we should be at least a little bit grateful that they're releasing something.

Don't get me wrong, I want HLAHG released as much as the next person, but if the band doesn't want it released right now or something like that I think we should maybe respect that a little bit.

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This truly, truly sucks - I could really care less about this upcoming live DVD, sadly with the endless concerts on Youtube even a professionally shot concert doesnt interest me at all.

To see a behind the scenes look at the making of American Idiot? I dont understand anyone who ISNT dying to see this....

Fuck "Awesome as Fuck", gimme HLAHG any day.

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I think some people will be disappointed when this comes out when it's not the type of behind the scenes they expect. You don't see a lot of "creation" in this. You see a lot of recording, which can be a bit more mundane than people think. There do their joking around and stuff - I just feel like the interviews/randomness we saw in BIAB was more entertaining.

Agreed. There are some funny scenes with Tre goofing around, but nothing much different than scenes of Tre goofing around in BIAB. You don't see songwriting in action, really. Lots of chatter and joking in the studio, which was enjoyable but not earthshaking.

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If you guys want to give some love and votes to the guy who edited HLAHG for John, Dean Gonzalez, he currently is one of five finalists in the Doritos Crash the Superbowl contest. If his spot wins, it will be shown during the Superbowl later this month. :)

Here's the link...his entry is the one where the thumbnail shows the hot brunette in the bushes and is entitled "Adam Eve." It's pretty good. You can vote without registering by using the "Short on Time? Quick Vote" link on the Vote page after you watch the video.


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  • 3 weeks later...

So I posted this in the Green Day news thread but I'm putting it here too cos it's about HLAHG (:

Just found this list of the HLAHG bonus, it says it was sent by John himself. This is really interesting, let's hope we're gonna see any of that sometime even though there's not a lot of chance it will come out..

From here:


• Henry Fonda Show - Entire Concert of the First Time American Idiot Album Way Performed Live.

• Olympic Auditorium Show- First TIme the Songs American Idiot and Jesus of Suburbia were performed Plus Green Day songs and covers from Buzzcocks, The Clash, The Network and a duet with Jane from the Go-Go’s with Billie doing Our Lips are Sealed.

• Billie performing When it’s Time on the Piano.

• Green Day Short They’re All Out With Out You- a short with characters based on the album.

• Green Day interview with Jane Weidlin talking about the album American Idiot.

• Green Day future Interview with Jane- a hilarious interview that was meant for the MTV special with the band’s heads inside fish tanks- (don’t ask)

• MTV Special - Making of American Idiot.

• MTV Special banned - with hobos playing the band Green Day.

• American Idiot commercial - fake Ktel like commercial.

• American Idiot Video (the band with the signs like the Dylan video on a three way split screen).

• Holiday - complete version.

• Favorite Son - recording of the song that did not make it on the album.

• Billie Joe performing Search and Destroy by the Stooges.

• Billie Joe performing Blitzkrieg bop by the Ramones.

• Billie Joe performing God Save the Queen by the Sex Pistols.

• Also have the rehearsal with the band doing various covers from bands to Queen to the Replacements and Green Day favorites.

• Tre Cool performing three of his dirty Country Songs.

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^thanks for sharing it! the content is interesting, especially billie playing when it's time on a piano. i've never seen him playing it. :happy: plus billie doing covers and green day playing the entire AI the first time! it's awesome.

so the live album is the reason why HLAHG is postponed to 2014? :( i'd rather have HLAHG than the live album.

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You know, i havnt taken much notice to HLAHG that much, i just want it to be released so i can watch it! Soon.

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John has/They've been saying HLAHG will get released "soon" for the past 7 years. So now we know it's not gonna happen this year either.

I'm not getting excited anymore about this. I mean, it's great! But there's nothing to look forward to if we're not certain it WILL get released. I'm gonna wait till John or the band themselves confirm it will get released.. whenever that will be. If it's ever going to happen. *crosses fingers*

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This truly, truly sucks - I could really care less about this upcoming live DVD, sadly with the endless concerts on Youtube even a professionally shot concert doesnt interest me at all.

To see a behind the scenes look at the making of American Idiot? I dont understand anyone who ISNT dying to see this....

Fuck "Awesome as Fuck", gimme HLAHG any day.

I never watch the youtube concert footage, it's mainly shite. And it's not that I don't wanna see it, it's just I was excited in 2005 and then 2006 and then 2007 and now I just don't care, it's just been too long for me.

Besides "awesome as fuck" has songs from London when I was there at the front, seeing AAF is going to bring back chills and the best memories.

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I would still love to see this and I definitely haven't lost my interest in it, but I'm not getting excited for it anymore. It's like, a cool thing, but it's not on the front of my mind.

That list with bonuses - that's great, and I would like it a lot to see that too. When It's Time on piano - :wub:

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John has/They've been saying HLAHG will get released "soon" for the past 7 years. So now we know it's not gonna happen this year either.

The album hasn't even been out for 7 years....

And we haven't even known about the album for seven years

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The album hasn't even been out for 7 years....

And we haven't even known about the album for seven years

I mean this is the 7th year. I know it will be 7 years when it's September.

And yeah, they probably said something about HLAHG in 2005 first? Idk, that or 2006. Do you agree with almost 6 years then? :lol:

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  • 10 months later...

Sorry for the big bump.

Any other new news? Or is it still set for 2014 release? Man I want to see this bad!

I don't think it's really set for release at all. Sometimes I get the feeling that John might be taking us along for a ride... but who knows. I sure hope it comes out as a 10-year anniversary package or something.

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I don't think it's really set for release at all. Sometimes I get the feeling that John might be taking us along for a ride... but who knows. I sure hope it comes out as a 10-year anniversary package or something.

Yeah John's trying to get it released and hopes they'll put it out in 2014 but that's it. It's never been set for release and it might never come out. Just have to wait and see.

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  • 2 weeks later...

He wrote this on GDA's status on facebook:

"Watch my page! The outtakes of my film Heart Like a Hand Grendade is coming this week."

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