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John Roecker's Updates For HLAHG


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Even though he shouldn't have lead us on about it, John's been let down. They let him take all that time making a film and even listed him as the "documentarian" on the album, and then they messed him around time and again and won't let him release the film he worked so hard on. Sounds to me like they "chose" Bullet In A Bible instead and abandoned him. I think they've treated him in a really shitty way and it's lame that once again they went the safe, tame way and didn't have the guts to put out something different and interesting.

With Green Day it seems they're always wonderfully adventurous with their music and live shows but when it comes to anything else like singles, promotion etc etc they pick the safe and unadventurous route every time. That's why I'm not remotely surprised by this.

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Why do they need to celebrate the 10th anniversary of AI anyway ? It's already got a live album & musical, it'll end up overshadowing the rest of their career if they're not careful. And I get the impression that if the band wanted it released that badly it would've come out by now.

I think if they don't release it by the 10th anniversary, then it won't ever be released. After that it'll become a DVD about a band making an album 11...12...15 years ago or whatever, and I can't really see Warner doing that. The 10th anniversary might be our last shot at this ever going public.

However, I'm not a fan of the 10th anniversary deal. I think it's probably a logical choice for Green Day/Warner or whoever to make, because in 2011 the timing seems off. A documentary being released 7 years after the album, with another studio album in between just seems like an odd time. But... I'm hoping it won't be promoted too heavily as a 10th anniversary thing, and promoted more as a documentary about a great album.

I mainly don't like the 10th anniversary idea because I can picture cheesy promos along the lines of "10 years ago a band that everyone had long forgotten about released an album that went on to define a generation..." with dramatic music and stuff playing in the background. Or BOBD playing in the background, which also seems cheesy even though I love that song.

If they can do a 10th anniversary release without cheesy promos but normal nice ones, then I'm all for it. I'm just afraid of the possible cheese :runaround:

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I mainly don't like the 10th anniversary idea because I can picture cheesy promos along the lines of "10 years ago a band that everyone had long forgotten about released an album that went on to define a generation..." with dramatic music and stuff playing in the background. Or BOBD playing in the background, which also seems cheesy even though I love that song.

If they can do a 10th anniversary release without cheesy promos but normal nice ones, then I'm all for it. I'm just afraid of the possible cheese :runaround:

Exactly this :lol:. And half of it cut and censored so they can give it a lower age rating and sell more. I really can't see them releasing it in a non-lame way.

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Exactly this :lol:. And half of it cut and censored so they can give it a lower age rating and sell more. I really can't see them releasing it in a non-lame way.

I get the feeling they're kind of embarrassed by it. Maybe they don't want clips of them crying or talking about their kids out there. Plus, the bit where Tre's dressed in a sort of 'Arabian' way doesn't look exactly socially or politically aware.

I just find the whole situation very intriguing.

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Exactly this :lol:. And half of it cut and censored so they can give it a lower age rating and sell more. I really can't see them releasing it in a non-lame way.

Are there age ratings on music documentaries? I've never noticed.... I thought they just got a "Parental Advisory" sticker and that was that.

I can't imagine a censored release :blink: that would suck.

I think maybe the band might want certain parts taken out though. I heard there's some really emotional moments while they made it. Maybe they'll want some of those cut because they don't want the world to see those moments? Just an idea :blush: .

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This is such a shame :( It has the potential to be much, much better than the Awesome as Fuck dvd, which I'm not really excited about at all =/

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I get the feeling they're kind of embarrassed by it. Maybe they don't want clips of them crying or talking about their kids out there. Plus, the bit where Tre's dressed in a sort of 'Arabian' way doesn't look exactly socially or politically aware.

I just find the whole situation very intriguing.

Ha, you beat me to it.

I agree. There's probably some stuff in there they don't want people to see. So they'll either cut it out, or scrap the whole thing.

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^ If that was the case, they probably wouldn't have allowed that to be in the movie in that one time it was shown to the crowd. I really don't think they're embarrassed about it.


I don't even care for a big release. If it was just slapped online for download, completely fine with me. Such a shame John can't just do that.

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Yeah, we all called this. I like John, but he was leading GD fans on and teasing them by saying definitely with vague dates and details and clips when he knew it wasn't definite and probably unlikely that Green Day would allow this to be released. As others have pointed out in the past... The man does like attention and this has all happened before.

Still, I hope his work gets a chance to be seen someday for his sake, because it must suck to not be able to release something that he spent so much time on.

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Really disappointing! Fuck Warner Bros./Reprise! :mad:

I have one question. I've read a whole bunch of people on here saying that if it does come out it'll probably be censored. I'm not sure what these people mean, so what's in the film that you guys think that might be censored?

I sure as hell know they wouldn't censor expletives! That's not Green Day! That's Walmart!

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The thing you have to remember in this situation is that pretty much all the info we get about HLAHG is from John, who is obviously going to be biased in situations like this. The band signed off on the movie - apparently they took a while doing that - and John says he's been waiting for their management to contact him for ages. There's clearly a lot of problems about this getting released, John has always been a bit vague on the actual reasons for it's delay but whether that's because he doesn't know, or because he's aware of them but keeps trying anyway, I don't know

Really disappointing! Fuck Warner Bros./Reprise! :mad:

I have one question. I've read a whole bunch of people on here saying that if it does come out it'll probably be censored. I'm not sure what these people mean, so what's in the film that you guys think that might be censored?

I sure as hell know they wouldn't censor expletives! That's not Green Day! That's Walmart!

It's easy to blame the label for this but I doubt it's just them holding it up. Sure Rob is the head of Warner now, and he's as involved in the film as any of the guys.

Apparently there's a naked pool scene and probably some other stuff like that.

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The thing you have to remember in this situation is that pretty much all the info we get about HLAHG is from John, who is obviously going to be biased in situations like this. The band signed off on the movie - apparently they took a while doing that - and John says he's been waiting for their management to contact him for ages. There's clearly a lot of problems about this getting released, John has always been a bit vague on the actual reasons for it's delay but whether that's because he doesn't know, or because he's aware of them but keeps trying anyway, I don't know

It's easy to blame the label for this but I doubt it's just them holding it up. Sure Rob is the head of Warner now, and he's as involved in the film as any of the guys.

Apparently there's a naked pool scene and probably some other stuff like that.

Oh wasn't aware of the naked pool scene. If they ever release it hope they at least keep all the studio footage and the Henry Fonda live WMUSE scene.

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I just don't understand why they allowed him to record the process of the making of of AI in the first place if there were no guaranty of it ever coming out .. except for the fuse thing and the screening in Los Angeles. At the same time, maybe back then they felt like this would be a great idea to put this out because it’s such a monumental album that it needs to be documented, but now with the musical maybe they sort of feel like it would be too much to release another thing related to the same album, that it got enough attention idk =/

And I don’t get this whole thing about AI’s 10th anniversary. If the reason why this isn’t coming out anytime soon is because there’s Awesome as fuck on the way and they don’t want the attention to be only on HLAHG, well it will still get a lot of attention in 2014 no matter what.. I’m sure their new album will be released by then and I don’t think they’d want HLAHG to overshadow their new record either..

I don’t think the guys talked about this in public anyway, it was always John teasing us about it. And as people pointed out earlier, if they’d really want it out, it would have been in stores since a long time now.. And it’s not like something like that never happened. I remember this horror movie they wanted to do as well as the soundtrack during the nimrod era that was never done. They always have different ideas, we’re not aware about most of them and some never get done. As much as I’d love to see HLAHG, maybe they decided not to put it out for whatever reasons. This is disappointing but I’ll still stay positive though, we never know what can happen (:

/ok end of my novel XD

And since the band/label are clearly calling all the shots with this film, I bet if it does ever come out it'll be cut and censored to shit.

Good point! I sure as hell hope it won't be the case if it's going to be put out..

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I think if they don't release it by the 10th anniversary, then it won't ever be released. After that it'll become a DVD about a band making an album 11...12...15 years ago or whatever, and I can't really see Warner doing that. The 10th anniversary might be our last shot at this ever going public.

However, I'm not a fan of the 10th anniversary deal. I think it's probably a logical choice for Green Day/Warner or whoever to make, because in 2011 the timing seems off. A documentary being released 7 years after the album, with another studio album in between just seems like an odd time. But... I'm hoping it won't be promoted too heavily as a 10th anniversary thing, and promoted more as a documentary about a great album.

Agreed 100%.

The tenth anniversary makes much more sense than releasing it randomly 6 years after the album, with 21st Century Breakdown in between there. If it was released around 2006 or even 2007, it might have had some relevance. But 2011? I don't think so. So the 10th anniversary makes perfect sense when you think about it. I don't LIKE it, because I want to watch this as soon as possible, but you have to look at it from Warner/the band's point of view.

Except that I think they WILL have to do some 10th anniversary cheese promotion for sales. They can't just do 'oh hey, here's a documentary about this band who made this album a few years back.' They have to at least TRY to make people other than the hardcore fans like us buy it, right? Even if it probably won't even work. :lol:

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I'm really doubting this will happen. I mean, there was no special edition for Dookie's 10 year anniversary ... why should there be one for AI ...

And as many of you have said before, if it gets released it'll be a documentary about an album made 11 years ago, what's the point.

this should be leaked and make all the fans happy period. :lol:

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I just don't understand why they allowed him to record the process of the making of of AI in the first place if there were no guaranty of it ever coming out .. except for the fuse thing and the screening in Los Angeles. At the same time, maybe back then they felt like this would be a great idea to put this out because it’s such a monumental album that it needs to be documented, but now with the musical maybe they sort of feel like it would be too much to release another thing related to the same album, that it got enough attention idk =/

And I don’t get this whole thing about AI’s 10th anniversary. If the reason why this isn’t coming out anytime soon is because there’s Awesome as fuck on the way and they don’t want the attention to be only on HLAHG, well it will still get a lot of attention in 2014 no matter what.. I’m sure their new album will be released by then and I don’t think they’d want HLAHG to overshadow their new record either..

I don’t think the guys talked about this in public anyway, it was always John teasing us about it. And as people pointed out earlier, if they’d really want it out, it would have been in stores since a long time now.. And it’s not like something like that never happened. I remember this horror movie they wanted to do as well as the soundtrack during the nimrod era that was never done. They always have different ideas, we’re not aware about most of them and some never get done. As much as I’d love to see HLAHG, maybe they decided not to put it out for whatever reasons. This is disappointing but I’ll still stay positive though, we never know what can happen (:

/ok end of my novel XD

Well, my guess is that at the time it was probably more likely that it would come out, then it got shoved aside possibly by Bullet in a Bible, for whatever reason they also didn't want to release it in 07-08, then came along 21stCB and the musical and releasing a movie on top of that would be too much. I don't think Warner does "too much attention" when there is money to be made :lol:

I think it depends on when the next record comes out. If the new record comes out in the first half of 2012, there's still a year and a half in between the new album and HLAHG (much like it is now with 21stCB - the tour is over and it all dies down), which is very much possible. I just don't like how they're completely blowing up American Idiot, and how it might overshadow their career from 2004 on.

I think that horror movie during Nimrod you mentioned was just a crazy idea they mentioned once, it didn't seem as if that was something they were seriously considering. HLAHG is not just a crazy idea. Also, it's not even the same thing, because that horror movie soundtrack thing would be Green Day's thing ("possession"), HLAHG is John's thing ("possession"), we don't know how much influence Green Day has over whether it gets released or not.

Well, I hope it does get released at some point. It would be a great shame if it gets lost. But I think it's possible Warner (or "the Powers") might just shove it under the rug at some point because they don't want to deal with it. Unfortunately.

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I think there's no more thing to say about it. It's not hard to understand!! Honestly and personally I will stop believing this bullshit. Can they have very powerful reasons to stop this completely? Well, I'm fuckin sad, and I don't care anymore, they can release this whenever they fuckin' want, but I'm going to believe it when I see things with my own eyes from now on. Maybe all we saw in Fuse's special is all we're going to see. Anyway, the band knows that this documental wants to be seen by every fan.

I really want that they talk about it and explain what's the fucking problem.

Sorry, but maybe this thread has to be close... there's nothing to expect anymore :(

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Well, my guess is that at the time it was probably more likely that it would come out, then it got shoved aside possibly by Bullet in a Bible, for whatever reason they also didn't want to release it in 07-08, then came along 21stCB and the musical and releasing a movie on top of that would be too much. I don't think Warner does "too much attention" when there is money to be made :lol:

I think it depends on when the next record comes out. If the new record comes out in the first half of 2012, there's still a year and a half in between the new album and HLAHG (much like it is now with 21stCB - the tour is over and it all dies down), which is very much possible. I just don't like how they're completely blowing up American Idiot, and how it might overshadow their career from 2004 on.

I think that horror movie during Nimrod you mentioned was just a crazy idea they mentioned once, it didn't seem as if that was something they were seriously considering. HLAHG is not just a crazy idea. Also, it's not even the same thing, because that horror movie soundtrack thing would be Green Day's thing ("possession"), HLAHG is John's thing ("possession"), we don't know how much influence Green Day has over whether it gets released or not.

Well, I hope it does get released at some point. It would be a great shame if it gets lost. But I think it's possible Warner (or "the Powers") might just shove it under the rug at some point because they don't want to deal with it. Unfortunately.

Haha yeah it certainly isnt a problem for Warner, I was more thinking from the bands point of view you know. Anyway, I dont have a clue what their opinion is about this.

Yeah maybe it goes by that logic, that there should be like a one year gap between different releases or something. I really have no idea how things work into that business :lol: Well maybe thats one of the reasons why HLAHG is not being put out already. Maybe they dont want American Idiot to overshadow all of their work by releasing HLAHG on top of the musical, even though AI is an amazing record and it deserves its recognition, as well as their other albums.

Well yeah the movie thing was a bad example :lol: I totally get that this is not the same situation because in this case this is Johns work. But I would think Green Day has quite a strong influence over the decision of it being released or not since they are the main subject of the documentary.

I hope the same thing! That would be a big loss if it ends up not being released.

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As far as i am concerned if this documentary came out already it would of overshadowed even more the 21st Century Breakdown album, it would of been a really dumb move and especially with the AI Musical happening. I think it is a great idea IF the doco came out as something special for the 10 year anniversary, that actually makes some sense. Personally it is not a big deal to me, i kinda moved on from it when 21st Century Breakdown came out. But I understand how people who have been excited about this will be annoyed. But the band never made any "updates" on this thing and there will be a reason for that. From my point of view it seems very misleading and one-sided, it should of never of been talked about by a certain someone.

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I don't really understand why people would be upset by this. There was never any confirmation that it would definitely be happening. As great as John is to Green Day fans, he's said every year since 2005 that this would come out and each year it doesn't. This is why I've never gotten my hopes up about this, and I told people repeatedly not to do that. I mean, the 10 year anniversary thing is something they've said since the premiere of it. But i'm not even ready to put any hopes up for that. When they actually announce something is when I'll be excited for it.

And the band has never promised it's release. They've done TONS of stuff that never gets a release. Songs are written, shows filmed, projects started and abandoned - Green Day does a lot of things. Just because there's a relatively small group of people who are VERY interested in something isn't enough for them to want to release it. They do whatever they feel is best for them, the things that they want to focus on, the things that they decide they want to do. That's absolutely no reason for people to feel like this is somehow a snub at Green Day fans or anyone else.

There have been times when I've been told they'd be willing to do something, and it never comes to fruition. I don't expect people to have pity for me, and I certainly wouldn't hold it against Green Day. It's their album, it's their time, it's 100% their decision, and as a fan, I'm ready to respect that.

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