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John Roecker's Updates For HLAHG


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He keeps saying it'll be out sometime early next year. At least that's what I've read on his Facebook a lot of times.

And if they're thinking of showing it in theaters first, they better do that world wide!

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At least he's working on that thing for weeks and month intensively now it seems. It just makes me wonder, because it was already shown once.

Maybe he's just editing the "Bonus-DVD-Material" or whatever...

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I'm not doubting you but you should have taken a screen shot of the chat window :)



There you go :)

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He said to me on FB chat that it would be released some time early next year. Firstly in theaters and then DVD. I wonder if they would play it in theaters world wide or just in the states?

He also loves to talk about chavs. :lol:

Sorry if this has been mentioned. Not read through all the comments :pinch:

He does love his chavs. :lol: When he used to do radio shows earlier in the year, he was always fascinated with the idea of talking to a chav. He wanted it to happen so bad, it was hilarious.

I'm still not doubting John at all. I still believe him when he says it'll be released next year.

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... what is a chav? :ninja: i don't think that google translator will recognize it xD

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He does love his chavs. :lol: When he used to do radio shows earlier in the year, he was always fascinated with the idea of talking to a chav. He wanted it to happen so bad, it was hilarious.

I'm still not doubting John at all. I still believe him when he says it'll be released next year.

Haha, chavs are horrible and intimidating. And I hate people who are proud of being chavs :P

I hope he is being truthful :)

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I really starting to doubt John's credibility with HLAHG -_-

every few months he "leaks" info about it saying stuff like "editing" or "talked to Billie about the movie today" or "big news coming, it may be out *insert unspecified time here*"

I'm totally disenchanted by this entire thing, And I'll continue to be until theres an offcial statement

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At this point I'm pretty sure that this is never gonna happen. Don't ask me why, just a feeling I have. =/

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The thing I don't get is if he's FINALLY being allowed to release the film next year as he says, why would he jeopardize that by trying to get them to release 6 hours of extras with it? Surely if it's been this difficult to get them to just release the film there's no WAY they'd say yes to releasing the film + a second 6 hour film?

If it's true he's been given the chance to release the film why wouldn't he grab the opportunity and just release it, instead of risking it not being out at all by pushing for all this extra stuff that they might (and probably will) say no to? It doesn't add up....

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I don't believe any of it personally. I don't think this will ever be officially released

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John Roecker

I want to thank Dean for finishing the project- You did it for free but I swear once they see it you will be taken care of. The title is called "REMEMBER -WHATEVER" THE GREEN DAY RECORDINGS - 6 hours

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6 hours. :woot:

I am only going to focus on the positives regarding HLAHG, and hope John will be able to release it and Remember Whatever and They're All Out Without You soon.

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It seems like forever ago.. that we heard about the possibility of HLAHG getting released. I really hope this gets released next year!

Just simple information, like a trailer, or a release date, would make my year. And next year. :woot:

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it still seems far fetched that this will ever be realsed, i mean it would be incredible, being to see all that amazing footage, but yeah i just feel as if it's always gonna be just out of reach. I think i'll feel that way untill i a officail statment or something is published.

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wow that sounds fuckin great. I'd love to spend 6 hours doing nothing but watching the damn thing finally :D

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six hours :mellow:

... I imagine by the end of watching that you'd feel like you've spent half the day with them ..

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six hours :mellow:

... I imagine by the end of watching that you'd feel like you've spent half the day with them ..

I'm pretty sure you'll be wondering why you're in your place and not with them :lol:

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REMEMBER-WHATEVER?!?!! :wub: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :woot:SIX HOURS???!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance:

I hope this is the fucking truth this time :dry: I am so excited right now, I really want to see this, please don't let us down!

I want this movie coming out on dvd next year, as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!! :happy:

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Don't tell me something is actually happening with this film?

Or is it John just being the master of suspence again?

whoops just went back. I don't give a flying fuck about the special features anymore, I just want the film.

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6 hours of awesomeness... :dance::dance:

i really hope this is the true story about it this time! its gonna be so great :runaround:

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It's great to hear about 6 hours of footage, but to me it doesn't really mean anything yet if we still haven't seen the actual film itself!

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