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John Roecker's Updates For HLAHG


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This blows.

But at the same time, I'm really not surprised. Like people have said, John's been saying that it would be out "this year" for years.

And it's been almost seven years already, so...three left? That doesn't seem like TOO long of a wait.

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if this had been finished in the few months after the end of the tour it would have come out! that is my understanding of this situation. the fact it wasnt means that it proably wont come out at all. as Andres said, just because a small section of the fanbase want to see this doesnt mean the guys are at all interested in having it released now. the guys moved on and more than likely arent the slightest bit interested in having it released now as it has no relevance to what they are currently doing/planning.

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my thinking is, ill get excited about it when it comes out (if it does).

right now i don't know what im missing, so im not too bothered. i can continue to happily live my life without it :D

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Maybe in 2014, they'll release another album at the perfect time that just totally connects to the youth at the time. Then the public will go complete ape shit over it and it'll sell millions of records, then we'll just never see the light of HLAHG because that album will just overshadow EVERYTHING THEY'VE EVER DONE.

That's just my 2:00 a.m. brain processing this information and attempting to predict the future.

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Maybe in 2014, they'll release another album at the perfect time that just totally connects to the youth at the time. Then the public will go complete ape shit over it and it'll sell millions of records, then we'll just never see the light of HLAHG because that album will just overshadow EVERYTHING THEY'VE EVER DONE.

That's just my 2:00 a.m. brain processing this information and attempting to predict the future.

i just reall really hope they release another album earlier than 2014 :lol:

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I think there is more going on than we know....changing friendships, etc. 2004 was a long time ago. I will be surprised if it is ever released, to be honest.

With regard to censoring the documentary - the "naked" pool scene is such a quick blip and the filming is rough quality...there is not much to see at all. IF it is ever released, I would be more inclined to think that the movie would be heavily edited - removal of a lot of the scenes that John might consider artsy like cuts from musicals, etc. It's been awhile since I saw it, but I can't remember any heavily emotional moments that they wouldn't want shown.

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Haha yeah it certainly isn’t a problem for Warner, I was more thinking from the band’s point of view you know. Anyway, I don’t have a clue what their opinion is about this.

Yeah maybe it goes by that logic, that there should be like a one year gap between different releases or something. I really have no idea how things work into that business :lol: Well maybe that’s one of the reasons why HLAHG is not being put out already. Maybe they don’t want American Idiot to overshadow all of their work by releasing HLAHG on top of the musical, even though AI is an amazing record and it deserves its recognition, as well as their other albums.

Well yeah the movie thing was a bad example :lol: I totally get that this is not the same situation because in this case this is John’s work. But I would think Green Day has quite a strong influence over the decision of it being released or not since they are the main subject of the documentary.

I hope the same thing! That would be a big loss if it ends up not being released.

Mm, I think that at least at first it was mostly Warner doing it... right now I really have no idea. It could be both the band and/or Warner.

Idk, but I guess that they don't want the attention being pulled away from a new album. And AI overshadowing their career might be a factor too, mostly for the band I think.

I don't know how strong of an influence they have, but the label have to give a yes as well because they own the guys' images and music etc.

It's really all just speculating on when or whether it will be released and who is holding it back.

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I'm not upset with the band or anything like that, I know that they always do whatever they want and what's the 'best' depending on where they're at; as well as there are things that we don't even know about.

I'm just sad because this proyect instead of going forward is going back more and more, and it's not fair for the people that wants to see this when someone made a "premiere" but only with certain people. It's silly and unfair with all Green Day fans.

So only have to wait. If they release it in 2014, awesome, I know that at some point I'm going to be able to see it somehow. But if they don't, just because the band doesn't want it to, or the people around them; I'm supposed to shut my mouth and think that is better that way...

For example, in GreenDay.com there's no even an idea of what the new dvd aka "awesome as fuck" would be like, so I don't know if I should hope they release it on March next year. Where's the true confirmation for that?

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I think there is more going on than we know....changing friendships, etc. 2004 was a long time ago. I will be surprised if it is ever released, to be honest.

With regard to censoring the documentary - the "naked" pool scene is such a quick blip and the filming is rough quality...there is not much to see at all. IF it is ever released, I would be more inclined to think that the movie would be heavily edited - removal of a lot of the scenes that John might consider artsy like cuts from musicals, etc. It's been awhile since I saw it, but I can't remember any heavily emotional moments that they wouldn't want shown.

Agreed on all fronts.

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I don't really understand why people would be upset by this. There was never any confirmation that it would definitely be happening. As great as John is to Green Day fans, he's said every year since 2005 that this would come out and each year it doesn't. This is why I've never gotten my hopes up about this, and I told people repeatedly not to do that. I mean, the 10 year anniversary thing is something they've said since the premiere of it. But i'm not even ready to put any hopes up for that. When they actually announce something is when I'll be excited for it.

And the band has never promised it's release. They've done TONS of stuff that never gets a release. Songs are written, shows filmed, projects started and abandoned - Green Day does a lot of things. Just because there's a relatively small group of people who are VERY interested in something isn't enough for them to want to release it. They do whatever they feel is best for them, the things that they want to focus on, the things that they decide they want to do. That's absolutely no reason for people to feel like this is somehow a snub at Green Day fans or anyone else.

There have been times when I've been told they'd be willing to do something, and it never comes to fruition. I don't expect people to have pity for me, and I certainly wouldn't hold it against Green Day. It's their album, it's their time, it's 100% their decision, and as a fan, I'm ready to respect that.

It's a snub to John Roecker, to be fair! They let him spend all that time making a film and then wouldn't allow his work to be released. There's no denying it's pretty shitty for him.

With regard to censoring the documentary - the "naked" pool scene is such a quick blip and the filming is rough quality...there is not much to see at all. IF it is ever released, I would be more inclined to think that the movie would be heavily edited - removal of a lot of the scenes that John might consider artsy like cuts from musicals, etc. It's been awhile since I saw it, but I can't remember any heavily emotional moments that they wouldn't want shown.

I agree. I think they'd cut so it was like a standard documentary. In other words make it run of the mill and ruin it.

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It's a snub to John Roecker, to be fair! They let him spend all that time making a film and then wouldn't allow his work to be released. There's no denying it's pretty shitty for him.

In all fairness though, they invited him to film the making of the album, but as far as we know it was never a given it would be made into a movie and released. It just seems to me that John wants a pay day.

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It's a snub to John Roecker, to be fair! They let him spend all that time making a film and then wouldn't allow his work to be released. There's no denying it's pretty shitty for him.

I agree. I think they'd cut so it was like a standard documentary. In other words make it run of the mill and ruin it.

It wouldn't ruin it.

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In all fairness though, they invited him to film the making of the album, but as far as we know it was never a given it would be made into a movie and released. It just seems to me that John wants a pay day.

I think it's fair enough if he wants a pay day and his work released instead of doing all that work for nothing. I don't think it's that outlandish for him to have expected it to be released after they invited him to film it, what would be the point of filming it otherwise.

Especially as they'd worked together on (and released) Live Freaky Die Freaky and Disease Is Punishment, I mean obviously we don't know they extent of it but they did have some kind of professional relationship/friendship going on. They've got him listed as "Documentarian" on the album credits.......just seems like at some point they must've "chosen" BIAB and dumped him and his film.

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It wouldn't ruin it.

The band knew his style when they invited him to film it, I don't see the point of making something genuinely different and interesting if it's just going to be cut into something run of the mill. I wouldn't want to see Green Day's art butchered and I wouldn't want to see John's art butchered either.

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The band knew his style when they invited him to film it, I don't see the point of making something genuinely different and interesting if it's just going to be cut into something run of the mill. I wouldn't want to see Green Day's art butchered and I wouldn't want to see John's art butchered either.

But ultimately, it's their likeness in it. If they don't think his art aligns with what they'd like, it's their call. I think we're starting to assume too much though.

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But ultimately, it's their likeness in it. If they don't think his art aligns with what they'd like, it's their call. I think we're starting to assume too much though.

Of course yeah. I just don't think it's right to put all the criticism on John and absolve the band/label of everything when we don't know.

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Of course yeah. I just don't think it's right to put all the criticism on John and absolve the band/label of everything when we don't know.

I'm not criticizing him, I'm just saying that I kind of throw my support to whatever the band decides. I mean, there have been times when we've asked people to do something for us, and we end up not using it. I would never do that to snub anyone - in some cases it just wasn't something that I felt like using. I can see how the band would think similarly. I'm sure for John, he got to work on a project that he was really excited to do, and I'm sure the band paid him for his time - but in the end, it was their call.

It's a little similar to how I was asked to work on the official site, then they changed their mind. I had spent some time working on ideas and brainstorming, but they decided to go with someone else. Obviously that doesn't match the amount of time and work John did, but there are similarities. And I'd never hold it against them for deciding to do that, even if I think it was a mistake and I know I could have done a better job if I were running the official site and Idiot Club, it was their decision and I'm fine with that.

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I'm not criticizing him, I'm just saying that I kind of throw my support to whatever the band decides. I mean, there have been times when we've asked people to do something for us, and we end up not using it. I would never do that to snub anyone - in some cases it just wasn't something that I felt like using. I can see how the band would think similarly. I'm sure for John, he got to work on a project that he was really excited to do, and I'm sure the band paid him for his time - but in the end, it was their call.

It's a little similar to how I was asked to work on the official site, then they changed their mind. I had spent some time working on ideas and brainstorming, but they decided to go with someone else. Obviously that doesn't match the amount of time and work John did, but there are similarities. And I'd never hold it against them for deciding to do that, even if I think it was a mistake and I know I could have done a better job if I were running the official site and Idiot Club, it was their decision and I'm fine with that.

Off topic, but you practically do run that site :) I mean they steal all of GDA's stuff anyways.

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I'm not criticizing him, I'm just saying that I kind of throw my support to whatever the band decides. I mean, there have been times when we've asked people to do something for us, and we end up not using it. I would never do that to snub anyone - in some cases it just wasn't something that I felt like using. I can see how the band would think similarly. I'm sure for John, he got to work on a project that he was really excited to do, and I'm sure the band paid him for his time - but in the end, it was their call.

It's a little similar to how I was asked to work on the official site, then they changed their mind. I had spent some time working on ideas and brainstorming, but they decided to go with someone else. Obviously that doesn't match the amount of time and work John did, but there are similarities. And I'd never hold it against them for deciding to do that, even if I think it was a mistake and I know I could have done a better job if I were running the official site and Idiot Club, it was their decision and I'm fine with that.

You make a good point, I do understand that they have to decide to do certain things and not do certain other things all the time. But making a film is a lot of time and effort and he continues to be messed around over it. I know we have to take the things he says about it with a pinch of salt but I don't think there's any doubt he's been messed around a fair amount, that's what does it for me. I feel bad for him.

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You make a good point, I do understand that they have to decide to do certain things and not do certain other things all the time. But making a film is a lot of time and effort and he continues to be messed around over it. I know we have to take the things he says about it with a pinch of salt but I don't think there's any doubt he's been messed around a fair amount, that's what does it for me. I feel bad for him.

I have something to say about that, but I'm afraid I can't say it in public. I'll just say that I don't think he's been messed around with as much as people think.

Off topic, but you practically do run that site :) I mean they steal all of GDA's stuff anyways.

:lol: good point.

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I have come to think that there's nothing wrong with the band not wanting to release this.

The more I think about it, this film was more like a favor to John. They let him do it, period. They just dont want it released, or so it seems ...

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Mm, I think that at least at first it was mostly Warner doing it... right now I really have no idea. It could be both the band and/or Warner.

Idk, but I guess that they don't want the attention being pulled away from a new album. And AI overshadowing their career might be a factor too, mostly for the band I think.

I don't know how strong of an influence they have, but the label have to give a yes as well because they own the guys' images and music etc.

It's really all just speculating on when or whether it will be released and who is holding it back.

It could be.. I really have no idea either as you can tell XD

Yeah and from my point of view even if HLAHG is not released, AI is kinda overshadowing 21st CB a little imo, mostly because the latter was pretty badly promoted. Well I don’t think it was promoted at all, here at least..

Yeah the label does have an influence too. Like you said it’s all speculation now so we don’t know for sure the reasons why it’s always being delayed or if it’s going to come out at all.

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At least we have a live album to look forward to, plus a studio album not too long after that.

I agree. I'd be much more impatient with HLAHG if Green Day didn't have so many other things going on. They have the new live album, the DVD, they just got done with an incredibly lengthy tour, and they have a musical on fucking broadway! It's easy to get caught up in things like this and forget about all the amazing things they have going on right now :) For me at least haha

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what I don't understand is why Warner/Green Day keep AI as Green Day's masterpiece. Yes, it was awesome, but 21stCB was great as well, and it hasn't have the attention it deserves, because they were all excited about the musical. And I'm pretty sure that if a studio album comes out near 2014, it will be overshadowed(?) by HLAHG, because it's about AI. They should have released it on 2005, and be over with it.

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