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Green Day Tweets


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That sucks!

Yup. But at least I know they stayed at a really cool place and that makes me happy. (Plus my hubby works for the hotel company so that's also nice for them.)

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in my point of view there's only one reason why green day (billie joe) would hate facebook. everyone who is a true fan knows that in 93 green day signed to warner (reprise records more specifcally). all their 'friends' and everyone or just about everyone they knew ratted them out, abandoned them and told them they sold out and gave them shit for it. Now facebook is a place to connect with your friends. why connect with the assholes you gave you shit in the first place? why make a fb when you're vulnerable to cyber-bullying and where people can give you shit for what you do?. that's i think.

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in my point of view there's only one reason why green day (billie joe) would hate facebook. everyone who is a true fan knows that in 93 green day signed to warner (reprise records more specifcally). all their 'friends' and everyone or just about everyone they knew ratted them out, abandoned them and told them they sold out and gave them shit for it. Now facebook is a place to connect with your friends. why connect with the assholes you gave you shit in the first place? why make a fb when you're vulnerable to cyber-bullying and where people can give you shit for what you do?. that's i think.

Facebook really just sucks in general. I don't fucking want to be "friends" with the little shits from primary school. There are no happy memories for me AT ALL. And everyone knows Bofacook is where it's at, anyway.

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in my point of view there's only one reason why green day (billie joe) would hate facebook. everyone who is a true fan knows that in 93 green day signed to warner (reprise records more specifcally). all their 'friends' and everyone or just about everyone they knew ratted them out, abandoned them and told them they sold out and gave them shit for it. Now facebook is a place to connect with your friends. why connect with the assholes you gave you shit in the first place? why make a fb when you're vulnerable to cyber-bullying and where people can give you shit for what you do?. that's i think.

I`m sure there are plenty of people who they consider real friends, past and present, they could connect to on fb if they wanted to. facebook has the option to block those you dont want to have contact with. you dont have to have any kind of connection with people you dont want to. I think people are taking this too seriously. I doubt Billie hates it as much as you think he does. he is getting people discussing it. or trying to. just looking for a reaction. he may well not like it and prefer to get to know people in person and also not like the level of obsession some have with the internet (and facebook in particular.)

oh and facebook isnt the only site on the internet you can be vulnerable to cyber-bullying. I`ve seen it on green day forums enough times.

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Woooah that's a LOT of tweets in such little time. Or at least, for their twitter standards. Poor Tre. :lol:

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Tre stuck in elevator for an hour at 4 seasons in chicago!!!

hahaha omg :lol:

Yep. That tweet officially made my day xD

That and the one about it being "ho as hell".

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If you were stuck in that elevator with him, oh god that would be the best luck ever haha. And it would be Tre of course!

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If you were stuck in that elevator with him, oh god that would be the best luck ever haha. And it would be Tre of course!

:blink: I would piss myself.

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omg I would love to be there when the lift opened an hour later and Tre staggered out :lol:

It'd be a "ho as hell" :P

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I don't like Twitter.

But maybe I'll after "following" Green Day. :]



I aready follow them.

But I don't see the tweets at my homepage?

Anyone with the same "problem"?

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If you were stuck in that elevator with him, oh god that would be the best luck ever haha. And it would be Tre of course!

wow. :whistle ...the possibilities.. :eyebrow:

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I've been all day excited to see if Billie wrote anything else on twitter since yesterday, and Yay he did!!

The "I hate Facebook" made me laugh so much, and it's funny, 'cause it seems that he likes twitter, and, you know, facebook is so much better! XD

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If you were stuck in that elevator with him, oh god that would be the best luck ever haha. And it would be Tre of course!

My Tre-obsessed fan would have a field day...and possibly a restraining order put against her afterward. :lol:

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:lol: Poor tre in the lift, I wonder what he did in there, to kill an hour. :shifty: Wasn't it kind of a bad idea to tell the whole world they were in the Four Seasons? :lol:

I noticed Billie seems to tweet about three or four times all at once, and then he won't for a good while.

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:lol: Poor tre in the lift, I wonder what he did in there, to kill an hour. :shifty: Wasn't it kind of a bad idea to tell the whole world they were in the Four Seasons? :lol:

I noticed Billie seems to tweet about three or four times all at once, and then he won't for a good while.

he probably didn't tweet until after they left.

but omg... remember that one time they left the LOCATION on their tweet?! lol they were in nyc.

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"Tre stuck in elevator for an hour at 4 seasons in chicago!!!"

OMG! I just saw that one... poor Tre... :(

ahaha, it makes me laugh how BJ seems to love twitter suddenly. I think he wants to be like all those celebrities who tweet every single hour; he wants to be cool as well

ok, maybe not...


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Tbh I think the whole hating Facebook thing is just meant to be funny (which it is :lol:) and nothing more. He mostly likely doesn't really care about it - it's just a running joke.

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Tbh I think the whole hating Facebook thing is just meant to be funny (which it is :lol:) and nothing more. He mostly likely doesn't really care about it - it's just a running joke.

you must be right haha

maybe he have tried it already, but we just don't know about it xD

but omg... remember that one time they left the LOCATION on their tweet?! lol they were in nyc.

yeah!! When I saw that I was just thinking, omg, now they must have like a hundred of teenies in that place, looking for BiLLy JoW xD

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you must be right haha

maybe he have tried it already, but we just don't know about it xD

:lol: I would love it if that was true. But yeah it's like, when he said that "everyone quit facebook" thing, people were going "OMG why does he want us to quit facebook?!" and seriously considering doing it. It's like, don't worry it was just a joke!

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ho as hell is in my sig now. ily billie.

You should add more exclamation points.

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