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Green Day's official twitter:

A screen version of American Idiot is in the works & Billy Joe will reprise his role as St. Jimmy in the movie! http://t.co/yzrjDYc

now I know it's quoting the article, but Billy Joe? really?

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Green Day's official twitter:

now I know it's quoting the article, but Billy Joe? really?


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Green Day's official twitter:

now I know it's quoting the article, but Billy Joe? really?

We've all known that GDA is better than Greenday.com...

...and now we know that @GreenDayUpdates is better than @GreenDay. :lol:

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Green Day's official twitter:

now I know it's quoting the article, but Billy Joe? really?

And on Green Day's official twitter. That's just sad. :lol:

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I hate when they write "Billy" :dry: He has 39 years of being Billie

I actually hate when people can't write correctly names and surnames. (It happens to me all the fucking time) :sleep:

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Two things came to mind when I first saw the picture of his cat, Cleveland....1. aww cute cat and 2. why is Billie creeping in the background? :lol:

Haha! I didn't even notice him in the background until I read that :)

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Green Day's official twitter:

now I know it's quoting the article, but Billy Joe? really?

They totally spelled it wrong on purpose to make fun of the fact it's spelled wrong in the article! I'm sure of it.

However, I see that because of all the furious comments people have posted at the bottom of the article, the spelling has now been corrected in the article :lol:. Dunno why Green Day fans get their knickers in such a twist over such an understandable mistake lol, I'd imagine Billie himself probably couldn't care less.

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Aw, nice Billie tweeted a picture of his cat! Cute. :wub: I love cats. It could be a brother of one of my cats, they look so similar. Cleveland is six years older though, lol.

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I haven't seen Billie was in the photo either! :lol: But it's a very small part, then I'm not so sure if it's him.

It would be awesome if he post a picture of him, with Cleveland, Cleo and Rocky :blush:

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I haven't seen Billie was in the photo either! :lol: But it's a very small part, then I'm not so sure if it's him.

It would be awesome if he post a picture of him, with Cleveland, Cleo and Rocky :blush:

I think it is him and aww yeah, he should definitely have a group picture with them. haha That'd be awesome to see! :happy:

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Dunno why Green Day fans get their knickers in such a twist over such an understandable mistake lol, I'd imagine Billie himself probably couldn't care less.

I know, I was thinking about this earlier. Its not exactly the worst of mistakes. If someone told me Gerard Way was the lead singer of Green Day I'd have reason to be annoyed, but Billie and Billy? Sure its wrong but barely. The same with Greenday. When I first put them on my ipod I had them in as Greenday, honest mistake really.

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Haha! I didn't even notice him in the background until I read that :)

lol Yeah, that's actually the first thing I saw! :lol:

I know, I was thinking about this earlier. Its not exactly the worst of mistakes. If someone told me Gerard Way was the lead singer of Green Day I'd have reason to be annoyed, but Billie and Billy? Sure its wrong but barely. The same with Greenday. When I first put them on my ipod I had them in as Greenday, honest mistake really.

I agree with you guys wholeheartedly, it's a simple mistake people make and there's no reason to go on and be angry about it, ya know? It's actually quite amusing seeing people fuss about it. haha

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Yeah not everyone is an avid Green Day fan, and when hearing Billies name most people would think that, on a guy, it would be spelled Billy. Billie is the girl spelling, apparently..

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I know it's not such a big deal that mistake. But if nowadays you don't know that Billie Joe Armstrong goes with "ie", something's wrong with you, in my opinion... :whistle

And if it was a joke, pretty silly then :lol:

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They totally spelled it wrong on purpose to make fun of the fact it's spelled wrong in the article! I'm sure of it.

I seriously doubt it. I doubt the Warner team who runs it really cares enough to make sure. Some person probably just copy/pasted the article.

It honestly doesn't bug me like it does some people. I mean really, there's no reason that it's a big deal. If anything, it's just annoying that places that consider themselves news organizations (or...something like one) can't even double-check to make sure nothing is spelled incorrectly. Aside from that, I don't really care. It's not like some big insult to Billie Joe, and I think it's amusing that people can get so worked up over it.

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The usual way to spell the male name is Billy and the female version is usually Billie, so you can't really blame people for slipping up/assuming that's how his name is spelled.

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Billie is a girl's name... no wonder he has a womanish figure...

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What a cute cat! :wub:

17 :o Damn that's old, my cat didn't even make it to ten!

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To be honest I have never known a girl named Billie.

Ahh yes but have you ever known a boy named Billie?

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Everyone's all irritated by it being spelled Billie, but GAH! Billie is 39 and can barely ever spell his own name right. It's a long-standing joke with a few of my friends. The way he's signed his name.

Thus far, according to what he's written, his names are: Bile Joy, Billie Joa, Billi Jo, Bill Jah

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Everyone's all irritated by it being spelled Billie, but GAH! Billie is 39 and can barely ever spell his own name right. It's a long-standing joke with a few of my friends. The way he's signed his name.

Thus far, according to what he's written, his names are: Bile Joy, Billie Joa, Billi Jo, Bill Jah

:lol: So True! My arm says Billi Jo :lol:

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:lol: So True! My arm says Billi Jo :lol:

My arm says 'B' illegible squiggle, almost a J (It's not connected) oe. :lol:

But kudos to him for always dotting his i's!

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