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Misheard Green Day Lyrics


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When I listened to Minority, I always sang "Screaming under me!"....

And when I listened to St. Jimmy I sang "Cigarettes and women and a little bag of self (or something like that :blush: )." instead of "Cigarettes and ramon and a little bag of dope."


Oh goodness, I always thought it was "Cigarettes and money and a little bag of dope". What's "Ramon" anyway?

Also, in Minority I always still here at the beginning "Crowd wanna be the minority" instead of "I wanna be the minority".

I know that it's "I", but I still here it as "Crowd"

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Oh goodness, I always thought it was "Cigarettes and money and a little bag of dope". What's "Ramon" anyway?

I think it's actually "ramen", but I'm not sure what it means.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ramen may refer to:

* A Japanese noodle dish, see ramen. As such, it may also refer to:

o Instant noodles

o Fueled by Ramen, American record label

o The Ramen Girl, 2008 film starring Brittany Murphy

o An endword of prayers according to Pastafarianism, a pun on the above and amen

* Lake Rämen in Sweden, which, frozen over in the wintertime, also served as an auto race circuit in the 1930's

* Ramen, a classification of aliens in the Ender novels by Orson Scott Card

* Ramen, a race of men who tend the great Ranyhyn horses in the Thomas Covenant novels by Stephen Donaldson

I kind of like the Pastafarianism one, but I have no idea which of these things (if any) the song is referring to.

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Oh goodness, I always thought it was "Cigarettes and money and a little bag of dope". What's "Ramon" anyway?

It's Ramen Noodles, a brand of really cheap instant noodles that are popular in the US.

When Americans say Ramen that's what they're referring to, it's kind of famous as cheap food that a young and poor person like St Jimmy would typically eat.

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In burnout i always thought that he said Travel along these shit town rides

When it was actually Drive along these shit town lights :lol:

i don't know why i thought he said that

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I always heard 'not just land miles' in 16 as 'noxious llamas'


This isn't a misheard lyric but a not-heard lyric. When I sang Burnout on Rock Band for the first time I got to the bit just before the instrumental/drum solo part, where it goes

And I stepped in line to walk amongst the dead



I thought that was it and the drum solo part was next, but no! It actually goes

And I stepped in line to walk amongst the dead


Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad :o


Did anyone notice the deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad before Rock Band? I never did!

no actually. i don't miss it, though. works with or w/o

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In "80" I thought it's: "I locked myself up in a panic room" instead of "padded room" . Both makes actually sense... :whistle

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I always heard 'not just land miles' in 16 as 'noxious llamas'


no actually. i don't miss it, though. works with or w/o

I'm pretty sure it's "Not just nine miles".

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The lengths I've gone are just long miles...


Doesn't anyone have the booklet with the lyrics in it? :P

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Several times i have misunderstood green day lyrics like:

"my shadow heart" when it's "my shallow heart", "it's only me" when "it's it's home to me"...

But the worst was the green day cover of i fought the lawBillie sings "six gun" and i was convinced that he says "sex gun"...

I was kind of ashamed of myself for thinking that misunderstanding

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Several times i have misunderstood green day lyrics like:

"my shadow heart" when it's "my shallow heart", "it's only me" when "it's it's home to me"...

But the worst was the green day cover of i fought the lawBillie sings "six gun" and i was convinced that he says "sex gun"...

I was kind of ashamed of myself for thinking that misunderstanding

It totally sounds like sex gun though! I heard that too and had to look up the lyrics because I thought surely it can't really be sex gun :lol:

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I also heard BACON in their cover of i fought the law when Billie sings "backing rocks in the hot sun"

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I also heard BACON in their cover of i fought the law when Billie sings "backing rocks in the hot sun"

Classic. I think everyone has heard "bacon rocks in the hot sun" At one point or another :lol:

In "80" I thought it's: "I locked myself up in a panic room" instead of "padded room" . Both makes actually sense... :whistle

Yeah, I like panic room more. I don't care if it's wrong. I've sung it that way this long, I'm not going to stop now, God dammit!

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In "80" I thought it's: "I locked myself up in a panic room" instead of "padded room" . Both makes actually sense... :whistle

...crap, i've always thought it was panic room :lol:

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captain peroxide's cover of blood sex and booze reminded me (and finally solved for me) that I always thought he said "I've got a lesson to be learned from a girl called Phil"

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captain peroxide's cover of blood sex and booze reminded me (and finally solved for me) that I always thought he said "I've got a lesson to be learned from a girl called Phil"

Definitely sounded like 'Bill' the first time I heard it :P

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I thought in Pulling Teeth "I gotta tell her that I love her" was

"I gotta tell her that I have Blue" or something about Billie's guitar.

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Left me here alone

When I should have stayed home

After ten cups of coffee and.....BACON!

say whaaa??? that's not the actual line?? after looking up the lyrics and repeating homecoming about three times i'm finally accepting the fact that billie never says bacon in this song :/

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say whaaa??? that's not the actual line?? after looking up the lyrics and repeating homecoming about three times i'm finally accepting the fact that billie never says bacon in this song :/

It's actually Mike singing the Nobody Likes You bit of the song. But he doesn't say bacon either :(

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hah, I used to think in the grouch it was 'I wasted you' instead of 'Wasted youth' :L

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It's actually Mike singing the Nobody Likes You bit of the song. But he doesn't say bacon either :(

oooh Mr. Dirnt, trying to trick us like that- he's a sneaky one!

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I had always thought that in Paper Lanterns, Billie sings "So where are all my problems gonna head?"

But I just found out that tit's "So when are all my troubles gonna end?" Makes a bit more sense. :P

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In "Methamphetamin" I always think its "Wish you wouldn't shit in the eatery " instead of "Wish in one hand shit in the other" :blink: It totally sounds like that :o

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