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Misheard Green Day Lyrics


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I just asked my little sister if she knew any green day songs and she sang to me

"I'm the son of rage and love, the Jesus of Septobia"

If I hear a song and don't know the lyrics, instead of hearing different words, I just get a lot of gibberish in my head. Especially in the chorus of WTP

In Jos I hear "in the land of make-believe, that tumbled even more"

Then when I first heard When I Come Around instead of "you've been searching for that someone"

I thought it was "Jimmy's searching for that someone" and I thought they'd made the character Jimmy long before AI.


And I transform the gibberish into unexistent words :lol:

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Longview got me all the time at the end with "Some say quit, or i'll go blind, but it's just a myth"

I thought he said something along the lines of, subsequent or I'm just blind, and didn't think anything of the myth part.

I heard "Some say quit, or i'll go blind, but it's just like meee"

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I always mess up the lyrics to Redundant, i now it's "I can not speak i lost my voice" But i always sing "I can not sleep i lost my mind"... Dont know why, it doesn't even rhyme...

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I heard "Some say quit, or i'll go blind, but it's just like meee"

Yeah in fairness it doesn't really sound like "myth", more like "myyyyyaaaaaahhhhhhh" :lol:

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I used to ALWAYS get the beginning lyrics to Jesus of Suburbia wrong, I didn't even know what I was saying, I was just saying random words that sound similar. And Holiday... I used to think they were saying "hear the sound of the Polaroid( or whatever), coming down like an armored can of flame" and I was like, 'That doesn't even make scene... '

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Yeah in fairness it doesn't really sound like "myth", more like "myyyyyaaaaaahhhhhhh" :lol:

lol yeah :lol:

and when he sings in basket case : "grasping to control so you better hold on" i always get "so I better I hold on" XD

and in viva la gloria (little girl):

i hear "so holy" instead of "so UNholy" :blink:

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some lyrics I've misheard

BOBD - but its only me and i walk alone

Real lyrics - but its home to me and i walk alone

Lmao shittery :lol:

Haha I've been mishearing that BOBD lyric for years. I've always thought It was clearly; But it's home to me and i walk alone.

Until I saw the real lyrics. :pinch:

And lol, I really thought the lyrics to Warning were; 'Operate my Shittery' :mellow:

I know that wouldn't make much sense, tho.

But what are the REAL lyrics to warning, actually?

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lol yeah :lol:

and when he sings in basket case : "grasping to control so you better hold on" i always get "so I better I hold on" XD

I always thought it was that too, until you said it :lol:

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I used to ALWAYS get the beginning lyrics to Jesus of Suburbia wrong, I didn't even know what I was saying, I was just saying random words that sound similar. And Holiday... I used to think they were saying "hear the sound of the Polaroid( or whatever), coming down like an armored can of flame" and I was like, 'That doesn't even make scene... '


In Geek Stink Breath, at first I thought when he says "Like a cripple running the rat race", he was just making noises. xD

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Ohhhhhh there are so many.

This one's embarrassing tho:

I entered a GDC banner contest once, and I thought it would be cute to put a quote from Give Me Novacaine as if it was said by someone, just like on movie posters or whatever. So, what I ended up doing on the banner was this:


"It's better than air."

- St. Jimmy

aaaaand then I found out the line was "it's better than here" after submitting my entry. fmylife

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^ That doesn't matter, a whole lot of people still think it's air :lol:

I only just found this out like a week or two ago. I didn't really mishear the line, but still. In Jesus of Suburbia, "Get my television fix". For the longest time I thought that was a television fix as in, his television was broken and he is getting his television fixed. I had just brushed it off as 'well okay then, his tv is broken and he's getting it fixed'. Really only two weeks ago I realized it's a different kind of fix :lol:

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^ That doesn't matter, a whole lot of people still think it's air :lol:

I only just found this out like a week or two ago. I didn't really mishear the line, but still. In Jesus of Suburbia, "Get my television fix". For the longest time I thought that was a television fix as in, his television was broken and he is getting his television fixed. I had just brushed it off as 'well okay then, his tv is broken and he's getting it fixed'. Really only two weeks ago I realized it's a different kind of fix :lol:

HA. You just reminded me some something I did like, 2 months ago.

I was writing random Green Day lyrics around my room like, I wrote "I just wanna see the light" on my lamp

and on my TV I wrote "Get my television Fix" on the top and "I Want To Be On TV" on the bottom and my mom

came in my room and she was like, "What's wrong with your TV?" and I was like, "Nothing. Why?" and she was like,

"Because you wrote 'get my television fix' on your TV" and I was like :lol: "Nah...it's just a lyric. And plus, it just suits me cause I watch TV a lot, y'know?"

and she was like, "Whatever." :lol:

Oh, and in When I Come Around, I thought he said, "I'm just roaming for the moment, just sleazing in my backyard so time check."

I was like, "Alright...he wants somebody to tell him the time so he won't be late when he sleazing in his backyard." :lol:

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Ohhhhhh there are so many.

This one's embarrassing tho:

I entered a GDC banner contest once, and I thought it would be cute to put a quote from Give Me Novacaine as if it was said by someone, just like on movie posters or whatever. So, what I ended up doing on the banner was this:


"It's better than air."

- St. Jimmy

aaaaand then I found out the line was "it's better than here" after submitting my entry. fmylife

Oh god I'm so conufsed! I always sang "better than here", until recently when I read the lyrics on a website which said it was "better than air". So it's actually HERE and not AIR? :wacko:

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Oh god I'm so conufsed! I always sang "better than here", until recently when I read the lyrics on a website which said it was "better than air". So it's actually HERE and not AIR? :wacko:

It's really better than "here" but Billie sings it with his faux English accent and drops the "h" so it sounds like "ere."

You know he's just trying to make it difficult for us :).

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It's really better than "here" but Billie sings it with his faux English accent and drops the "h" so it sounds like "ere."

You know he's just trying to make it difficult for us :).

I'm glad that's been cleared up! He definitely does it just to confuse us :lol:

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Alright, I know this is completely off-topic. Sue me.

So, I was hanging out with my girlfriend and we were watching Fear Factor and her little 6 year old sister was eating with us. And there was a part where they had to eat bull testicles. And my girlfriend and I were flipping out. It was so disgusting. But her sister couldn't figure out why we were grossing out. She's all, "What's your problem? They're eating octopus. They're eating the tentacles." :lol: It was so fucking great man. Alright, no more off topic posts today.

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^ That doesn't matter, a whole lot of people still think it's air :lol:

I only just found this out like a week or two ago. I didn't really mishear the line, but still. In Jesus of Suburbia, "Get my television fix". For the longest time I thought that was a television fix as in, his television was broken and he is getting his television fixed. I had just brushed it off as 'well okay then, his tv is broken and he's getting it fixed'. Really only two weeks ago I realized it's a different kind of fix :lol:

air sounds so much better xD

and I hate it when phrases have different meanings. During my early fan days, when I was an innocent girl (?), I thought that the line "doing someone else's cocaine" in JOS was about Jesus being forced or something to make the cocaine of somebody else. Then I learned that it meant that he was using the cocaine himself :lol:

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air sounds so much better xD

and I hate it when phrases have different meanings. During my early fan days, when I was an innocent girl (?), I thought that the line "doing someone else's cocaine" in JOS was about Jesus being forced or something to make the cocaine of somebody else. Then I learned that it meant that he was using the cocaine himself :lol:

Here sounds better :D and it fits more, imo.

Ahaha :lol: I shouldn't be allowed to laugh though, with my broken television.

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Yeah in fairness it doesn't really sound like "myth", more like "myyyyyaaaaaahhhhhhh" :lol:

maybe he intentionally does things like that just to he can sit at home reading this thread, laughing evily at the mass confusion he has caused. :lol:

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maybe he intentionally does things like that just to he can sit at home reading this thread, laughing evily at the mass confusion he has caused. :lol:

or maybe he couldn't choose and decided to use both words in an ambiguous way xD

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or maybe he couldn't choose and decided to use both words in an ambiguous way xD

*Recording* "Myth...Me...Myth..Me....oh to hell with it....MYAHHHH!"

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maybe he intentionally does things like that just to he can sit at home reading this thread, laughing evily at the mass confusion he has caused. :lol:

Haha i was thinking about that the other day! maybe he intentionally sings lyrics a certain way just to mess with us! :lol:

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ok, in brain stew, i always thought he said 'no rest for crying stops in my heAD' and in jaded, I always though it was "going circles gets you no where' both of which made massive sense to me, and when playing green day rock band, discovered what the actual lyrics were.

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I always thought it was that too, until you said it :lol:

I lived in that believe almost 3 years :lol:

gotta love his mumbling times :lol:

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I always thought it was "But it's only me" as well, I think because the line "Where the city sleeps and I'm the only one and I walk alone" sounds similar....I guess I assumed it must have been the same :lol:

Yeah that is probably why :lol: but I still cant hear the home. Anytime I'm listening to it I'm like "but its homely me" only because I keep forgetting which is the right lyric so I use both :lol:

When I heard F.O.D. for the first time, I heard "You're just a slut, you make me angry cause you just can't suck. I can't get high...so until then, fuck off and die."

I was like, "Wow...some girl really made him angry." and when I found out the right lyrics were, "You're just a fuck I can't explain it cause I think you suck I'm taking pride in telling you fuck off and die"

I was like, "What the hell is wrong with my ears?!"-facepalm- :lol:

Lmao :lol:

Haha I've been mishearing that BOBD lyric for years. I've always thought It was clearly; But it's home to me and i walk alone.

Until I saw the real lyrics. :pinch:

And lol, I really thought the lyrics to Warning were; 'Operate my Shittery' :mellow:

I know that wouldn't make much sense, tho.

But what are the REAL lyrics to warning, actually?

Yeah I still find it hard to home.

What is a shittery? :lol:

The real lyrics are "May impair your ability to operate machinery"

Oh god I'm so conufsed! I always sang "better than here", until recently when I read the lyrics on a website which said it was "better than air". So it's actually HERE and not AIR? :wacko:

I'm confused to. All the lyric sites have air and then GDA has here. I always sing air. :blink:

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