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Misheard Green Day Lyrics


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In the chorus of Stay The Night, is it "Stay just stay the night" or "Say you'll stay the night"? I still can't tell.

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In the chorus of Stay The Night, is it "Stay just stay the night" or "Say you'll stay the night"? I still can't tell.

It's definitely the latter, but I thought it was the former until very recently.

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Letterbomb :

I thought the lyrics were: the telebiships and extortionists and they don't even know that you exist

But it's "town bishops"

I kinda like my version better as it speaks to those television ministers and goes along the static age themes

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Letterbomb :

I thought the lyrics were: the telebiships and extortionists and they don't even know that you exist

But it's "town bishops"

I kinda like my version better as it speaks to those television ministers and goes along the static age themes

I always thought it was "The town bishop's an extortionist, and he don't even know that you exist."

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Letterbomb again:

I always heard "It's Dad's suit, but it's too tight, you better run for your fucking life" and somehow I thought it actually made sense and fit in with the whole theme of the album!

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I first heard Good Riddance when I was 10 years old, and, well... "Another turnip on a fork stuck in the road."

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A friend of my said to me "I was listening to X-KID, I didn't know the lyrics and I thought Billie was singing banzuééé"

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in static age i thought

All I want to do is I want to breathe, batteries are not included. was

All i i want to do is a 1 2 3 that for reasons not included

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sure that someone has already said it, but the first times I heard Nuclear Family I understood "I just want some action so give me Mike Dirnt" :lol: (actually I still think that Billie says so :lol: )

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I thought that the whole of Coming Clean was about his parents finding out about all the drugs and stuff he had done and then about "they'll never understand whats happening to me", that meaning worked as an almost perfect definition of teen angst and rebellion.

The actual meaning is abit deeper and more meaningfull though, haha.

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I first heard Good Riddance when I was 10 years old, and, well... "Another turnip on a fork stuck in the road."

My mum had a similar mis-hearing. Only difference was she thought it was "Another turnip boy".

I'm sure that someone has already said it, but the first times I heard Nuclear Family I understood "I just want some action so give me Mike Dirnt" :lol: (actually I still think that Billie says so :lol: )

Your not the only on who heard it. I remember when it was first released a bunch of people posted around the forum about it.

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I always thought the lyrics at the end of Geek Stink Breath were "bake it... steak it... burp."


Hahaha! Love it!

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I definitely thought "Sitting undisturbed, it's what I deserve.." in Blood, sex, and Booze was,

"Sitting on the stove, it's what I deserve.." :lol:

and totally off topic, but in Marilyn Manson's "the beautiful people" ... for the longest time I thought he was saying "The beat of a meatball"

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I definitely thought "Sitting undisturbed, it's what I deserve.." in Blood, sex, and Booze was,

"Sitting on the stove, it's what I deserve.." :lol:

You mean it's not?! Damn.
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I definitely thought "Sitting undisturbed, it's what I deserve.." in Blood, sex, and Booze was,

"Sitting on the stove, it's what I deserve.." :lol:

and totally off topic, but in Marilyn Manson's "the beautiful people" ... for the longest time I thought he was saying "The beat of a meatball"

I'm pretty sure it's actually "Say I'm disturbed, it's what I deserve"....

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I LOVE this topic cause I'm reassured to see I'm not the only one to have understood.. nothing ? on Nimrod. Arf, I don't know how to say...

I remember I had a little problem of translation (I'm french) when I listened to Good Riddance (♥♥♥ that song) when BJ said ''a fork stuck in the road''. Fork is ''fourchette'' in french, fork, like you have the knife and the spoon... --' so I understood that there was a fork in the road :D

Dunno if it has been already said but in Letterbomb I heard ''you're fucking only along for the ride''...

Edited by Oxymore
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I LOVE this topic cause I'm reassured to see I'm not the only one to have understood.. nothing ? on Nimrod. Arf, I don't know how to say...

I remember I had a little problem of translation (I'm french) when I listened to Good Riddance (♥♥♥ that song) when BJ said ''a fork stuck in the road''. Fork is ''fourchette'' in french, fork, like you have the knife and the spoon... --' so I understood that there was a fork in the road :D

Dunno if it has been already said but in Letterbomb I heard ''you're fucking only along for the ride''...

Welcome! Yes, we all hear strange things in Green Day songs. I think the fork thing is supposed to make you think of an actual fourchette because Billie says "fork stuck in the road", not just the common expression of a fork in the road

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Yes, actually I didn't know that expression, and one day I read this expression on a book or stuff like that and I was like'' Oh my God, revelation !''

Butnow I'm a bit better in english :)

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I always thought in Good Riddance it said "Tom grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go"

I always thought the lyrics at the end of Geek Stink Breath were "bake it... steak it... burp."


ahahahahah tears
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I'm pretty sure it's actually "Say I'm disturbed, it's what I deserve"....

Well, still. He says nothing about a stove....

and even more proof that I can't understand what he's saying.

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For the longest time I thought that KYE said "They'll be blinded by the light in their eyes." I wish that WERE what it said, because "Don't be blinded by the lies in your eyes" is completely retarded.

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