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Misheard Green Day Lyrics


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What's the chorus to Rusty James? I got the free download with ticket purchase, and what I'm hearing is:

When there's no one left around

And you're the last gang in town

And your heart can't even radiate

When it doesn't even pound

I thought it was radiate as well. But he's just stretching out "break". bre-e-ak. sounds a lot like radiate.

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Probably not a case of mistaken lyrics, but more so a case of "where the fuck does he sing THAT?!" lyrics. There's this blog post on the Stereo IQ section of the Huffington Post's website where the author goes through his top 10 favorite lyrics from ¡Uno!, and at #10 he had a set of lyrics SUPPOSEDLY from Troublemaker:

"You wanted arts and crafts / How's this for arts and crafts? Wananana (sic)..."

Ummmmm am I missing something here? I've listened to Troublemaker so many times in the past few days, and NOT ONCE did I hear ANYTHING resembling those lyrics. Can someone help me out with this?

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Probably not a case of mistaken lyrics, but more so a case of "where the fuck does he sing THAT?!" lyrics. There's this blog post on the Stereo IQ section of the Huffington Post's website where the author goes through his top 10 favorite lyrics from ¡Uno!, and at #10 he had a set of lyrics SUPPOSEDLY from Troublemaker:

"You wanted arts and crafts / How's this for arts and crafts? Wananana (sic)..."

Ummmmm am I missing something here? I've listened to Troublemaker so many times in the past few days, and NOT ONCE did I hear ANYTHING resembling those lyrics. Can someone help me out with this?

That is from a Weezer song, also called Troublemaker haha.

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That is from a Weezer song, also called Troublemaker haha.

Ahhh, so it was the journalist not even getting his fuckin' facts straight!!! I knew there was something wrong there!!

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Besides the Mike Dirnt in Nuclear Family I now always hear, I always thought the line "we can watch the stars until the sun begins to rise" in Stay the Night is "we can watch the SUNSET till the sun begins to rise". Haha, I kind of still like it better. :lol:

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In Rusty James I thought lyrics are 'your heart can't even radiate when it doesn't even pound' :lol:

Then I figured he says 'break' which make much more sense of course. Still one of my favourites lines from Uno.

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When I first heard Angel Blue I thought that the line was "You're just so fucking cute" :lol: and then I realised that it's "You're just a fucking kid" and song became less romantic. :lol:

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Well, there are a fuckload of them, but for now I'll say that I thought Billie was saying "broken bones" in Welcome to Paradise when he says "broken homes". Honestly, the majority of Green Day songs I don't really understand like half the lyrics and I've just never bothered to look them up. I still don't know what the hell the lyrics are to She.

I'll just mention this one too because it's funny. I thought the line in Stay the Night was "I've got a nipple so repulsive that it burns" Then I realized it was "impulse". Until I figured that out I was just like what?!

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I misheard "Getting off a binge" in Carpe Diem as "Getting off a bench" :ermm:

also in JOS "I never died for my sands in hell" instead of sins

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Rusty James?

Thought: "when your heart can't even beat when it doesn't even pound"

Really: "when your heart can't even break when it doesn't even pound"

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When my brother first heard the chorus of Christian's Inferno, he thought the lyrics were as follows:

"WOAH big shits in fairyworld"

That tells you all you need to know about my brother.

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For some reason I thought "Like the dog years of the day" from Oh Love was "Like the talkies of the day"

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For the longest time I thought Billie was saying "I'm drugging up" in Basketcase instead of "I'm cracking up." xP

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When I first heard the grouch, I thought "the world owes me so fuck you" was "the world's a discipline view"

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When I first listened to the live version of Kill the DJ at the Echoplex (on YouTube, through my iPhones speakers) I thought the chorus was "Someone kill Green Day, Shoot the fuckin DJ" :P

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Oh where to start where to start... haha. So many in Kerplunk! and 39/smooth because the lyrics didn't get refined too well. In "the Grouch" I thought it says "The worlds a missle fuck you"... And I don't know why but in "Who Wrote Holden Caulfield when i first Kerplunk! in the intro I heard, "Well it hasn't been the first time (correct), and he should have shot me there (idk either)" A lot in Insomniac too. Dookie's fine because they weren't focusing on making it feel dark with the lyrics at all, but in Insomniac he does alot of slurring with his voice. Trust me, you can't always be 100% sure about lyrics, especially when it comes from 39/smooth up to some songs in Warning.

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The problem with Insomniac is it sounds like Billie's vocals are buried underneath the music making it harder to hear what he's saying

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It's not a misheard lyric, but ever since I found out that Billie used to jokingly sing "I never made it as Robert De Niro" in 21CB instead of "I never made it as a working class hero" during sound check, that is now usually what I hear. lol

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It's not a misheard lyric, but ever since I found out that Billie used to jokingly sing "I never made it as Robert De Niro" in 21CB instead of "I never made it as a working class hero" during sound check, that is now usually what I hear. lol

OMG, is there video/audio of this? :lol:

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OMG, is there video/audio of this? :lol:

Unfortunately I don't think so but people there said it was hilarious!

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Probably not a case of mistaken lyrics, but more so a case of "where the fuck does he sing THAT?!" lyrics. There's this blog post on the Stereo IQ section of the Huffington Post's website where the author goes through his top 10 favorite lyrics from ¡Uno!, and at #10 he had a set of lyrics SUPPOSEDLY from Troublemaker:

"You wanted arts and crafts / How's this for arts and crafts? Wananana (sic)..."

Ummmmm am I missing something here? I've listened to Troublemaker so many times in the past few days, and NOT ONCE did I hear ANYTHING resembling those lyrics. Can someone help me out with this?

You're giving me a heart attack?

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In angel blue when Billie says

Stop the presses cause I feel in time

I thought he said

Stop the presses cause I'm feeling tight.

Pretty confused for a while...

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In angel blue when Billie says

Stop the presses cause I feel in time

I thought he said

Stop the presses cause I'm feeling tight.

Pretty confused for a while...

He says "stop the presses cause I'm killing time"

In "Geek Stink Breath" I originally thought (and still hear it this way) that he was saying "my balls are spinning out of time" instead of "my pulse is beating out of time". I was like... what the fuck does that mean o_O.

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