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Misheard Green Day Lyrics


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"Wish in one hand and shit in the other"

I'm so used to hearing "Stevie Wonder shit in the gutter" that I had to look that up. :shy:

Which just reminded me that I hear the line afterwards ("And see which one gets filled first") as "and see that my dick's real firm"

"Steve Wonder shit in the gutter, and see that my dick's real firm."

Oh my God :lol:

Okay Stuart and the Ave. just started playing and I've got another one. I hear what SHOULD be "You're a blur of my dead past and rotting existance / As I stand laughing on the corner of insignificance" as "You're a bland bag of piss and I'm a latex dance"

omg you should write lyrics on your own cause you have so much fantasy :lol: cause when I can't understand lyrics I either don't understand anything or I understand it with some other boring lyrics :lol:

I use to think the lyrics to Jesus of suburbia were "The bible was just a lie" it's really The motto was just a lie.

but that line makes sense too :lol:

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I always thought it was 'shes a rebel, shes a saint! shes assault of the earth and shes dangerous!'

then I figured out it was 'shes the salt of the earth'

I think assault of the earth is better lol :D

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I always thought it was 'shes a rebel, shes a saint! shes assault of the earth and shes dangerous!'

then I figured out it was 'shes the salt of the earth'

I think assault of the earth is better lol :D

My brother used to think it was "she's a soldier of the earth". That must've been like 6 years ago but I still think of it every time I listen to the song.

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I was listening to Warning recently and this came up:

I thought "May Impair your ability to operate machinery" was "May impair your offility (?) to operate my shittory (??? :lol: )" <- No sense at all


I thought "Mental homes and safety self communities" was "Better homes and safety self communities"


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In Jackass, when Billie says "alright!" at the beginning, I always thought he was saying "hello!" in a really hard to understand voice. 

In Minority, I've heard "like a shit runs from the herd" instead of "like a sheep". 

In Misery, instead of "he liquidated his estate" I've heard "E-Liquidated is a state"

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In Longview,instead of "but no one's calling" I thought it was "but no one's colder" lol

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Me and my brother were listening to BIAB in the car today, he's not that into Green day but he likes that one. Anyway, as we reach Good Riddance, more specifically the line: "In good health and good time" my brother sings: " Good old fingered Jaaaack".. :mellow:

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Today I was listening to music while doing my English's homewrok, so I wasn't paying many attention, so when I was listening to letterbomb in the "Your father's raise and your mother's love" I heard "your father's fat and your mum aswell"

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I always hear "I might choke on my urine" when Billie sings "I like to call my home" in Welcome To Paradise.

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I never quite realised what was wrong with this until today...

21 Guns

Actual lyrics: "Did someone break your heart inside?"

What I heard: "Did someone make you hard inside?"


And of course there's the classic "your faith wants a milking glass" instead of "your faith walks on broken glass" but I know I already posted that one months ago. :P I seriously thought that was what he said...

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I never quite realised what was wrong with this until today...

21 Guns

Actual lyrics: "Did someone break your heart inside?"

What I heard: "Did someone make you hard inside?"

Oh my god now you mention it it does actually sound just like that :lol:. This one is on a par with I wore cologne and broken gnomes. Totally gonna be hearing it that way from now on.

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I always though it was "I took a six pack to apathy" instead of the correct "I took a six pack of apathy", until GDA made those t-shirts.. Not a funny mistake, I guess it makes sence both ways..

And in Boulevard of broken dreams - I thought it was "Check my vital lines... NO! I'm still alive", instead of the real lyrics " Check my vital signs to know I'm still alive"... ._.

Yeah, I really can't think of any bigger mistakes now.. :D

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Few years ago I was sure that in All By Myself instead of ,,Did I mention" is ,,I had an erection" :lol:

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In Welcome to Paradise, on the lyrics "Another urchin snaps and left dead on his own" (or something like that) I used to understand something about broken arms :lol:

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There is loads of green day lyrics which I have misheard for example on macys day parade I used to always sign "then i realized what it took to tell the difference between things and goods" instead of "then I realized what it took to tell the difference between thieves and crooks" and on the same song I used to think it was a brand new home instead of hope

i always thought hope was home too in macys day parade.

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i used to say for jaded

Actual lyrics: Somebody keep my balance I think I'm falling odd

What I used to say: Somebody take my pants I think I'm falling out :| speaking of misheard lyrics, this reminded me of a video I watched with a friend 4 or 3 months ago, it's this video these guys made, for misheard lyrics for holiday, I founded it funny :P


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i used to say for jaded

Actual lyrics: Somebody keep my balance I think I'm falling odd

What I used to say: Somebody take my pants I think I'm falling out :| speaking of misheard lyrics, this reminded me of a video I watched with a friend 4 or 3 months ago, it's this video these guys made, for misheard lyrics for holiday, I founded it funny :P

wow some of it is actually sounds accurate, I don't think I will sing it with the actual lyrics now :D

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Oh my god now you mention it it does actually sound just like that :lol:. This one is on a par with I wore cologne and broken gnomes. Totally gonna be hearing it that way from now on.

Fuck I'd forgotten about I wore cologne :lol: gonna start hearing that again now.

I KNOW that line in 21 Guns isn't "did someone make you hard inside" and I keep telling myself it isn't, but I just can't not hear that. Haha.

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What I though the lyrics to Dominated Love Slave chorus were:

Alo feeling dirty

Alo feeling cheap

Alo the way you hurt me

So drug staples chick

What they were:

Cause I love feelin' dirty

And I love feelin' cheap

And I love it when you hurt me

So drive me staples deep

And the first time I heard Minority I also thought it was "she screamed under me". Doesn't make sense, but still..

Oh it does *pervert mode on*
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"Like a LION looking for forgiveness from a stone" instead of "a liar" on 21 Guns.

I heard that too xD
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I'm italian so I misheard a lot of lines...

I remember that I thought that in Burnout was: "I live inside the Spencer's keys" :lol: :lol: :lol: instead of "I live inside this mental cave"

This are the lollest (ammitted that lollest is correct :lol: :lol: ) tihngs I have ever seen :lol: :lol: .

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Funny you should say that......check out this live version :lol:

Maybe this version of All By Myself was first which I ever heard :lol:

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