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Misheard Green Day Lyrics


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There is some funny ass shit in here. "This is the darling of the rest of our lives".

And Cheapskatee, posting all those lyrics and bolding the lyrics that you know was priceless. HAHAHA.

Hey, what about lyrics that you saw a show where Billie changed the lyrics at a show or a bunch of shows and you can't get that version out of your head.

I did that with BTL when he changed "Songs of yesterday now live, CAALLLIIFFFOORRRNNNIIAAAA" on the Cali shows and now when I'm singing that, I sometimes accidentally throw that in.

Since the 94 Dookie tour (age shown, but I was a kid ;) ) he ALWAYS sang "How now brown cow" instead of "When I come around"...He still does it but he used to always.

Bringing up rockband again, does anyone find it odd that Harmonix/MTV decided to block out the "bad words" but left all the drug references including "Mary jane, doing someone elses cocaine" and one that might have just slipped under the radar because it's an OLLLD school term but in "Brain Stew" when he says "No rest for crosstops in my head", he is referring to amphetamine pills that they used to be heavily in to and that time where you're done partying and they (meaning the cross tops) aren't. Those amphetamine pills (much like aderral) are called "Crosstops". So they can't say FUCK but they can talk about speed and cocaine all they want. A little consistency? ha. If you have never tried speed, DONT, and if you ever need a reason, really listen to the lyrics of Brain Stew and know that it feels about 1000x worse than the song makes it. "Crooked spine...clock laughing in my face....eyes feel like their gonna bleed......"... Say no to drugs. :D:runaround:

Ok. back on topic.

Small one but on JOS I always thought "it didn't say much but it only confirmed at the center of the earth is the end of the world", I thought it said "at the center of the earth is the underworld.". I like my lyric better in this case. It also goes perfect with the lines before it.

Also, to the person that thought it was "we are the cries of the class of 13", I also always thought it said "we are the class, the class of 13" but after listening to it again with that in mind, it most certainly sounds like "we are the cries of the class of 13"

I miss "how now brown cow!" I haven't heard that in awhile :P

This thread makes me wonder at any given second during a Green Day show how many people are singing the wrong lyrics. We are the fanatics and we probably represent about 5%-10% of the actual attendance so imagine what they are singing. HA.

It cracks me up that we all keep singing the wrong lyrics when it would be soooo easy to just look them up, cause, you know we have all the albums and Billie was kind enough to give us the right ones in the kick ass liner notes! I'm guilty.

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It is Brad's (and Moms).

They asked Billies about it in Storyteller's (I think) and he said it was because a lot of people had step-parents, and therefore many don't call them Dad.

The first time I heard BIAB King For A Day, I had no clue as to what he was saying, t's just far too unintelligible. :lol:

Moms and Brads, which I think is the name of one of the acts of TCBD I heard him say once refers to the breaking down of societal family values of the past. Most of TCBD is a cry for an older America. Not one long ago like from the 40s and 50s like Glen Beck wants, but more of a 70s kind of America. Yes, women's rights and racial equality isn't even close to where we are now but that's why he dreams of a place "Where my family's from"....Before the Lobotomy speaks to his pining for a different era (*I just edited that from ERROR), even if it does so with dreamy glasses on.

Back to Moms and Brads, I heard Billie once say that it means not only step dads but kids calling their parents, especially father by their first names. I remember my siblings used to do that all the time to my actual father. (His name happens to be BillY). Anyway, every time I heard one of them call him Billy and they used to all the time I would say "Hey, there are only 4 people on this Earth that can call him Dad, why don't you do it". So Moms and Brads, and his explantation of it always hit a chord with me. It's a great play on words/names.

Ok, enough analyzing. Holy shit, these are still giving me quite a laugh. Each one is funnier than the next. HA.

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"While the mom and brats are away" - Jesus of Suburbia

For five years now I thought it was BRAD'S...like they were talking about his mom's boyfriend, and I always wondered about the "are" because the sentence didn't make sense. I don't know WHY it took me so long to figure it out!

Dude, up until this very moment I was with you on this one, hahahaha!

It is Brad's (and Moms).

They asked Billies about it in Storyteller's (I think) and he said it was because a lot of people had step-parents, and therefore many don't call them Dad.

The first time I heard BIAB King For A Day, I had no clue as to what he was saying, t's just far too unintelligible. :lol:

Oh, nevermind, I guess we were right in the first place...

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My little brother thought in BOBD Biilie Joe said, " I wore cologne I wore cologne" instead of "I walk alone, I walk alone"

Fission Mailed.

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this thread is freaking awesome. for a looooong time i thought in HOMECOMING it was "after 10 cups of coffee AND BACON" real lyrics "after 10 cups of coffee IM THINKING". and i never thought it was strange they were drinking lots of coffee and eating bacon...seemed perfectly normal!

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I've always thought that the line "Like a dog that's been sodomized" was "Like a dog that's beside her mind". Like a bitch that wouldn't change her ideas of something. I don't know what helped me figure out the real lyrics, but it makes sense,... Green Day wouldn't miss a chance to say bitch.

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this thread is freaking awesome. for a looooong time i thought in HOMECOMING it was "after 10 cups of coffee AND BACON" real lyrics "after 10 cups of coffee IM THINKING". and i never thought it was strange they were drinking lots of coffee and eating bacon...seemed perfectly normal!

Hahaha! That just made me laugh really hard. xD

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I never mistook this one, but someone else on this forum mentioned a long time ago they thought "Welcome to Paradise" said "Pay attention to the cracked streets and the broken gnomes". It's always made me giggle when I listen to WTP.

I AM CRYING MY EYES OUT IN LAUGHTER reading this thread. GNOMES.....baaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa.....GNOMES!

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this thread is freaking awesome. for a looooong time i thought in HOMECOMING it was "after 10 cups of coffee AND BACON" real lyrics "after 10 cups of coffee IM THINKING". and i never thought it was strange they were drinking lots of coffee and eating bacon...seemed perfectly normal!

Hahaha. It's funny when we think a lyric is something it's not, how we just accept it eventually without thinking. Hey, at least bacon and coffee go together. Too funny.

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A sinning circle swells his hand, follow me if you understand!

The latter bit is correct though, and I love how that is the lyric when actually NO ONE can understand him

Oh and 'Best thing in town, messing around!' I was originally like 'yeah it really is!'

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This thread is so funny. In Know Your Enemy I thought he said "God I know the enemy right here" and the part that goes "insurgency will rise" i thought he said "the search and sea will rise." I thought someone drowned in the ocean...

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And I forgot that when Know Your Enemy came out, I sang the "ra-hey" part or whatever as "raw ham." I was singing it in the car one day and I was like "Do you know your enemy RAW HAM!" My family was confused :pinch:

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letterbomb was hard for me at first i thougt it was where will all the martyrs go when the lier scares himself insted of wher will all the martys go when the virus cures it self

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this thread is freaking awesome. for a looooong time i thought in HOMECOMING it was "after 10 cups of coffee AND BACON" real lyrics "after 10 cups of coffee IM THINKING". and i never thought it was strange they were drinking lots of coffee and eating bacon...seemed perfectly normal!

:lol: :lol:

I already mentioned this in another thread, but I thought in "See the Light" it was "I've been wasted pizza and alcohol", while it is "I've been wasted pills and alcohol" :lol:

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Isn't it "The town bishop's an extortionist, and he don't even know that you exist"?

I've misread a lot of lyrics but for some reason I can't think of any right now.

edit: Thought of one! Jaded. I thought it was "Somebody keep my pants I think there falling off." instead of "Somebody keep my balance I think I'm falling off."

Hahaha - I thought it was "Somebody take my pants I think they're falling off." And of course, that would make sense if you've ever seen one photo of Billie and the way he wears his pants :lol:

This thread is making me laugh way too hard!

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Exactly! I said, "he didn't say poo!" and she said "why's he talking about a shovel then?" :lol:

Taking heed means paying close attention to something, taking notice of it and considering it. So if you took heed of some advice, you'd listen to and think about that advice.

thanks! :woot:

Since the 94 Dookie tour (age shown, but I was a kid ;) ) he ALWAYS sang "How now brown cow" instead of "When I come around"...He still does it but he used to always.

I tend to sing "huele a camarón", 'cause that's how "when i come around" sounds in spanish! :lol:

Listening to someone, responding to them, maybe even just getting the hell out of their way when they go postal (there's a good SOTW thread on "She" by the way -- http://www.greendaycommunity.org/Forum/index.php?showtopic=73902)

Oh, f*ck, my sides hurt now.....OWWW!!

someone already answer my question on heed, thanks :) and you're welcome, I love to make people laugh :cool::lol::

I can't remember how I sang it, but it didn't even have running in it, I thought that whole line had something to do with pizza.

That's what I get for never looking at the lyrics.

I started pizza eating as soon as my cheese touched the ground? :lol: i need to figure that out! xD

"While the mom and brats are away" - Jesus of Suburbia

For five years now I thought it was BRAD'S...like they were talking about his mom's boyfriend, and I always wondered about the "are" because the sentence didn't make sense. I don't know WHY it took me so long to figure it out!

IT DOESN'T SAY BRADS!?!? I'm pretty sure the booklet says brads, though. Like "while mom and brad are away" :lol:

This has got to be a joke. This is so funny that I almost died. Now admitatedly, I am very stoned (legal, in cali so suggit), but this shit has all had me laughing HARD for a long time. WITH MY HAND LOTION, ITS MY FAVE. That's better than a writer can do.

I'm not stoned, and I'm still laughing :lol:

And in holiday I thought it said "Just cause, Just cause we're not okayyyy!"

I know it says outlaw, but I always hear that! xD

The first time I listened to every Green Day album I was reading the lyrics at the same time, and then I always spent ages reading them over and over so they were ingrained in my head. I've never had any chance to mishear them. Reading the hilariousness in this thread, I'm sad I've missed out on it :(

yeah, I've misheard a lot, but I can't remember what! xD

Anyone else notice the new banner? :lol:

cracked myself laughing :lol:

My little brother thought in BOBD Biilie Joe said, " I wore cologne I wore cologne" instead of "I walk alone, I walk alone"

Fission Mailed.

that was on the rumours' thread! :woot:

Oh and 'Best thing in town, messing around!' I was originally like 'yeah it really is!'

I always hear "best thing around" :lol:
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First verse of line of American Idiot always screws me up. I always thought it was "Don't want a nation under the new media". Then I saw the special edition booklet, and it says "under the new mania", as does GDA. But then you play Green Day Rock Band, and fucking hell, it's "Under the new MEDIA"! Make up your minds already!!!

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First verse of line of American Idiot always screws me up. I always thought it was "Don't want a nation under the new media". Then I saw the special edition booklet, and it says "under the new mania", as does GDA. But then you play Green Day Rock Band, and fucking hell, it's "Under the new MEDIA"! Make up your minds already!!!

... now i'm confused, i was sure it was media ._.

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HAHA lmao!! these are sooo funny lol! :lol:

this one is going to sound really stupid and daft lol! but in the song Are We The Waiting where Billie sings "The rage and love, the story of my life" i always thought he sang "The rachel love, story of my life" lmao!! :lol: and the same in the begining of Jesus Of Suburbia where he sings "I'm the son of rage and love" i thought he always sang "I'm the son of rachel love" lmao!! soo i thought he was singing my name lmao..which is wierd and funny lmao! =/:lol:

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In Homecoming: "After 10, cops have caught me out again."

I mishear a lot of lyrics lol.

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HAHA lmao!! these are sooo funny lol! :lol:

this one is going to sound really stupid and daft lol! but in the song Are We The Waiting where Billie sings "The rage and love, the story of my life" i always thought he sang "The rachel love, story of my life" lmao!! :lol: and the same in the begining of Jesus Of Suburbia where he sings "I'm the son of rage and love" i thought he always sang "I'm the son of rachel love" lmao!! soo i thought he was singing my name lmao..which is wierd and funny lmao! =/:lol:


In Homecoming: "After 10, cops have caught me out again."

I mishear a lot of lyrics lol.


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I love this thread, just spent a good while laughing at what everyone has written. I've also found out a lot of things I've been singing wrong :lol: When I got Rockband I discovered I was singing stupid lyrics for things but I've forgotten them right now.

Also, I love the banner!

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I can remember so many times reading Green Day lyrics of a song and just being like ":o THAT'S what he says?"

Lol me too, specially the early stuff, and almost every song on Insomniac.

Ohh I rememnber one now..

Homecoming, mike's part, when I saw what he says I was like :blink:

I always heard: "Jimmy of the suburb, something went wrong and ya can't tell anyone cause no one's here; Left me here alone, and I should have stayed home (...)"

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