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Guest dar89ren

I don't know what makes me so unable to connect with Dookie... It just feels like there's something missing, and I don't know what it is. Every song is totally awesome, it just feels wrong. Really hard to explain.

When I Come Around, Longview, She, and Basket Case are all fantastic. The re-record of Welcome to Paradise makes the song SO much better than the Kerplunk version (which is already awesome). That's what I don't get though. I love so many songs from the album, but when I listen to it as a whole I just can't get as into it as, say, Nimrod or American Idiot.

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Wow, what to say, what to say. This album is simply perfect, She sums up my life, just... :wub:

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Yeah I love this too...This concert was awesome by the way...

I second this.

Jaded at Chicago rules.

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nothing to argue about, this is the number 1 Green Day Album...

songs like Basket Case, She, When I Come Around or Coming Clean are some of the best songs ever written in my opinion...

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I listened to Dookie in its entirety today....and it was pretty awesome as usual. :D

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This was the 1st album I ever loved. This album got me listening to music as a whole. I still love this and listen to it regularly. Fantastic album. Not a bad song. I still have my original one from 94. Case has had it but it plays fine!

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same here! this was the first green day album i ever got, and it's simply amazing. my favorite is burnout and when i come around<3

indeed. i'm actually listening to that song right now and i read your post :)

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Guest drugs

It's Green Day's magic. :lol:

When I Come Around, Having A Blast, Pulling Teeth, Basket Case and SHE. <3

I love this performance of She:

omg i love that performance, especially the start ! when billie joe goes all hyper talking about worry rocks and stuff. ahh those were the days.. (:

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Dookie was the album that made me fall in love with Green Day. All I needed to hear was Chump/Longview and I was all set. :wub:

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Is it me or did that many songs actually talk about masturbation? All I know is Longview...people always describe the album as about it being about boredom..etc and masturbation, lol

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Is it me or did that many songs actually talk about masturbation? All I know is Longview...people always describe the album as about it being about boredom..etc and masturbation, lol

Maybe because Longview was the first single from the album so it was used as a general representaion? It's the same with American Idiot. People always go on about how it's such a political album and yet, only a few songs really blatantly address political issues...American Idiot being one, and that was also the first single.

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Dookie is my favorite album. I like all the songs from this album. It is difficult to choose one favorite song, because all of them are so good,

but one of the songs I like the most is burnout.

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Dookie is easily one of my fav Gd albums and one of my fav albums ever. I can listen to it all. Well i can with every gd cd :P

Right now im really feeling burnout and having a blast, they pretty much sum up my life atm.

Edited by Dookie89
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Dookie is an amazing album well everything by Green Day is awesome, but Dookie is really an amazing album.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pulling teeth is one of my favorite songs on this album , love playing it on guitar tooo

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Pulling teeth is one of my favorite songs on this album , love playing it on guitar tooo

Do you have the tab for the solo? I cant find it :(

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I love listening to this album, I never get tired of it. I can seriously listen to it continuously for hours.

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I LOVE Dookie! My Absolute favorite album of all time. The first two songs I ever listened to came from Dookie which was Basket case and Longview.

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This is the second Green Day album I got! I remember how I used to obsess over She. God, I love this album.

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Dookie will always be my favorite Green Day album of all the time.

I can listen to all the songs over and over again, and still it'll never get bored.

Every single song on it is just amazing.Especially She, wich is my favorite song.

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