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Last of the American Girls music video


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Watching it later I have to say it isn't so bad...they couldn't make anything different with this song...Not as good as 21stCB, but I like it :lol:

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Well I really like this video! It's cool and I think it represents the real meaning of the song! :thumbsup:

But I notice that this video is set in a place that reminds me Holiday and Boulevard Of Broken Dreams. There's also the car that reminds me these two videos, and I like this sensation, 'cause it's a sort of continuity with AI album. :rolleyes:

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To be honest, I have mixed feelings. It wasn't Green Day's most intriguing or eventful video in my own personal opinion. I don't know. It's fun to watch, but it didn't really have too much depth behind it. I'm a bit dissapointed =/

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Worst Part: Friggen dancers...fail

Best Part: Green Day (specifically Billie) bordering FBHT energy. The jumping, the facial expressions....love it!

Waay more fun then KYE and Guns!

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Guest x-Green Day-x

I like it....a lot :)

I don't get why people think the blonde girls are annoying :o

They're not really, all they do is just dance around and follow Gloria.

No wait, wouldn't that make them dancing pedos?

Oh shit.

Hahahahaha xD

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I think that the blonde girls are annoying, but without them the video wouldn't make much sense =/

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I think that the blonde girls are annoying, but without them the video wouldn't make much sense =/

That's exactly what I think... I don't like the blonde girls, but without them it would be just... empty :mellow: As you said, it wouldn't make much sense....

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I quite liked the video and was pleased to see jason in it too.

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-It is very similar to Paramore's Crushcrushcrush video.

Meh....only similarity is the desert/wilderness setting for the shoot. The rest of the Paramore vid is "all about the band" and TBH I find it bland, dull, and boring. Comparing LOTAG to CrushCrushCrush, I like that Marc Webb even attempted to weave a story and thematic interpetation on top of the song that actually does the song some justice. The result isn't "stellar" IMO, but it's good and there are some layers of depth to it -- at least if you go looking for it.

Ok, so I'v read through all this topic, and most people claim that the two blondies are 'annoying'. Well in my opinion i love them to be honest, but besides the point, i think they are suppose to be classed as 'annoying' because the song is about a real girl. Like, she's the one who uses her mind to create things ( hinting the fake bullets from 'hand gun' there ) or like, sitting down wherever she wants, or just basically doing what she wants. And i think the two blondies represent the whole 'American Idiot' and how like, they have to interfere with everything if those are the right words to use. And like, she's basically completely ignoring them and has gotten used to it. Whereas most people on this topic, it annoys. I myself don't find them annoying, partly because i see Green Day in a more of inspiration in life, and no im not saying that other people don't. I'm just saying like, it's the whole being a minority thing, and just getting on with your own life and really couldn't caring a fuck about anything. But like I said, thats just my theory.

So yea, feel free to criticize me or whatever, I don't really mind as long as you don't take it too far that is. And backups would be also much appreciated :lol:

Like your interp. Another way of phrasing it could be: the dancers represent the static in The Static Age.

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Not THAT bad but a bit disappointing. It'd be much better without those dancers following Gloria, in my opinion.

It seems like Marc Webb used all his power to make an epic video for 21st CB.

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I've been trying to do that since the video first leaked. Should I stand in a weird position or it just work on deserts when you have two annoying Daisy Chains following you? xD

***SNORT*** :thumbsup:

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It's alright, yeah. I've seen better Green Day videos but I've also seen worse ones. The song sounded like it had been sped up though? Or was that just me? lol

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See to me, this song was a huge surprise as a single. It doesn't have a main chorus, or even a hook really. A good song, and one of my favorite lyrically off the album. But I was incredibly surprised by the choice to make it a video. And actually, overall, I was disappointed with the video.

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See to me, this song was a huge surprise as a single. It doesn't have a main chorus, or even a hook really. A good song, and one of my favorite lyrically off the album. But I was incredibly surprised by the choice to make it a video. And actually, overall, I was disappointed with the video.

I was surprised too. It's a catchy song and I really like it and all but I never thought they'd release it as a single. But I wasn't disappointed with the video at all. The blonde girls dancing around the place were a bit weird (was it something like they were 'mainstream' and Gloria wasn't? idk) but I liked it anyway. And I was happy to see the fish from 21 Guns vid on this video too ^____^

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I was surprised too. It's a catchy song and I really like it and all but I never thought they'd release it as a single. But I wasn't disappointed with the video at all. The blonde girls dancing around the place were a bit weird (was it something like they were 'mainstream' and Gloria wasn't? idk) but I liked it anyway. And I was happy to see the fish from 21 Guns vid on this video too ^____^

Man that is CLOSE attention to detail. ;)

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I'm not impressed by the video, I've seen a lot better Green Day videos

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It's alright, yeah. I've seen better Green Day videos but I've also seen worse ones. The song sounded like it had been sped up though? Or was that just me? lol

It was probably because you watched it on youtube? Correct me if I'm wrong, if you want to watch the real version go to Green Day Authority and scroll down till you come to 'Premiere of Last of the American Girls' and click on the first 'MTV.com' link in the text provided, should bring up the official video. :)

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Not great but I like it a bit.I hate that blonde girls,their dance is so annoying.

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I'm not impressed by the video, I've seen a lot better Green Day videos

Everybody has seen better videos from green day but this doesn't mean it's not cool...

Can't understand why you all dislike the blondes...

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welcome :) and the blondies were made to be annoying xD anyways, I want a video for ¿Viva la Gloria? or ¡Viva la Gloria!, 'cause I'm pretty sure that the fighter Gloria will appear in one of those xD

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I think that the video was well worth the wait. Its certainly one of the most artistic ventures that the band has ever taken in a video, and it actually makes me appreciate the song in context with the album and in itself.

It shows Gloria for exactly who she is: a fake. She's someone who sits around and reads books, listens to records, and watches shows about revolution, but she does nothing about it herself. I think that the blonde girls trailing her are a reminder of something that is chaining her down to her current life, but I haven't quite figured that out yet.

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I think that the video was well worth the wait. Its certainly one of the most artistic ventures that the band has ever taken in a video, and it actually makes me appreciate the song in context with the album and in itself.

It shows Gloria for exactly who she is: a fake. She's someone who sits around and reads books, listens to records, and watches shows about revolution, but she does nothing about it herself. I think that the blonde girls trailing her are a reminder of something that is chaining her down to her current life, but I haven't quite figured that out yet.

Personally I don't agree with this, from the lyrics I got a mix of irony and admiration; so Billie makes a bit fun of her, but ,on the other side, he truly worships and admires her. I look at the song as a love song, a sincere tribute to a kind of girl that isn't only focused on herself but cares about the world. Though she sometimes doesn't get the result she longs for.

Then again, about the video, I like it, I think it's funny, but I don't see it totally capturing the meaning of the song. I think the song is deeper than the video.

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It shows Gloria for exactly who she is: a fake. She's someone who sits around and reads books, listens to records, and watches shows about revolution, but she does nothing about it herself. I think that the blonde girls trailing her are a reminder of something that is chaining her down to her current life, but I haven't quite figured that out yet.

Good catch. I think your observation is confirmed in "Little Girl" -- "Little girl, little girl you dirty liar, you're just a junkie preaching to the choir."

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I agree with theory about two blondes by Rage & Love. (another locked thread) ,but these blond are realy "annoying". I don't like them.

When I saw LOTAG video first time,I immediately remembered on Holiday video and I said to myself : "WHY these blonds again??" xD

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