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Last of the American Girls music video


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Tre being a dancer would have been perfect lol

i'd rather have 2 of these :banana: rather than those sluts


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I thing I really liked this video!!Of course not one of my favs but still good..

Oh and I'm with the ones that think that Sam Bayer must come back!!!

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I want Bayer to make my Peacemaker video.

No, I want him to make the Murder City video. I'm sure he'd come up with a totally brilliant idea... like he would have for all the other videos.

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No, I want him to make the Murder City video. I'm sure he'd come up with a totally brilliant idea... like he would have for all the other videos.

And one for Horseshoes and Handgrenades. And a better one for East Jesus Nowhere.

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The last part when Gloria shoots at the car, and it explodes is just pure win :wub:

And I love the colors and the whole setting in the desert. And every shot with Billie of course <3

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The vid. would be a 1000 times better without the annoying blond dancers. :mellow:


The vid. is okay.

I like the Green Day shots and Gloria is hot.

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Yeah, the dancers were a bit distracting but to say they were annoying and stupid is taking it a bit too far. They are a big part of the video and honestly, calling them sluts? Ticks me off a bit.

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I'm starting to like the video the more i see it...its growing on me :P

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I can't say that I like it..Maybe I have to watch many times to get the meaning but it's nothing super impressive for me..

I like the song,though :P

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the video is so freaking awesome!!!!i love it!!!!billie joe is aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!! :wub:

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the video is so freaking awesome!!!!i love it!!!!billie joe is aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!! :wub:


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I woke up at 7AM to watch its debut on MTV... and it was worth it :wub: This video is like 1384019 better with decent quality :woot: I really like that Gloria can shoot things with her hands :lol: wonder how she does that (?)

anyways, this is my second favorite video from this record now n.n

edit: lame page win :D

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I woke up at 7AM to watch its debut on MTV... and it was worth it :wub: This video is like 1384019 better with decent quality :woot: I really like that Gloria can shoot things with her hands :lol: wonder how she does that (?)

It's a kind of magic.

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It's a kind of magic.

so this is what Freddie Mercury sang about? :shifty:

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It was great to see it in better quality and hear it properly. Still love the video :happy:

The dancers weren't what pissed me off --- What pissed me off is the way an assload of 'I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR' types started flipping the fuck out about them in comments section of GDA:


Jesus fuckin' please us.

Fucking LOL :lol:. The GDA comments section is always a source of great amusement.

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The message the video gives is one that I can agree on..... There are people who want to change you, but doesn't matter how hard they try, they will not change you. Those two blonde girls are supposed represent everyone else...

I'm going back and forth as to what the blondes are representing. Because on one hand, I agree completely with your impression. But then, on the other, I also find myself agreeing with MTV.com's interpretation! :lol:

oh, Tre looks younger in the video, like different younger... I don't know how to explain it, but he looks different. :)

Also agree with this :)

I don't know, I really like it. I don't quite know WHY I like it, but I do. It put me in a really good mood, I think it complements the song well (again, I agree with that MTV.com article about it being theatrical/the song being theatrical). Can't wait to see it on TV!

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Can someone upload the video so everyone can download it??I can't rip it from mtv and this youtube one sucks...

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I fail so much. I planned on staying up till six AM to see the premiere but I accidentally fell asleep like ten minutes before. So I didn't see it until I woke up his morning. Grr.

I thought the video was okay. The cinematography and the lighting were really good, but I thought the video was kind of...uneventful. Like the entire time I was waiting for something more interesting to happen, and while the ending was good, I just thought they could have done more with the rest of the video.

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Aww I wish I could see this on TV. The five music channels I get play almost every type of music but NO rock :dry:. Even Bollywood ffs.

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Amazing. It differs from other GD videos but I don't like those chicks who are dancing in it.

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