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Last of the American Girls music video


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Haha I saw the video played on Video On Trial. Again they mentioned the eyeliner. Like fuck off with bashing the eyeliner, i dont care.

the guyliner is damn sexy as far as I'm concerned...

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Haha exactly. It's not even that noticeable with black hair anyway.

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the guyliner is damn sexy as far as I'm concerned...

I concur!...so sexy

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I really like the girl that plays Gloria.

I think Lisa her name was..

She's so beautiful :wub:

I'm a little bit jealous xD


Lisa Stelly. And do yourself a favor, keep your font size default, cos people will just eventually rip the shit out of you :lol:

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Remember to vote on VH1 so that we can see this thing on TV...just like with 21 Guns, this could be huge!

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Good job everyone! The video is now #20 on the VH1 Top 20...but we can get it to #1! C'mon, Glambert's winning! Green Day deserves to own the music video world!

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Lol yeah. That and I like when she's sitting on their feet and they pretty much push her up. I wish I had two spastic blond dancing females to do that for me. That would be epic! :bunny:

Yo, blondies, I'm just gonna sit on your feet while I file my nails.

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i actually saw it pretty often on that austrian channel gotv ^^

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  • 5 weeks later...

Yesterday in the morning there was a countdown on VH1: TOP 10 Rock videos of 2010 so far (I don´t remember the exact title) and LOTAG were on no 2 :banana:

It´s a bit strange though I think because I haven´t seen the video before I mean they don´t play it a lot so how comes it´s on no 2 of the whole year so far? But who cares it´s great of course :lol:

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Ok. I know that the video has been out for a long time by now but I haven't posted a comment here yet, so I'll just do it now. I'm not into the LOTAG video that much. In my opinion, it wasn't that good as I expected it to be. The song's still great and all but yeah, that video didn't actually blow me away as for example 21st CB did.

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This video was done really nice, it looked colorful and had a lot of good imagery in it. 21CB music video is still my favorite, but they need to pick a better single, like Horseshoes and Handgrenades or a proper version of East Jesus Nowhere.

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So this song makes me feel like a total sassy-badass. I seriously feel like I can take on the world when I listen to it in my car :happy:

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Meh, it was alright. Most of the other GD music videos I've seen left me thinking "That... was... AMAZING. @.@" but this one just... didn't. At all. I thought it was sort of boring. It wasn't bad, it was just... okay. Although if those stupid dancers weren't there it probably would've been way better. However, I loved the part where the girl (Gloria?) had her fingers pointed like a gun and made a car explode. That was pretty dang cool.

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So this song makes me feel like a total sassy-badass. I seriously feel like I can take on the world when I listen to it in my car :happy:

Me too! I don't understand some of the hate on this forum for LOTAG, it's so BAMF!

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