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Last of the American Girls music video


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The message the video gives is one that I can agree on..... There are people who want to change you, but doesn't matter how hard they try, they will not change you. Those two blonde girls are supposed represent everyone else...


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I thought it was good. I'm liking it more than I did before. And while the two dancing girls still aren't that appealing to me, I guess I can understand why they're in there after reading some interpretations from people on here.

That car explosion at the end is, by far, the best part. I loved it!

this!!! :)

awesome thing to wake up to. :lol:

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I liked it and enjoyed it, but I don't think it was one of their best and not one of my favs either. I agree with most people, those dancers were just damn annoying.

I spotted Fishy though :lol:

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When I saw the video for the first time I thought it was awful and boring, but after watching a few times, it starts growing on me.

I like the colors a lot and the random shots of Billie :lol:

The ending was cool, I think Gloria is kinda trying to break out of her ordinary habits y'know.

After all, the video isn't THAT bad.

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I absolutely love it, everything about it. :D

Green Day never fail to amaze me.


I don't understand why people are being so negitive about it


Oh well. :lol:

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It isn't bad! It's not wonderful, but it's nice. I like the concept with Gloria vs. Dancing Clones but, I think they could do without the random butt shots of them :rolleyes: and gotten a little more of the band in there. I love the saturation they used in the video, beautiful color. And who doesn't enjoy a good explosion?

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I liked it, kinda.

I mean, it was an okay video, not awesome, not horrible either.

Those two blonde girls annoyed me though, I mean, I'll probably get used to them though after awhile.

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I'm kinda lost as to what the purpose of those two blonde girls was... :mellow:

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i like it. but those 2 dancers are pissing me off. seriously. they're annoying :ninja:

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well i really like the new video :)

but it kinda reminds of the holiday video.. probably because of the two girls :lol:


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Only watched it a couple of times, but so far I think I like it.

Do we have a download link yet? :)

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as many of you have already said (i just say it again) i didnt like the 2 girls, but i really love that it was filmed in the dessert and of curse the car explosion at the end. its imposible not to love that :P

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The dancers weren't what pissed me off --- What pissed me off is the way an assload of 'I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR' types started flipping the fuck out about them in comments section of GDA:


Jesus fuckin' please us.

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The 2 blonde dancers are kinda... strange, but funny!

I love Tre's face and BJ's close-ups and faces he makes sometimes!

I like this vid :)

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I liked it!

To be honest, I thought it would be better, but it's not a bad video!

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ahhhh.... i can't Frikkin watch It Cause The Computers At School Are STUPID! grrr.....!!! now i have to wait til i'll get home!!! but from the souns of all you guys... it's pretty good ..eh?

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The dancers weren't what pissed me off --- What pissed me off is the way an assload of 'I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR' types started flipping the fuck out about them in comments section of GDA:


Jesus fuckin' please us.

This. It's really stupid.

I just watched it again, after reading all the reasons why those 2 girls are in the vid, and I really like it now.

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I like it. I mean, most music videos get more or less boring, as they're just music videos. Same goes for Green Day's videos, even though I automatically smile a bit when they show up on TV etc no matter how many times I've already seen it. Just 'cause it's Green Day.

Even if the dancing girls are slightly annoying, I think it's alright. I love the song itself more, but I don't think the video is worse than any of their other recent ones.

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I still think it sucks.

And those people on GDA should get themselves a life and try and not be ~hurt by things they read on the internet.

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I've decided to start a new thread for discussion about the video now that it's out. What do you guys think about the video?

Thanks -- the other one was degenerating into spam rapidly.


I think after all is said and done I'll give Marc Webb a B+ for this one. It's nice, it does capture some key themes of the song and the album, but it's not "killer" in the way that 21CB (or even 21 Guns) was.

The dancers are definitely in there to provide a sharp contrast between "the rest of society" (glitz, glamour, bling, superficial), and the positive qualities about what Gloria's character represents. For me, some of the high points of the video occur because they're there to set that contrast -- brushing their teeth with Gloria and the part where she spits into the sink cracks me up. She spits, they don't. All three "fake-shoot" at the target, only Gloria's bullets hit. I also found effective the couple of shots where the dancers are framing the TV (with their asses in one shot) while images of the band and the 21 Guns and 21CB videos are appearing on the screen. On top of that, it makes a great parody of Beyonce's "Single Ladies" video. Still, I have to agree with some of the comments that the dancers are in there "too much" and are stealing some screen time that would be better used for other purposes -- more shots of the band, richer story development, etc.

The shot at the end where Gloria "pulls the trigger" with her hands pretending to hold a gun, and then the car in the background explodes and catches fire, is a Big Fucking Win. Still the best shot of the whole video IMO. It really nails the "piss of an angel and she becomes a winged fury" thread that runs through the 21CB album as a whole, and in particular it drives home Billie's point that "maybe the system is so fucked up that all you can do is cause an apocalyptic revolution -- torch the whole damn place and start over from scratch." That little Mona Lisa smile that Gloria gives as she pleasingly watches the car go up in flames is dead-on-perfect. Also note that the car itself is an old BMW (status car....might have some significance to the extent that it represents a consumerist society run amok). The only thing I can find about this shot to critique is the camera angle Webb uses when Gloria fires her "gun" at the car. You don't see her and the car in the same frame, which leads to an unnaturally long delay between the shot and the explosion -- and a rough edit between the two -- diminishing the punch that the scene othewise has for me. An over-the-shoulder angle shot from above and a few feet behind Gloria, slightly off to the side so you can see her back, her hands out in the shape of a gun, the firing of the "gun," the recoil, and the car exploding into flames all in the same scene -- and without being broken up by an edit -- would have looked better and more polished.

A somewhat-related aside on that "lack of some polish" note -- have you noticed something about Marc Webb's three videos for this album in general? They all lack just a little bit of camera angle or other technical polish that you'd expect to see from a director working at his level. In 21 Guns, you can see a bit of the track the crew is using to roll the camera around Billie Joe. At the end of 21CB, the dollies that Mike and Tre are on don't roll smoothly in and out of the scene, and you can clearly see the box that Billie has to stand on to balance the scene out because he's as short as he is. Now in LOTAG, we have this rough edit in a key closing scene. Whazzupwitdis??


What else...lessee....I do like the staging of the video in the desert for the reason that matteo263 mentioned in the other thread -- it captures the isolation that we can imagine Gloria must feel about being the last girl on earth who actually gives a shit about anything really important.

So....thumbs-up in general from me, and a B+ in particular. Good, not great, and a job reasonably well-done.

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oh god... i found a link that works!!! haha awwhhh billiiee! is adorable, and yes as everyone has said the dancing girls are annoying but

comeone. it's not like they ruin it or anything! haha i love how billie ends up on the TV screen.... haha looveee tree!! haha and i love the close up on billies face... randommly! haha

this video kinda reminda me of holiday... only because in that video they had dancers too.... and the whole butt shots could be toned down,.....

but i absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this video. =] it's not thier best, but its also not that bad=D

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