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Last Of The American Girls Music Video


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if you scroll down to the bottom it says 'kontakt oss', so it is the right link :)

thank you Sanne! :wub:

I just emailed them :happy:

You're welcome :happy: and yay, I didn't fail =D

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sooo i just watched some parts of it. dont like it that much ..

the guys looked good but the rest was just :mellow:

and whats up with those blonde chicks dancing in it?

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Is it possible that the dancers are kinda representing the stereotypical American girl that the rest of the world has a picture of? And they're trying to influence Gloria but she the real American girl? Well, I don't know what I'm talking about but the vid is kinda confusing lol

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I really want to see this video, I've tried googling it and got nothing. For the people who have watched it, would you say it's better than the previous videos from 21CB?

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Is it possible that the dancers are kinda representing the stereotypical American girl that the rest of the world has a picture of? And they're trying to influence Gloria but she the real American girl? Well, I don't know what I'm talking about but the vid is kinda confusing lol

Yeah. That's what I got from it, at least.

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sooo i just watched some parts of it. dont like it that much ..

the guys looked good but the rest was just :mellow:


I saw it & I was expecting something more... idk. something better... but, whatever... :/ the guys really look good on it.

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I really want to see this video, I've tried googling it and got nothing. For the people who have watched it, would you say it's better than the previous videos from 21CB?

Remember, Google is your friend. You can find it if you read between the lines lol

I'd say...well, I don't know what to say, because everything I say could influence your view on the video :lol:

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^ well I can't find it on google...


Is it possible that the dancers are kinda representing the stereotypical American girl that the rest of the world has a picture of? And they're trying to influence Gloria but she the real American girl? Well, I don't know what I'm talking about but the vid is kinda confusing lol

Hmm, that sounds plausible. If they did that though, I don't think they did that very well, my first thought when I saw it was "... sidekicks? um, okaaayyy....".

I really want to see this video, I've tried googling it and got nothing. For the people who have watched it, would you say it's better than the previous videos from 21CB?

I'd say it's better than 21 Guns and Know Your Enemy (and East Jesus Nowhere, if you count that a video), but not better than 21stCB (21CB is just awesome, and even though I like this one too (from what I remember from last night, heh), it doesn't beat it)

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So, i got a question for you guys who have seen the video...

When it leaked, did you see it in 'good quality', or like a 'decent' quality at least? Because all i've been able to find is a version filmed from some kind of a cellphone/camera onto the computerscreen, and another one with low low low shitty sound and volume and the video were all laggin' and stuff! :D

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So, i got a question for you guys who have seen the video...

When it leaked, did you see it in 'good quality', or like a 'decent' quality at least? Because all i've been able to find is a version filmed from some kind of a cellphone/camera onto the computerscreen, and another one with low low low shitty sound and volume and the video were all laggin' and stuff! :D

good, I'd say, but that one's removed now and I couldn't rip it (not sure if anyone could)

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I dont know what is the poblem for leaked a video.... In four days the video is out and what is the damage for leaked four days before??? Tha video was made for the people, for the people can see it.

I mean, this is not a CD. The company make money with the album sales and if you get the album leaked maybe you dont buy it and this is a bad thing for Warner and the Band... bu a video?? its only promotion for the album.

In this case is the 4 single not the firts, that is more "important" in promotion.

Im bet my left arm that here, in spain, the LOTAG video will be 3 times in Tv.. this album almost never appeared in Tv or Radio, none of the previous singles. And in this Forum a lot of people complained about the same. I had the oportunity to see the video now, and whats wrong?? Ok Warner, if its leaked, its leaked.. get over it¡¡

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ugh i can't find it on google either. all the videos i found were unavailable

anyone know what time it'll premier?

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I dont know what is the poblem for leaked a video.... In four days the video is out and what is the damage for leaked four days before??? Tha video was made for the people, for the people can see it.

I mean, this is not a CD. The company make money with the album sales and if you get the album leaked maybe you dont buy it and this is a bad thing for Warner and the Band... bu a video?? its only promotion for the album.

In this case is the 4 single not the firts, that is more "important" in promotion.

Im bet my left arm that here, in spain, the LOTAG video will be 3 times in Tv.. this album almost never appeared in Tv or Radio, none of the previous singles. And in this Forum a lot of people complained about the same. I had the oportunity to see the video now, and whats wrong?? Ok Warner, if its leaked, its leaked.. get over it¡¡

You obviously don't know how much hiring camera crew, directors, producers and the like costs.

Warner do need to make money from videos, and channels like MTV pay millions to premier videos thinking that they will get hundreds of thousands of viewers watching it. It doesn't only damage Warner, it damages MTV and in the end the entire economy isn't helped from it.

The music videos are sold on iTunes and Amazon etc etc, they will make money from it, not just the album/single.


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good, I'd say, but that one's removed now and I couldn't rip it (not sure if anyone could)

Okay, now it just bugs me even more :D

I hope it will turn up on some site again soon... Even though all this "internet-hunting" for the video has kind of passed the waiting time a little, but 3 days is still too much.

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Okay, now it just bugs me even more :D

I hope it will turn up on some site again soon... Even though all this "internet-hunting" for the video has kind of passed the waiting time a little, but 3 days is still too much.

If Thursday is soon enough, I can assure you it will turn up on some site xD oh nevermind I just read the rest. But really, can't a bad quality one keep you satisfied for three days? :P

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If Thursday is soon enough, I can assure you it will turn up on some site xD oh nevermind I just read the rest. But really, can't a bad quality one keep you satisfied for three days? :P

Well, when the video lags and is very dark, and you almost can't hear the music, it's a little bit disappointing.

But i get what you're saying, i should be able to wait until thursday, it's just... when you know it's out, you just wan't to get it :shifty:

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Well, when the video lags and is very dark, and you almost can't hear the music, it's a little bit disappointing.

But i get what you're saying, i should be able to wait until thursday, it's just... when you know it's out, you just wan't to get it :shifty:

Yeah, I know what you mean [:

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Is it possible that the dancers are kinda representing the stereotypical American girl that the rest of the world has a picture of? And they're trying to influence Gloria but she the real American girl? Well, I don't know what I'm talking about but the vid is kinda confusing lol

Thats exactly what i think it is :)

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I really want to see this video, I've tried googling it and got nothing. For the people who have watched it, would you say it's better than the previous videos from 21CB?

i think its better than KYE anyway... but thats just me :lol:

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i think its better than KYE anyway... but thats just me :lol:

and I think LOTAG is the worst among the 21st Century Breakdown's videos :lol:

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You obviously don't know how much hiring camera crew, directors, producers and the like costs.

Warner do need to make money from videos, and channels like MTV pay millions to premier videos thinking that they will get hundreds of thousands of viewers watching it. It doesn't only damage Warner, it damages MTV and in the end the entire economy isn't helped from it.

The music videos are sold on iTunes and Amazon etc etc, they will make money from it, not just the album/single.


i know the same about hiring Mtv that Warner or the band ABOUT STEAL SOME ARTWORK for a poor guy, exactly the same.....I dont know if Jack The Ripper is the best person for give me and advice about dont kill people.

The major labels and the big company fuck us every time they want.. Ey and dont forget: I DONT LEAKED THE VIDEO... THEY (one of the company that had acces to the video) LEAKED- I only see the video around internet. Dont blame me for this, Warner MTV or who cares who blame about the people that put a copy around the webs...They must control their workers.

In Spain wa are in fight with the gorvement for all this things.. download films, music,... In the USA, we are considered like the most "pirate" country in the news, but the law is in our side for the moment. All the trials were won by the people and dont by the companys... I download 3 o 4 new films in great quality every week (i reject bad quality) and is legal.

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Yes, I know piracy is legal in Spain, but that has nothing to do with the video...

I never said you leaked it either, so I'm confused myself now...

anyways.. back on topic.

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