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Last Of The American Girls Music Video


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Oooh, MTV answered me :D


I'm so going to watch tv then, I have to see LOTAG on tv :wub:

Wait.. No way, I'm probably at school right at that moment for some stupid Easter thingy. >.<

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Well, I also understood that they'll anounce it on Facebook/Twitter/Hyves and they hoped they informed you enough. ^^ I'm sooo good.... not.

Yup, you're right :happy:

Hmm, als je inderdaad zo goed bent, begrijp je dit ook wel. :P

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is it me, or has somebody posted the leaked vid? :huh:

I don't want to see it though!! I was just wondering looking back through the posts, I want to wait till Thursday :wub:

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I'm so going to watch tv then, I have to see LOTAG on tv :wub:

Wait.. No way, I'm probably at school right at that moment for some stupid Easter thingy. >.<

No, it's not gonna be on TV (or not that they've told me, anyway), it'll be posted on their website at 12.

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Yup, you're right :happy:

Hmm, als je inderdaad zo goed bent, begrijp je dit ook wel. :P

Oh Sanne je bent gemeen xD (jk) Nou eigenlijk is Nederlands best wel te begrijpen als je bv Duits kent.

(Denk je niet dat wij de video al in de ochtend op GD.com enzo kunnen zien? Volgens mij was dat met KYE zo..)

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Why was the video on Twitvid deleted?

because it hasn't been officially released yet

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Yup, you're right :happy:

Hmm, als je inderdaad zo goed bent, begrijp je dit ook wel. :P

Ok... because I'm indeed so good, I understand this as well?

Was I at least close? XD

Oh Sanne je bent gemeen xD (jk) Nou eigenlijk is Nederlands best wel te begrijpen als je bv Duits kent.

(Denk je niet dat wij de video al in de ochtend op GD.com enzo kunnen zien? Volgens mij was dat met KYE zo..)

Oh yeah I forgot that we can watch it on gd.com too...
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Why was the video on Twitvid deleted?

Because it's an unreleased video and therefore Warner removes all the videos?

Ok... because I'm indeedbla so good, I understand this as well?

Was I at least close? XD

Close xD

Hmm, if you're indeed so good, you'll understand this too.

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Because it's an unreleased video and therefore Warner removes all the videos?

Is there copyright on twitter?

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Is there copyright on twitter?

What? Whatever you mean by that, if the video is posted somewhere, it's illegal (I think), so Warner removes them.

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Because it's an unreleased video and therefore Warner removes all the videos?

Close xD

Hmm, if you're indeed so good, you'll understand this too.

Dammit, I was thinking "you" would make more sense... ah well. :rolleyes:
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Oh yeah I forgot that we can watch it on gd.com too...

Lol, are you using google translator or something? (:

Well it's their official site after all, they should post it.

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Oh Sanne je bent gemeen xD (jk) Nou eigenlijk is Nederlands best wel te begrijpen als je bv Duits kent.

(Denk je niet dat wij de video al in de ochtend op GD.com enzo kunnen zien? Volgens mij was dat met KYE zo..)

for some reason I completely missed this post.

Ach, dat valt toch wel mee? xD precies!

I hope it'll be on gd.com. But didn't it take like a day or two with the 21stCB premiere before it went on gd.com (and that was an MTV premier too, if I remember it right)

Lol, are you using google translator or something? (:

Well it's their official site after all, they should post it.

lol, I don't think google translate would make inderdaad into indeedbla :lol:

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Can someone please tell me how I can email MTV? I feel so stupid :lol:

info@mtv.no, I think. I don't speak Norwegian, but going on what it looks like it's saying, I think it's that :lol:http://www.mtv.no/info/for-foreldre (scroll down)

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Can someone please tell me how I can email MTV? I feel so stupid :lol:

just go on the website of the MTV of your country and look for "write us" somewhere on the main page :P

I'm wondering how it came out...

I always wonder who's the idiot who upload a video on the internet before its release

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Hah, that's for parents. Like, "Is this website save for my kids?" and stuff. :lol:

oh, oops. :lol:

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Lol, are you using google translator or something? (:

Well it's their official site after all, they should post it.

No I'm not. :happy:

lol, I don't think google translate would make inderdaad into indeedbla :lol:

Haha, yeah, I just wrote bla bla at first but then changed it and forgot to erease one bla. xD
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Hah, that's for parents. Like, "Is this website save for my kids?" and stuff. :lol:

if you scroll down to the bottom it says 'kontakt oss', so it is the right link :)

info@mtv.no, I think. I don't speak Norwegian, but going on what it looks like it's saying, I think it's that :lol:http://www.mtv.no/info/for-foreldre (scroll down)

thank you Sanne! :wub:

I just emailed them :happy:

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I always wonder who's the idiot who upload a video on the internet before its release

but I think this ''idiot'' is someone who has access to this stuff...so it's something like a ''spy'' or whatever...

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but I think this idiot is someone who has access to thsi stuff...so it's something like a ''spy'' or whatever...

yeah, indeed.

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