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Last Of The American Girls Music Video


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^Have you seen it?

Yup. Only once, though. and now the link is down :(

I guess another link was leaked, since loads of people are now saying they've seen it.

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Yup. Only once, though. and now the link is down :(

I guess another link was leaked, since loads of people are now saying they've seen it.

I see. I watched it only once too, in shitty quality. Meh, I'm not sure if I really should have watched the leak but ah well. :lol: Can't wait to see it in HQ.
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Lol yep. It was right when I was about to go to bed, so my plans in going to sleep early (or well, it was almost midnight, but still, ya know...) were kind of gone by then :lol:

That's nice. I guess xD

3 more days! Now I'm really curious, cause I seem to read a lot of negative reactions here :lol:

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That's nice. I guess xD

3 more days! Now I'm really curious, cause I seem to read a lot of negative reactions here :lol:

that's funny, last night it was about even, I think even more positive than negative.

The video wasn't disappointing, but it wasn't mind-blowing either. I like it, though :happy: I don't think it's gonna be a huge hit or anything, though.

And may I add that Billie is very good looking in it (actually, everyone in the video is. apart from the blond girls)

I'll put my random thoughts in spoilers for the people who don't want to read it for some reason.

the blond girls were just plain weird. I don't understand why they're in it, they don't add anything to the video and (apart from a sense of '....

:blink: okay...."), well, it's just weird. If it were up to me I'd remove them immediately.

I'm glad it wasn't too literally playing the lyrics out. And that Gloria wasn't too pussy, haha.

I don't really get why she shot the car and made it explode, but I liked it, I like explosions and fire so no complaints about that from me :lol:

Kind of weird though she was watching parts from 21 Guns, since the song comes later in the album, and even if you only know the singles so far it would be more logical if LOTAG happened first, and then 21 Guns. It's not a problem or anything, just surprised me.

yep, I felt the need to repost that.

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could somebody post me a pm with the leak? i missed it :( big thanks!

As far as I know both the 2 videos that had leaked were taken down.

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As far as I know both the 2 videos that had leaked were taken down.

I know of 5 leaks and only 2 have been taken down.

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I know of 5 leaks and only 2 have been taken down.

oh, well I guess it all started with one leak and then someone ripped the video from the first leak and reuploaded it, making the second leak and then the third etc.. :lol:

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Oooh, MTV answered me :D

Beste Sanne,

Het klopt inderdaad dat wij donderdag 1 april de Green Day World Exclusive hebben!

Deze Exclusive komt om 12 uur ‘s middags op onze site te staan. Dit wordt groots aangekondigd op onze site zelf en op facebook/twitter/hyves.

Dus houd onze site goed in de gaten want de World Exclusive van Green Day staat donderdag 1 april om 12:00 op mtv.nl!

Ik hoop je zo voldoende te hebben geïnformeerd.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

MTV Networks

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oh, well I guess it all started with one leak and then someone ripped the video from the first leak and reuploaded it, making the second leak and then the third etc.. :lol:

Nope, no one was able to rip from the first leak, so the other leaks are different people who recorded their pc screen, so the better the camera the person has, the better the video, but none are perfect.

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Nope, no one was able to rip from the first leak, so the other leaks are different people who recorded their pc screen, so the better the camera the person has, the better the video, but none are perfect.

Yeah, the one I watched was clearly a recorded pc screen. and the quality was meh.

Oh Sanne, was does the email say? :woot:

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Oooh, MTV answered me :D

So maybe it'll be on MTV germany at 12:00 too? I guess I have to write them as well....
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Nope, no one was able to rip from the first leak, so the other leaks are different people who recorded their pc screen, so the better the camera the person has, the better the video, but none are perfect.

oh, interesting :o

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Yeah, the one I watched was clearly a recorded pc screen. and the quality was meh.

Oh Sanne, was does the email say? :woot:

It says that the video will be on the MTV NL page at 12:00.
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It says that the video will be on the MTV NL page at 12:00.

Oh thank you, Nele. :happy:

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Yeah, it says that. And I'm happy about it, because that day I'll be home around 11:30-11:40 :happy:

edit: yeah that was @Micky

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Yay, so I actually understood something in a language I don't even speak. :cool:

And I wrote an e-mal to MTV Germany, hope they'll answer.

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Yay, so I actually understood something in a language I don't even speak. :cool:

And I wrote an e-mal to MTV Germany, hope they'll answer.

words like site, 12:00 and mtv.nl are pretty universal though :P

lol, MTV GDC-email floods.

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anyone knows anything about MTV Latinoamérica, or do I have to write an email as well? D:

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words like site, 12:00 and mtv.nl are pretty universal though :P

lol, MTV GDC-email floods.

Well, I also understood that they'll anounce it on Facebook/Twitter/Hyves and they hoped they informed you enough. ^^ I'm sooo good.... not.

anyone knows anything about MTV Latinoamérica, or do I have to write an email as well? D:

I think you have to do that... =(
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