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Last Of The American Girls Music Video


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Has anybody heard the song on radio stations? Or maybe the 1st of April is also the radio release date?

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Gloria's friends looks like Svengali's Daisy Chain :lol:

LMAO they looked familiar.

in my country ( italy) will debut at midnight *_* can'y wait anymore *_*

Thanks for the info :D

Has anybody heard the song on radio stations? Or maybe the 1st of April is also the radio release date?

1.No =/

2. Who knows.

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Does anyone know what website & the time it's getting released?

According to Marie_91 its being released on MTV.com and on the MTV Networks (MTV, MTV2, VH1, etc.) at 1:00pm GMT-3. So since you are from Scotland, that means it will be at 4:00pm for you.

And general information for the USA:

EST: 12:00pm (Noon)

CST: 11:00am

MST: 10:00am

PST: 9:00am

Hawaii: 6:00am

(If I've done my math right)

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Has anybody heard the song on radio stations? Or maybe the 1st of April is also the radio release date?

I think it's been on Aussie radio for a while, or at least I'm sure someone has heard it on the radio like a month ago.

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oh crap. i think im missing the premiere =/ if its gonna be at 4 in Ireland?

i suppose it'll already be on youtube by the time im able to watch it though.... :D

Has anybody heard the song on radio stations? Or maybe the 1st of April is also the radio release date?

not here (the irish have crappy taste in music generally :rolleyes: )

These are a few that have been posted:



eek i like this one XD

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Don't freak out over the time guys, the time I posted is when it is gonna be released at the Brazilian MTV, this show that is on at 1pm normally does release new videos, so it doesn't mean it's gonna be on at the SAME second on every country. All I said is that it is gonna be a world wide release on MTV, on the same day but not same time, you should probably check which MTV show in you country normally premieres videos.

But the video will be online before it's on tv.

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Hmm, I just saw that on the release day of LOTAG, from 00:15 to 3:25pm there will be an April's Fools special (means a little marathon of shows like Punk'd, Disaster Date and the like), on MTV :dry:

oh well, it's not like they would play it anyway. With all Green Day's videos from 21st CB at least it took MTV/TMF at least two weeks or so before they started playing it :dry:

I might email them asking if they are planning to play it that day and if so, when. That is, if I can find something to contact them.

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Lol, Green Day must like fish. 1st 21 Guns now LOTAG.

Its Marc Webb (the director) who likes fish haha

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Noon! I have class until 11, another class at 12:30...I can skip lunch for Green Day!

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Noon! I have class until 11, another class at 12:30...I can skip lunch for Green Day!

I guess my post could be wrong based off the new info Marie_91 provided. That 1:00pm is for the MTV in Brazil.... might not be true for the rest of the world. Probably going to be a MTV midnight premier again (and by MTV midnight I mean like 3 in the morning)

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I guess my post could be wrong based off the new info Marie_91 provided. That 1:00pm is for the MTV in Brazil.... might not be true for the rest of the world. Probably going to be a MTV midnight premier again (and by MTV midnight I mean like 3 in the morning)

damn, you're right... and 3AM in the US is like 5AM here.... Fuck

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Yaaaaaay! That's such wonderful news! It made my day!

Yaaaaaay once again! :D :D :D:banana:

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So I'm guessing that for the next week we're going to discuss just how excited we all are about seeing the video and when and where it will be available. Is that about right? :D Just checking!

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I bet it'll get released at midnight.

Me too! xP

According to Marie_91 its being released on MTV.com and on the MTV Networks (MTV, MTV2, VH1, etc.) at 1:00pm GMT-3. So since you are from Scotland, that means it will be at 4:00pm for you.

And general information for the USA:

EST: 12:00pm (Noon)

CST: 11:00am

MST: 10:00am

PST: 9:00am

Hawaii: 6:00am

(If I've done my math right)

I saw that yesterday & checked the Sky Listings & it didn't say anything about the video, unless it's still to get changed. =/

Hopefully if they are going to release it throughout the day it'll be round about that time though, since I have school to go to & then a concert later that night. :D

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i hope that this fucking mtv greece will show the video clip...... :ninja: i hope it'll go well on airplays :bunny: (sending positive energy, sending positive enrgy)

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I'm exited for The video! It looks good! And also, since Marc Webb Directed this one too, I wanna see what he did! :)

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I feel like it would air in primetime in the US. I mean, KYE did.

Hope so =/

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just read a status update from some dude i know who works for warner ireland:

Likin the new Green Day video for "Last Of The American Girls" :)

OMG :o

he might be watching it pre-release..but still :o

further information is needed ninja:

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I think Stuart the fish should leak us the video for just a couple hours.

My patience is limited. :mellow:

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