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Last Of The American Girls Music Video


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I love it! :woot:

You've said you'd post one or two screen caps, so, please, give us another one... :lol:

Last one from me till it's released.


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Thanks for the screencaps, Andres.

That last screencap is... interesting, I don't know what to think of it.

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i rock.

You do indeed. That's me kissing your ass so you continue to be nice.

You two and your crazy insider talk. I wish I knew what it was! :whistle

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Yeah, can't wait to see this. I want to know if we find out what happened to that fish in the 21 Guns video. They surely left us hanging there.

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You do indeed. That's me kissing your ass so you continue to be nice.

muah, im very thankful, muah muah

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Yeah, can't wait to see this. I want to know if we find out what happened to that fish in the 21 Guns. They surely left us hanging there.

Since its a Green Day video by Marc Webb, I'm sure it is in there. (exception with 21CB)

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Just by the thumbnail, I know it's good :rolleyes:

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Ah, the fish...

I didn't see it after he was.. where was he? What happened to that fish in 21 Guns? Wasn't he in a water bottle?

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Yeah he ended up in the water bottle.

I didn't even think about goldfish in all his Green Day videos. That's pretty cool

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Yeah he ended up in the water bottle.

I didn't even think about goldfish in all his Green Day videos. That's pretty cool

we did a whole animal count in gd vids when we had the fbht thread 'way back when' LOL

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Off topic, I wonder if the fish from 21 Guns was the same one for Basket Case. Can a fish last that long? :blink:

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Off topic, I wonder if the fish from 21 Guns was the same one for Basket Case. Can a fish last that long? :blink:

If its a Super Fish it can :D


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Yeah, can't wait to see this. I want to know if we find out what happened to that fish in the 21 Guns video. They surely left us hanging there.

I think we'll find out how did she got that fish with this video :sherlock:

(how did she find a fish in the desert? I don't know?)

Thanks Andres for the screencaps!

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greenday.com changed the music video premier post. now its:


MTV is proud to present the Exclusive Global Premiere of Green Day's latest video, "Last Of The American Girls" from the multi platinum album '21st Century Breakdown', on Thursday, April 1st, 2010. The band is about to embark on a worldwide stadium tour which will see them playing to hundreds of thousands of fans around the globe!

You can already guess whats going to happen.

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The fish is gonna be swimming around in that bath :happy:

Thanks for the screencaps.

greenday.com changed the music video premier post. now its:

You can already guess whats going to happen.

What's the difference?

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Yeah, can't wait to see this. I want to know if we find out what happened to that fish in the 21 Guns video. They surely left us hanging there.

He lived, I think. It was kind of a hopeful ending. Everything was broken, but there was still life. The fishy found the last bit of water.

I'm delving too far into this.

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The fish is gonna be swimming around in that bath :happy:

Thanks for the screencaps.

What's the difference?

Before, it was:

'We are proud to present the Exclusive Global Premiere of Green Day's latest video, "Last Of The American Girls" from the multi platinum album '21st Century Breakdown', on Thursday, April 1st, 2010. The band are about to embark on a worldwide stadium tour which will see them playing to hundreds of thousands of fans around the globe!'

now its:

MTV is proud to present the Exclusive Global Premiere of Green Day's latest video, "Last Of The American Girls" from the multi platinum album '21st Century Breakdown', on Thursday, April 1st, 2010. The band is about to embark on a worldwide stadium tour which will see them playing to hundreds of thousands of fans around the globe!
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