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Last Of The American Girls Music Video


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Frankly, I'd say wait until we have an actual release date. This may have been a mistake or something like that.

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Nah, nah don't think it's a coincidence that this happened the night of the premiere on Broadway. Stay positive. I think we'll have it in a few hours.

and she knows about it and is checking into it.


I wasn't on GDC for the release of the 21st Century Breakdown video and I still don't really know what happened. So far, all I know is that the video didn't come out at the right time or something. So can someone fill me in so I don't feel completely left out? and is it happening again with the LOTAG video?

We thought it'd come out at 00.01am on the 19th of October. Turned out it was meant to be 01.01am but it didn't come out then or something...Then when it finally was put up on the mtv site, it wouldn't work for most people and the people who it did work for couldn't rip it. Then like half a day later, it worked.

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*yawn* Morning. No news then? Damn.

Maybe we should wait for a release date...surely if they knew the video wasn't working they'd get it fixed immediately, unless it really was a mistake.

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^ the night of the 21cb release was a nightmare! ... first all of the waiting and then .. the " this video is not available on your country thing .." ..

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So what are people thinking about this? That it's gone wrong but it will be fixed and be viewable soon? I hope so. It's about time :D

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Aw man. I kinda wanna go to bed. It's half seven am here. Idk what to do. I've been waiting for this for like over 8 hours.

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yeah .. me too ... its 2am here ... I better go to bed .. and hope that when I wake up tmrw the videowill be already posted :D

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Ugh I gotta read up to Madara talking to Sasuke and then I'm going to bed. I give up. They're not releasing the video. Another night of hoping and begging for no good reason. *sigh*

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Aw man. I kinda wanna go to bed. It's half seven am here. Idk what to do. I've been waiting for this for like over 8 hours.

morning! okay so i got about five hours sleep. gotta go do bio. trina get to bed, your turn :P ill try and check during breaks at school if you want.

gahh!!! i cant believe its not out yet!!

anothing happen in the last 12 pages?!?!

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morning! okay so i got about five hours sleep. gotta go do bio. trina get to bed, your turn :P ill try and check during breaks at school if you want.

gahh!!! i cant believe its not out yet!!

anothing happen in the last 12 pages?!?!

Good morning! :lol:

G'luck with your exam.

Haha, aw man. I dunno if I should or not. I feel sick though. D: I think I might.

Don't worry about it but maybe if ya do come across something let me know!

I have a feeling it'll come as soon as I go.

Nothing happened btw.

Night guys. :\

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anywhere i can watch this?

at the moment no one can see it no matter what country but netty contacted warner about it so we will and see what she says or wait for a official release date

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Is it out already somewhere or it was just a false alarm? :huh:

edit: thanks for the info.

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anywhere i can watch this?

Nowhere. We've been watching myspace and youtube all night. Nothing.

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for some reason its on the myspace but no one can watch it or the know your enemy video and theres been no official announcement yet

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I just check their myspace, youtube, and even fucking google and couldnt get it :(

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I think we will be able to watch it no sooner than after the premiere tonight.

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I think we will be able to watch it no sooner than after the premiere tonight.

I hope so. And I hope that next time they release a video, they tell us that, not just expect us to stay up all night refreshing pages only to find out that it may come out after the premiere.

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One of my friends suggested it's a coding error. That may be true. But who knows.

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OMG its out already?? :o but i cant view it =/

nobody can. it seems the video has been blocked world wide...with maybe the exception of Antarctica

lucky penguins :dry:

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