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Green Day References


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I also like the fact that it is called After Robots, which reminds me even more of Money Money 2020

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actually, that album rocks, man :thumbsup:

I just meant more of the fact that it looks a bit like FINK and has B J in the title! It is a government conspiracy :ninja:

I didnt actually listen to it lol

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the other day my Writing teacher mentionedt being redundant when writing an essay....then that song kinda got stuck in my head for the rest of the period :D

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haha gotta love when that happens

I also like the fact that it is called After Robots, which reminds me even more of Money Money 2020

:blink: I didn't even think of that. I may explode from the irony of this.

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I also like the fact that it is called After Robots, which reminds me even more of Money Money 2020

we must solve the mistery :sherlock:

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i've seen homecoming written on a table, thought of gd lol

Haha, my homecoming shirt says... well, homecoming, but I only wear it 'cause that's my friend and I's Green Day song.

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well technically a network reference

but im watching Castle right now and some one in the show is nicknamed Fink

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I'm watching School of rock for the 39084109th time, and in about 3 minutes, Freddie will be with the Warning t-shirt. For some reason, he reminds me of Tré... maybe because he's a drummer xd

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^ i havent seen that movie in so long! so good!

!? What is Castle?! That is awesome :)

Cop show on ABC =)

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I'm watching School of rock for the 39084109th time, and in about 3 minutes, Freddie will be with the Warning t-shirt. For some reason, he reminds me of Tré... maybe because he's a drummer xd

or because out of all of them he was always the most fond of actually wearing Green Day related shirts...I mean if you are that good, why not? :lol:

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Just a couple seconds ago I was flicking channels and I saw some commercial for a phone or something and it could also play music and even though I only saw it for like a second, I'm positive the picture of 21CB (the album) was on the screen. :happy:

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the other day my Writing teacher mentionedt being redundant when writing an essay....then that song kinda got stuck in my head for the rest of the period :D

haha. my teacher says that too. my brain is wired to imediatly (i know i spelled that wrong) think of Green Day if something has to do even remotely with them. my dad also always says "the department of redundancy department" again i think of Green Day.

i have a song on my ipod called Enemy by Flyleaf and i always think of KYE. even other songs remind me of songs! i am an enigma.

also my family and i were drving and there was a bilboard for something and it said Longview.

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I went to the circus once (i never do, but my friend was in it) and during the trapeze act the music was a choir version of BOBD.

Put me in suuch a good mood aha

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Today my teacher said, almost never really counts. Except in horseshoes and handgrenades, or something like that and I was excited.

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right now, they're playing this commercial on VH1 latino, and it has good riddance as the music....

also, there was a commercial with "don't stop me now" as the music and it has a bit of Jesus of Suburbia, when he is kissing the girl with red hair :lol:

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Everytime I saw the words "I Was Here" on a wall in school, I used to put in a T before the here :P

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HDJKEHJKSAEHJKD Office just made my life complete. Andy + Dwight singing BOBD was fucking brilliant. I nearly fucking lost it laughing.

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Just now in the office.

Dwight was singing karaoke, and it was BOBD.

And Andy!!!!



HDJKEHJKSAEHJKD Office just made my life complete. Andy + Dwight singing BOBD was fucking brilliant. I nearly fucking lost it laughing.

My face LITERALLY went :woot: and then my jaw dropped

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It was such a random, non-Christmasy song to sing, that's what makes it even more hilarious. That beats Michael and Andy's 2006 "Your Body is a Wonderland" duet by far.

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It was such a random, non-Christmasy song to sing, that's what makes it even more hilarious. That beats Michael and Andy's 2006 "Your Body is a Wonderland" duet by far.

I know! I was like wtf lolz that doesn't belong lolz OMG I LOVE YOU ANDY lolz hahahahahahahahahaha drums the end.

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