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Green Day References


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Well, it's weird but sometimes you hear or see certain things like all the time. Lately when I've watched TV someone have said "good riddance" or "basket case", I've heard that quite often. Which immediately makes me think of those songs, of course :P

There was also a show (don't know which one) where someone was called BJ. I mean, whenever I hear like Billy, Joe, Armstrong, Michael, Mike, Trey or names like these I think of Green Day.

Last movies I've seen with Green Day references were Superbad, where there's a Green Day poster in someone's room. And I Could Never Be Your Woman, where this man and woman are sitting in a car and she's checking the CDs for the stereo and she's like "Ooh, Green Day." And there was also an episode of Party of Five where someone says he's picked up the "latest Green Day record" or something like that.

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I was watching last years X Games (I dont know why. I was never into that stuff), but yeah, pretty much every time they went to a commercial, they played a song off of 21st Century Breakdown. The funny part is, whenever they played a song, I made this weird squeeing noise and my mom looked at me like I was insane.

Plus me and my friend were at a music store and we saw American Idiot. So at the same time we both screamed "DON'T WANNA BE AN AMERICAN IDIOT!!!" and the guy that worked there gave us this really weird look :lol:

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I was watching Spongebob (wut. Spongebob is awesome. admit it) and the episode was called Waiting :happy:

and there was some other Green Day lyric in a commercial I saw.

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^ I remember that episode! :lol:

On Cartoon Network they had this random bit of a kid dropping his lunch tray and the announcer guy yells "TRAY FAIL" and I heard it and mistook it for "Tre Fail" :lol:

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they were showing a Trauma commercial a few minutes ago and the guy was saying "WE'RE NOT GONNA MAKE IT TO OAKLAND! REPEAT: WE'RE NOT GONNA MAKE IT TO OAKLAND" :lol:

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I was reading http://community.sparknotes.com/index.php/...wilight-part-5/ ....

Prediction: Jacob tells Bella that he once played drums with Green Day, came up with the idea for LOST, and has a long-distance relationship with a supermodel who lives in Italy. Bella believes every word.


AHAHAHAHA! I read that the other day, but I forgot about this thread! :lol:

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MSG was on the tv this morning, because Eddy Izzard was playing there and he was talking about Marthons, but i wasn't interested in him. I just stared at the arena and was like "Oooh Green Day played there!'" and my Mom thought i was weird...

ya lol my parents look at me weird when that happens. i forget who it was but um they were going to play at wembly stadium and i was like ;green day was there !!!' :lol:

oh! or when they ever say oakland on tv im just like what! what did you say :lol: and i think of GD

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I went shoppin saw a shirt with a pic of a girl ridin a bike it's called"little girls"

smirked n thought abt Gloria

physics techer mentioned"21 degree centigrade"

thought it wud be 21st century breakdown or 21 guns lol

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Someone had etched AI into the door at school, it was probably just their initials but I have Green Day on the brain :wacko:

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I saw a license plate with "GD" in it.

okay, I was scanning all the license plates for something like that because I was bored but still :ninja:

and I also saw GR (Good Riddance)

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not sure if this counts but...i think someone here mentioned he/she reffered to the subway sandwich BMT-billie, mike, tre,which i find pretty awesome, so i was in subway today w/a friend but i wasnt gonna get anything, and when she ordered a bmt, i said to myself umm id like a "bmt" as well :eyebrows: ...so the person ended up making 2 sandwiches cuz he thought i ordered one too...i dont even like bmt but paid it anyways...

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okay, I was scanning all the license plates for something like that because I was bored but still :ninja:

and I also saw GR (Good Riddance)

I always do that. In fact, I had all my friends looking for a BJ plate... A few weeks later, this friend comes back from her holidays and show me a photo of a BJ plate :lol: She had his dad following the car and everything to take a decent picture xD

And everytime I see a GR plate, my friends laugh, 'cause that song it's like my personal trauma :dry:

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I just had to take a picture of this :P


My friend was like "What are you doing??" And I was like "Um, taking a picture of the bus. Obviously."

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In this computer game, you play a guy called B.J. Blazkowicz. :happy: It doesn't stand for Billie Joe, but still. (:

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Today one of my friends came into school wearing big plastic glasses that looked like Mike's. And I saw a freshman wearing a black button-up shirt and a red tie.

I love my school.

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There's a restaurant named Fink :) I saw it the other day when I was driving home from snowboarding.

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I was watching TV and in the background there was an advert for Singha Beer...and it reminded me of 'Lead Singha' :lol:

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My teacher kept mentioning the minority today and I wrote about the static age in my essay :)

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The U.S. History books in my school say "Reconstruction to the 21st Century" and I always have this insane urge to write "breakdown" after it.

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Today in Chem we weren't paying attention and quoting from the Simpsons Movie, so my friend and I went through all of Green Day's part.

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