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Green Day References


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My math teacher said "almost only really counts in horseshoes and handgrenades."

And we are learning about GCF and it keeps making me think if GDC

There's also a guy in my guitar class who kind of reminds me of Billie :shy:

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Was flicking through a JB hi-FI catalogue and found International Superhits in there.

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i was just flipping channels and LOTAG was on this Fuse show called Video on Trial! (that is the worlds most annoying show!)

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Was flicking through a JB hi-FI catalogue and found International Superhits in there.

Once I saw Shenanigans in there :woot: the only reason I look at catalogs is to see if there's a GD album in there

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My radio station just played a line of Welcome To Paradise to say what sort of music they play :woot:

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Was just watching the cricket and they said that this guy looked like Billie Joe :Phttp://www.google.co...ved=0CFEQ9QEwCA

I did not expect that when i was watching..

Hmm, if you cross your eyes it kinda does :P

Some people where talking the other day, and I overheard them say the word "Foxboro". They weren't talking about the Foxboro Hottubs though :/

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Last night I watched transformers 2 and heard (the only 2 lines :dry: ) of 21 Guns :wub:

And my sister told me that on a movie she saw an American Idiot poster in a boy's room.

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These ones probably are already posted, but there was to many pages to search and see. NSIS was on and I heard a boy say something about Green Day tickets and a concert, something like "it's Green Day I'm not going to miss it". My sister was watching Zack and cody on Deck and they said something about If Green Day can make a musical and still be cool so can we. My sister voluteers at a cat shelter and someone there named a cat Green Day. I was watch My Life as Liz and saw a GD poster in one the boys rooms she liked, I forgot his name. I was watching Untold Stories of the ER and the doctor asked the girl whos your favorite band and she said Green Day(it was weird because before she said that I start thinking about GD and if it were thats what I would say then she says GD at first I thought I heard what I wanted to hear, but they mentioned them again). Okay last one I can think of I don't know if anyone on here watches the Shaytard blogs, but him and his wife were singing Basketcase lyrics.

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My mom is reading this book and the lady says something about standing next to a sweaty man with a Green Day shirt stuck to his skin, also my sister read a book that talked about GD.

Last night I watched transformers 2 and heard (the only 2 lines :dry: ) of 21 Guns :wub:

And my sister told me that on a movie she saw an American Idiot poster in a boy's room.

Last night I watched transformers 2 and heard (the only 2 lines :dry: ) of 21 Guns :wub:

And my sister told me that on a movie she saw an American Idiot poster in a boy's room.

I have only seen Transformers 2 once, but I think I also remember seeing something Green Day on the kids computer or something like that.

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In Science, we're watching Apollo 13 and at the beginning on the TV, it says "ARMSTRONG ON MOON" and I'm thinking "Billie Joe, is on the moon"

My friends book said "an eye for an eye" on the cover an that reminded be of the lyrics of Take Back.

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I have only seen Transformers 2 once, but I think I also remember seeing something Green Day on the kids computer or something like that.

Maybe. But actually I only saw the first 5 minutes of the movie...

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We're learning about minerals in school and one of them was "malachite". I got yelled at for singing 2,000 Light Years Away :P

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my dad and i were loading firewood and he said that is was sassafras, i asked him if he ever listened to their roots and he looked at me like i had pudding coming out of my ears lol

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Whenever someone mentions American Idiot in one of my theatre classes, I get all excited.

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ok...i think this one has already been mentioned: In How I Met Your Mother Green Day are mentioned in 2 episodes (at least from what i've seen, maybe they're mentioned in some more episodes :lol:)

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A couple of nights ago I printed 1,039 pictures at walgreens. :D (however our computer crashed because we had so many orders and it was no fun...)

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A few years ago I was changing channel on my tv, I was really bored so I stopped on a channel, when I see this!!! at 00.06 I turned up the volume......yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy it's GREEN DAY :banana:

first scene Ramones t-shirt :P

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