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Green Day References


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Do you have the original picture of your sig? I've never seen it before :o


And today in English we were discussing things that talk about being 17 for some reason and I was like Coming Clean! :D

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Picture? :)

well i was driving, and i figured whipping out a camera while driving was not proper driving technique, and maybe somewhat dangerous. haha, i'll try harder next time though :)

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Today on Dr Phil he said 'nice guys finish last'

I randomly went, ha! :woot: ....then went back to being quiet, my brother gave me strange looks.

(I was totally not watching Dr Phil :ermm: )

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Today in class the teacher was telling us about the '50s..And she showed us some music of the 50's, she showed Shout (by The Isley Brothers) :D

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well i was driving, and i figured whipping out a camera while driving was not proper driving technique, and maybe somewhat dangerous. haha, i'll try harder next time though :)

Awh, I thought you might have been walking. That's still amazing though! :D

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I was flicking channels and came across something from that new Google phone, Nexus One or something, and some system in it is called Android :happy:

(yes, I know it's a frequently used name and it wouldn't surprise me if that's an often used system, but idk much about cell phone technology. so yeah.)

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I can't help but think of 80 whenever we read about a year in A.D, like in History today

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I was watching something and they mentioned someone being saved.

which made me think of East Jesus Nowhere. :happy:

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i was reading in my biology book, in the corner it said 'biology in the 21st century' lol

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This technically isn't a reference, but in class today I had to give an example of a hyperbole, and I wrote "2000 Lightyears Away"

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today in french class my teacher was telling us about a french holiday where these little toys are hidden inside a cake, and whoever finds the toy is then dubbed "king for a day", which obviously made me think of king for a day. haha

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Well, my first green iPod's name was Frank. Then I got a second green iPod when my first one broke, and named it Frank Jr.. And then when someone in my family stole that one, I got a third green iPod and named it Frank Jr. Jr..

I've just realized that it's Frank the Third (ga)

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^ Now I know I'm not the only one who names stuff :lol:

haha well when you register on iTunes you have a name your iPod, right? So I chose Frank (short for Franklin) because my ipod was green, which reminded me of a turtle, which reminded me of Franklin the Turtle, and of Frankenstein.

I also have an iTouch named Steve :)

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not exactly a reference, but a proof of how fucked up i am: I was in the supermarket and a little boy said something and I heard that he said Green Day xD A few days before, I was at a friend's house and a dog started to bark something that sounded like "the network" in Disease is Punishment xD

^ Now I know I'm not the only one who names stuff :lol:

My MP4 is called "El Negro II", because is black. "El Negro I" was an mp3 that someone stole me ¬¬ Also, my amplifier is called Paul, my guitar Jimmy, my other guitar Insomniac and the old guitar of the house is called Kuzo (shit in japanese xd)

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I think I'll name my iPod....what's a good name for a purple iPod??

haze xD

/jimi hendrix

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I have a purple iPod too.

I call it 'my iPod'

And its name on iTunes is Sanne's iPod.

Original, huh?

I don't name objects.

And I think it would be pretty awkward if I'd be all like (using Katarina's iPod for exmple. because it was the first one I saw.) "crap, I lost my Fink"/"Wait a minute, gotta get my Fink first"/"damn, the ears from my Fink got all tangled for no reason!"/"urgh, Fink's batteries are empty yet again, after only a day!" around friends. or family. or strangers.

Most human beings. :lol:

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^ lol me and my friend name our boobs :lol: hers are chris and lola. mine are chuck and larry.

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