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Green Day References


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Yesterday when i came from school my neighbor said me 'carpe diem' and i was like o.O and he said 'oh,you know,seize the day' and i said 'i know,i know,i was just,uh nevermind'. :lol:

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I was watching "The Simpsons" last night and this little kid said Vendetta all the time :ninja:

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I know somebody whose last name is Fink too :lol:

I was with Lena549 in a store to may buy Green Day CDs/Vinyls. when we asked for the FBHT CD, the woman said (even if it´s not really correct): "Oh this band form Green Day?!" I was so supprised that she knew that :happy: I bought the CD later on the sticker with the barcode was written beside of FBHT Green Day with a pen :blink:

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Sometimes I like my College...


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Well not really a reference, but a freakish occurence. I was skipping through my iTunes shuffle, and an old demo version of Going To Pasalacqua came up, immediately followed by AAF's Going To Pasalacqua. So I was skipping through and it literally went

*young Billie*: here we go again

*grown up Billie* here we go again

It was frekkeh

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I saw Paul yesterday, it was awesome :cool:, and near the end of the movie there was a bible with a bullet in it.

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I was watching "The Simpsons" last night and this little kid said Vendetta all the time :ninja:

Haha! :lol: I love that episode. "Farfalla... farfalla vendetta!"

Back to the topic:

1.There´s a song called "Uptight" from Stevie Wonder.

2.I went shopping with my mum yesterday. There were lots of brands I´ve never heard of. One brand was called "She" (I started singing She xD). Another brand was called olivia (I started to sing olivia xDD).

Oh yeah! :P

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I didn't see it myself but my friend at work told me she was watching an episode of a show called "Blue Bloods" (I think she said it's a police themed show) and a woman was all excited because she couldn't wait to tell her daughter that she got her tickets to see American Idiot on Broadway!!

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Today my teacher said "Oliva, Oliva!" while trying to get a girl in my classes attention (her name is Oliva)

And i saw a girl with a shirt that had an 86 on it

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My cross-country and track coach was talking about music and how students always seem so surprised that he actually listens to it, especially newer music. He mentioned that he went to a Green Day show (one that I went to before I knew him!) and that he ran into a bunch of students there. The students were really obviously high and all "Heeyyy Monsieur! What are you doing here??!" I already thought my coach was badass and this just consolidates my theory. :D

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I know I was the last one to post, but oh well. I was reading the SparkLife section of SparkNotes and to celebrate Appreciation Week, one anonymous Sparkler wrote an article on why she appreciates Green Day! I think my heart literally skipped a beat when I saw it and I wrote a huge comment about it too. :D If anyone's interested in reading it: Green Day, I Love You

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I didn't really know where else to post this, but if any of you guys get Fox in the US (Not Fox News obvs) they're showing the King of the Hill episode that Green Day's in in about 45 minutes (1:30 EDT)! I was looking at the TV Guide website and saw this: :D


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I didn't really know where else to post this, but if any of you guys get Fox in the US (Not Fox News obvs) they're showing the King of the Hill episode that Green Day's in in about 45 minutes (1:30 EDT)! I was looking at the TV Guide website and saw this: :D


Oh yeah, someone posted the video to this actually. But I thought only Tre "lent" his voice.

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I was in german class and we were learning about music, there were pictures of different artists and Green Day came up. my entire class turned and looked at me and i simultaneously WOOPED. everyone laughed at me :lol:

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last tuesday my scuba diving teacher kept on saying "carpe" (the type of fish) so it made me think of carpe diem

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Today my friend and I were sitting outside the movies and he was smoking and drinking a cup of Starbucks...and he actually beat me to the reference by saying 'but not with the underbelly."

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My sister's boyfriend has a new baby nephew, and when the baby's parent's brought him over to their house the dad was cradling him in his arms and started singing American Idiot to him :lol:. A random Green Day fan in my extended family :D

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My sister's boyfriend has a new baby nephew, and when the baby's parent's brought him over to their house the dad was cradling him in his arms and started singing American Idiot to him :lol:. A random Green Day fan in my extended family :D

aww sweet :happy:

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At a pep assembly at school today, a band played KYE! I got all excited, but most of my friends hate Green Day so they looked at me like I was stupid.

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At a pep assembly at school today, a band played KYE! I got all excited, but most of my friends hate Green Day so they looked at me like I was stupid.

What a coincidence! At my last pep assembly, a band played KYE! How weird

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Under the points bar thingy it says 'Total Insomniac' :D

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I searched themes for my google chrome and Green Day theme came out. :happy:

And yesterday i met a 6 years old kid who plays guitar very well and we talked about music :lol: and i asked if he knows green day,and kid sang 'don't wanna be an american idiot',it was even more funny cuz he doesn't have all his teeth. :lol:

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