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Green Day References


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I'm writing a paper for a documentary about danish soldiers in Afghanistan called "Armadillo", and the cover is a heartgranade!

More literally that green day's heartgrenade, but it made me think of them.


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There was a rock version of "Poker Face" played on the radio today and the riff at the started really sounded like "it's Fuck Time" I freaked out for a minute and then they started singing :dry::lol:

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I was Zwarte Piet in my old primary school yesterday (if you don't know what it is, wikipedia it), and one of the Kindergarten kids was like an exact copy of Billie Joe around that age. Same hair, same face, really exactly the same. It's a pity I didn't see his eye colour (I can hardly go study a five year old, haha). Mindfuck. :lol:

Sooo, who knows, there might be a Billie Joe copy walking around here in some twenty years :lol:I'm claiming him

This post is quite creepy in multiple ways.

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I just heard Stuart and the Ave on TV and was in shock. :o :o

edit: THey just played 21 Guns as well. Seems like someone who works there likes GD. :lol:

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So I was in chemistry and my teacher held up 2 rocks. I was like ooh that one's quite green. It's probably malachite lol. And then my teacher goes 'and this one here is malachite' and i was like :woot: I WAS THINKING THAT and everyone said I wasn't, but they weren't aware it was a reference :thumbsup:

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In class my teacher said basket case so I shouted out ohmygod that's a green day song!!!!! Then my teacher told me if I didn't shut up he would kick me out.

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I can't help myself but everytime I hear "Stay the night" is the next song on the radio it takes me a while to get its just James Blunt. :(

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I was playing GTA Vice City today, and a French character called me an American idiot :happy:

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yesterday i was watching john tucker must die. and in the extras people were talking about the director and how she gave people nicknames. and she names someone dookie <3


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My mother is very aware of my obsession with Green Day, lol. Sadly, she doesn't care for them nearly as much as I do, but at least she listens to them and puts up with my obsession!

We were in this cafe this one night and it was really loud. It was packed and there were a lot of people talking at once. However, you know when you can tune out the world sometimes and just zone out so that eventually you don't even notice anyone talking anymore? Well that's what I did, but then all of a sudden, I distinctly heard from somewhere in the room, "Billie Joe". My head snapped up and I looked around, but couldn't figure out where it was coming from. I turned back to my mom and she had a weird look on her face before she laughed and said, "You're pathetic!" She must have heard someone say it too and she was watching my reaction, lmao.

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I was staying at a friends house yesterday and we popped over to her Grandad's house because he had a Death or Glory vinyl to give me. We were looking at his music collection, which is HUGE and I found every single GD album, single, live album expect for some Dookie live album that I can't remember. Apparently after he went to the Marlay Park gig he just bought everything he could find. I told him they had a live album/DVD being released next year and he was so pumped for it. Her Grandad is fucking awesome.

I found out a few days ago that a pub my family drag me to sometimes when we're in Dublin used to be The Attic, which is where GD played their first Irish show.

I dunno if I've mentioned this before but theres a guy in my school who's step-grandfather is Donovan and who's maternal grandfather is Brian Jones (The Rolling Stones) and he is a massive Green Day fan. I found that really fucking cool and I didn't believe him at first and had to google to see if he was bullshitting or not :lol:

So thats all my GD references atm :cool:

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I mostly find references to lyrics everywhere.

Like in English one year, my teacher used phrases like "pan-handling" and "halfway house" and I immediately thought of Misery and Hold On. <img src="http://www.greendaycommunity.org/Forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" />

My friends tease me all the time, saying it's hilarious how I can usually relate anything to GD. xD

same :)

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I went on GDC and everyone was talking about Green Day. Weird, isn't it? So ya that is my reference of the day.

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actually EVERYTIME somebody says "let's go", i immediately think of billie in bullet in a bible,

when they are close to going up on stage and hee walks around to everybody and says

"LetsGoLetsGoLetsGo!!" so everytime i hear somebody say "lets go", i say "letsgoletsgoletsgo!!"

quietly to myself and then i start to giggle and no one understands why. :lol:

edit: uhh acutally that was my 150th post :)

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When a friend of mine was reading a text during our engish lesson she suddenly stopped and everyone looked at me. I was like "WTF"? Then she said to our teacher: "Miss, Vaso must read the following sentence". I looked in the text and the following sentence was "Time of your life". :blush: The teacher asked why and they told her that "time of your life" is named a song of "her" (they meant mine) favourite band, Green Day. "Awww darling are you a Green Day fan??? I'm a huge green day fan too. From now on, you are my favourite student", she told me. I was sooo happy! My teacher is awesome and the fact that she likes green day makes her even more awesome! :D

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This didn't happen recently but around the end of last year me and some of the kids in my class were talking about our favorite bands and i said that i was going to see Green Day over the summer vacation. My teacher over heard us talking and came over and told us all how he went the a Green Day concert when he was 15 when the were in Halifax. I gained so much respect for him :lol: hes defiantly the best teacher i've ever had :P

He was before i knew that but thats not the point :lol:

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I dont know where to post this, so ill post it here.

A post from tumblr XD


I pissed myself. :lol:

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