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Green Day References


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- I heard "Holiday" on the TV in the background of a program

- I saw a pink bunny on TV

- Ingo Donot (singer of the Donots) played a bit "Basket Case" on his accordion and he asked us if we were on the Green Day concert in Mainz on the Donots concert yesterday

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I just saw the sexiest gas mask distressed green day top, but it was mens therefore too big

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i found "billie joe armstrong" on urban dictionary while doing some random search

interesting research :D

did I post this already? I can't remember...


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I just saw the sexiest gas mask distressed green day top, but it was mens therefore too big

Why are all the good band tees always in men sizes? I swear, most of the big department stores I've been to, the guy section has Beatles, Bob Marley, Green Day, Fender, and other awesome music related things. What do the girls get? Hello Kitty, Tweety Bird, and little cartoon drawings that are supposed to be cute and sexy. :dry:

Anyways, back to the topic of this thread :lol:

- At school I got into elevator #80

- I looked at my food cooking in the microwave and there were 21 seconds left

- My mom found my old preschool class list and someone at the school had "Armstrong" for his last name :lol:

- A guy named Pritchard is running for school board in my city

- My management prof said La Jolla

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I'm watching Diners Drive-Ins and Dives. They're making ice cream with sassafras roots in it :woot:

Edit: And they just mentioned PBR!


:lol: That's brilliant!

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My sister was reading this book and it said something about watching MTV or something and it said "At the moment, a Green Day video was on."


Oh and I was listening to Favorite Son in class the other day and half-listening to my teacher. I heard her say, "Isn't it a drag?" I was like :lol:

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Oh and I was listening to Favorite Son in class the other day and half-listening to my teacher. I heard her say, "Isn't it a drag?" I was like :lol:

I have things like that SO many times.. all the time actually! Like, today. I was listening to Don't Leave Me, and in the background I heard someone on TV saying "you can't choose" or "something I can't find" or other parts of the song, can't remember anymore. So funny :lol:

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I watched a reportage about the burnout syndrome and so I had to think of the song "Burnout"

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Horseshoes and Handgranades was on some American Pie ad a while ago :wub:

Haha I was just going to post that! It was shown again a few minutes ago :lol:

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Haha I was just going to post that! It was shown again a few minutes ago :lol:

Yeah I heard that too and I just shouted "ITS A GREEN DAY SONG LISTEN!!!" There must be fans at Tv3, seriously :lol: Second time theyve played GD for a film :D

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Yeah I heard that too and I just shouted "ITS A GREEN DAY SONG LISTEN!!!" There must be fans at Tv3, seriously :lol: Second time theyve played GD for a film :D


Oh did you not see Karen's post in the Marlay thread about that? Her friend works in TV3 and apparently they're a big Green Day fan so they put Horseshoes and Handgrenades in the background of that ad and another one as well :P

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:lol: That's brilliant!


I went for a donut and a chocolate milk, and I saw their calender and I remembered it was Tuesday. :lol:

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Sassafras Roots @ Future Shop. I was singing alone like a tart. And the ironic part is, they don't even sell Dookie in the store :runaround:

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My best friend lives on a street called Longview...im jealous :dry::lol:

I had changed my radio right when the morning show host was saying a guy got totally 86d :lol: made me smile

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i almost choked on my food when like 5 secs of EJN played on a really random show my parent were waching. :woot: i'll try to find a videoclip.

EDIT: I found a clip, but apparently its only for norway. But it aint that interesting anyways. It was a show called "ut i naturen" (out in the nature)

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I was reading this book called The Luxe and they mentioned Pabst Blue Ribbon. more of a FBHT reference but still :D

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