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Green Day References


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I keep seeing this Sony Ericsson ad that says "make.believe" and I instantly have to think of JOS every time.

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I saw that :D

...I hope she does well now :lol:

Unfortunately she didn't get through... :(

...Damn you Cheryl Cole!!

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Just found this on sixbillionsecrets.

"I secretly think Green Day sucks.

I only put up with their music because I like sitting close to you while we share headphones. I only asked to borrow their CD from you so I could slip a note asking you out into the case.

I also think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

Don't know what to think :lol:

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Anybody notice Lauren Conrad's book is called "Sugar and spice"? :pinch:

I guess it's a common saying, but i never expected a reference related to her.

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One of my teachers asked a girl if she knew how to play "roshambo" :woot: (does a Network reference count? haha)

And my psych teacher talked about pleasure and pain, and immediately Homecoming played in my mind. :D

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omg I was watching this TV show and one guy whose name was Jimmy said something stupid and this other guy said 'Jimmy saying that was like him putting a gun in his mouth and blowing his brains out.' Like in Homecoming! "Jimmy died today, he blew his brains out into the bay..." :runaround: LOL not really a reference. But I did hear Good Riddance on the radio the other day! It sounded a bit weird because I was so used to the Billie + cast version of it. :lol:

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This has probably been posted before, but does anyone watch the Yu Gi Oh abridged series on YouTube? It's hilarious!

At 4:35 you get a Green Day reference! See it for yourself. The joke is throughout the whole series that character, Bandit Keith, is portrayed as being so incredibly over the top American. He ends every sentence with "in America" :lol:


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On the way up to the dart station the other day I saw a can of beer on the ground called "86" :lolL

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Just got back from seeing a play and the guy who choreographed it was the same person who did American Idiot on Broadway. Was so tempted to go find him haha :lol:

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An Armitage Shanks trucker just stopped outside my house and asked me for directions.

The conversation basically went like this

"Which way is Charleville?"

"You go straight up this road an - HOLY SHIT, ARMITAGE SHANKS! THAT'S SO COOL"

"....You like toilets?"

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so i saw a commercial in a local new's paper and it said "GREENMANNDAY

i had to laugh but i have no fucking clue what it was for :lol:

EDIT: omg you cant see what i wrote beetween Green and Day because of pageown and billie's stupid hair D:

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I saw a car's registratiom plate that was BILLEH :lol:

:rolleyes: same here..every time I see a car with BJ or GD or something like that

Twitter OmgFacts tweeted: "People who have sex about three times a week are perceived to look four to seven years younger." I think this pretty self- explanatory :eyebrow: :shifty:

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We have Armitage Shanks sinks at school, and someone (me xD) has written 'I heart Green Day' underneath the writing.

Makes me smile :)

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^ I kind of get that. I also think Micheal Jackson's "Leave Me Alone" video looks alot like the Insomniac srtwork. :D

Twitter OmgFacts tweeted: "People who have sex about three times a week are perceived to look four to seven years younger." I think this pretty self- explanatory :eyebrow: :shifty:

So that's his secret :eyebrow:

Someone said "show me ours I'll show you mine" on a movie, it remeinded me of when Billie said that in the 92 Y interview thing.

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Girl called Keri on the xfactor sang WMUWSE!! :dance: starts at 1.44

ooh. i heard about that.

thanks for the link.


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