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Green Day References


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in the percy jackson series they go to some dance and a girl named Thalia says something like "What is this pop music? Put on some Green Day!"

My sister pointed it out to me and got me into the series haha

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I was trying to fix my laptop and at the bottom there was this sticker with serial numbers on it and it has 'REV' written on it :D

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There's a quiz show called Eggheads here in the UK and yesturdays ep one of the questions was "Holden Caulfield is a character in which novel?" and I was like OMFG FUCK YES!!! and the lady got it right and said "The Catcher in the Rye".

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They just played BOBD on Radio 1. Oh and the builders at work brought in these huge boxes with Armstrong written on them. I smiled :)

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I'm watching Top Of The Pops 2. They just played Fight For Your Right To Party by the Beastie Boys. One of the facts that popped up on the screen was a list of other artists who've played the song - Green Day was on the list :lol:

Pretty impressive that they'd know that, since they've only ever played like 5 seconds of it at random old shows.

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There's a quiz show called Eggheads here in the UK and yesturdays ep one of the questions was "Holden Caulfield is a character in which novel?" and I was like OMFG FUCK YES!!! and the lady got it right and said "The Catcher in the Rye".

I saw that, too!! OOOH i felt sooo educated...for once^^ :happy:

today I was in a shop and they had (like a 1€ shop) and there had these buttons with small lights in them... and one of them had "Birthday Boy" written on it and as we were talking in the Hitchin' a Ride thread about the last words I had to think of it^^

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hahahaha i'm laughing so hard now :dance:

i'm doing my listening exercise (oh, in german, extra language) and some guy said that he has a punk style and listens to Green Day!

I would never expect that!

it made that boring task much more interesting :lol:

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I was walking up to the recycling bin with my Grandma and this man at the main hall had a shirt on that said 'Time of Your Life'.

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I saw a sign that said 'ARMSTRONG NETWORKING' Strangely enough, I had never seen the sign before, even though I drive down that street alot...

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a guy that works at my school always has a cap that says "cowboy" and theres a photo of a cowbay that's exactly the same as Van Gough :)

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- I heard "Holiday" in the background on TV

- I saw a pink bunny on "Jackass"

- I watched "Malcolm in the Middle" and there someone's name is Trey

- I watched the news and there George Clooney said that he's no fashion victim cause he doesn't watch fashion shows so often

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When I checked my mails there was one from the email site and the heading was "WEB.DE Mail App für Android"

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In my management class, the professor talked about authority and why people obey others.

In my criminology class, the professor talked about rebels.

Not really a Green Day reference, but I saw a kid walking on the sidewalk with a black shirt with what looked like the FBHT logo taped on in masking tape. I couldn't make out the letters though. =/

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i saw a guy in a green day t-shirt at school today :runaround:

why do people instantly look more attractive like that? :lol:

let's just say i stared him down, pretty sure he noticed... :mellow:

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i saw Paranormal Activity at school and Katie said "the vast majority"

and in Parental Control Joe Robot was played as a background song :wacko:

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I was driving by some road and it had a store called 'BJ Furnitures' :runaround:

:lol: we find Green Day references in everything.

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A little girl I tutor told me one of the character's names in a book she's reading is Ms. Holiday.

I had a bunch more but can't remember a thing! :wacko:

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at a bus stop by my friends house, someone has written JIMMY in the cement.

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