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How has Green Day changed your life?

Green Day Freak 1

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no, it does. but it doesnt mean you have to dress like the band, agree with them on everything, and basically become a little army of green day clones.

as i recall..the thread didn't say "Do you impersonate Green Day?"

but yeah..people take it too over the top in trying to look like them

i think it is okay to incorporate some things about Green Day into your style/life but you have to sustain your own individuality

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no, im not influenced by the media. some of their songs i guess have helped me get through things though.

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Because of Green Day I try and not care what anyone thinks about me or my opinions. I know it's really pathetic but I still do, but I'm working on it. I also wanna get back into playing music and learn to play the guitar.

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ever since i started 2 lisn to green day i hav cahanged heaps like my attitude towards everything and the way that i dress and stuff

wow..take a spelling lesson.

...anyway. Yeh. They got me into being punk-rock when I was 11. I had been listening to them years before that though. They showed me all thses other awesome bands and everything. They deffinetly made a huge impact on my life. Around the same time I began to become all 'Punk-rock'-ish I picked up the guitar, It's all thanks to them.

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clothes taste in music and my atitude!!! and my likingness in boys is changed cuz ov them :wub:

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Ummm Green Day did change me a little bit....just my attitude...like i started not to care what people said about me...and if they started something with me, I would just yell at them and ya

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Green Day has changed me, because they were one of the big reasons how I found out music was my biggest passion. Last September I sang this HUGE choir piece with the choir and ensemble at my school, and saw GD live two weeks later. The combination of those two made me realize that my love for music surpases everything else, and gave me the courage to go for it--learn the guitar, you can do it! For a long time I just fiddled around with the guitar and piano, but never believed that I could do any of it. Now I have a burning passion in me; I am determined to learn more about music so I can make it. :wub:

When it comes to dress and such, not really. Some days I'll wear my Peace shirt with long dangly earrings, other days I'll dress in one of my GD shirts, my stud belt and guitar earrings. I don't really fit into any catagory when it comes to wardrobe.

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Guest Quietus

Does this answer your question? :)

Sweet bliss :wub:

On topic, no. It exposed me to a different musical taste and inspired me to explore new bands, but that's the only thing they changed - my music taste. I dress like I always do. The only noticable difference in how I dress is the two new T-shirts I have, but that's it. I didn't go from prep to punk, I was always what I like to call, "throw on random shit that's clean, comfortable, and looks good." As for my attitude, I've always had a bite to me. I'm opinionated and stubborn and if I want I can be a bitch. I was also always big into politics thanks to The Daily Show, so Green Day had little to do with that.

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Green Day has definately changed my attitude. Its thanks to them that i discovered a whole new dimension to music. Music started to benefit me emotionally. It had the power to cheer me up or depress me. Music is quite a big part of my life now and has probably shaped the sort person I am today which is more confident able to express myself.

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Well I got into them when I was 7/8 and I don't know if i've changed. I've always been an individual.

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They haven't really changed anything about me. Just so happens they mostly agree with my attitudes and opinions. How convenient. :)

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They made me turn away from being a loser who didn't find music important. Thanks to them, music is such an important aspect of my life. I don't know what I would do without it today. It's like a cure for everything; when I'm feeling angry, depressed, or happy.

I'm much more "angsty" than before and I've kind of learned to not give a crap about what people tell me. I guess you could say they made me a stronger person. Now I can stand up to others at school who put me down and sometimes I'll act like a bitch. My parents think I have an attitude problem now because I can be really mean and bitchy and I can't really help it. I was just so influenced by music and Green Day. Yes my clothing style has changed a little. Through their music I sort of found my true self and what I really am like. I was kind of pressured to be a girlie girl (like my mom says) but again I wanted to be what I was most comfortable with being and that was just being me. I think my mom's finally learned to accept that. Green Day's political views didn't really affect me because I was always interested in current events and what was going on politically.

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i still think it's sad that green day has made so many people dress differently, act differently, and basically become little green day clones. a band can influence your thoughts or your musical tastes, yea. or you could even see them wear something and think "oh, that's pretty cool", and give yourself an idea for something. but by just becoming a clone of a band? that's just fucking retarded...

"green day made me into an individual". pish! bullshit. most people who say that are nothing more than green day clones, and there's nothing "original" about that...

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