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HQ Green Day Photoshoots


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All of these are much much better quality then what is currently in the GDA Picture Vault. Some of these pictures I need help classifying them under an era. Once they are classified under the correct era I will place them in the GDA Vault.

Session 1:

It has it marked as 1990 but I don't think so. Any help on the actual era would be great!


Session 2



Session 3

01 Jul 1994


Session 4

01 Jan 2001


Session 5

21 August 2004


More HQ Images will be posted in the next few days. All new pictures will be added into this first post.

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Thanks for grabbing them Jimmy. I actually don't remember seeing the first photoshoot in there but I saw the second on at Getty. It tells you what year when you view the pic.

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Great, thanks for posting!

'specially the 2nd session, I've always loved that one.

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Thanks for grabbing them Jimmy. I actually don't remember seeing the first photoshoot in there but I saw the second on at Getty. It tells you what year when you view the pic.

No problem :D There is a ton of them in there that I have never seen before. I was going to post more but I didn't know how many you have downloaded from getty today. I don't want to mess up our beautiful account :D

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YEESSS!!! Thanks you sooooooo much!!

Especially for the 2nd Photoshoot! I always loved those pictures, but they were so small!

Now I can print them!!! and make some nice posters :wub: :wub:

Thank you, Thank you, Thank youuu!

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No problem :D There is a ton of them in there that I have never seen before. I was going to post more but I didn't know how many you have downloaded from getty today. I don't want to mess up our beautiful account :D

I actually haven't seen many photoshoots in there. :lol:

I love how your on the GDA team but you advertise 1039 in your sig. :lol:

And ugh, couldn't the photographer use a better background for the first set of pics?

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I actually haven't seen many photoshoots in there. :lol:

I love how your on the GDA team but you advertise 1039 in your sig. :lol:

And ugh, couldn't the photographer use a better background for the first set of pics?

Haha really? I see quite a few.

See its kinda like subliminal advertizing........"I will put them in the GDA vault once i know the correct era....*person thinks to self 'wow look at this 1039 site must go there until those pics are on GDA'*" :lol:

I shall take it out of my sig then :D . We get a good amount of traffic anyways.

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Haha really? I see quite a few.

See its kinda like subliminal advertizing........"I will put them in the GDA vault once i know the correct era....*person thinks to self 'wow look at this 1039 site must go there until those pics are on GDA'*" :lol:

I shall take it out of my sig then :D . We get a good amount of traffic anyways.

:lol: It's okay, I was just bustin on ya.

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Warning HQ Session now up :)

thanks for those :), BTW the first photoshoot that said it was 1990 i think is actually sometime in 1997-1999, hope that helps :).

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I swear I uploaded that black and white shoot ages back into the pictures threads XD I remember I got them when I had my HQ account

It died before I could get the Warning shoot though, so thanks for those

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I swear I uploaded that black and white shoot ages back into the pictures threads XD I remember I got them when I had my HQ account

It died before I could get the Warning shoot though, so thanks for those

I don't remember ever getting those from you. :/

thanks for those :), BTW the first photoshoot that said it was 1990 i think is actually sometime in 1997-1999, hope that helps :).

Yeah I agree. I've always thought they were from around the Nimrod era. I can't remember though. I kinda think I saw them back then when they were new.

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