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If you could relive any GD tour...

Jet Taman

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i'd loooove to have been on an american idiot concert but i've been too young :cry:

well dookie or one of their first shows like from 1989 or something would have been cool as well =)

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Probably the Kerplunk tour, or even earlier shows. I wanna see them back in the day. I'd kill to see them at Gilmans...

Or I'd like to relive the night of the FBHTs. That night was amazing.

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Dookie tour definitely...

and tickets still go for about 20 bucks...if you dont believe me ask some of people who went to the Sacramento 2009 show....the last week that GA was sold they sold tickets for like 21 bucks

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AI tour, just around the time I started to get into their music, unfortunately I couldn't get tickets at the time though.

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i never went to the A.I concerts, (don't ask why) but i'd like the be able to you know relive it and get to go..


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I'd do almost anything to go back to the August 24, 2009 show of the 21st Century Breakdown tour. :D It would also be cool to see them during the really early days when they came through my area all the time.

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1st-Kerplunk or earlier. 2nd-This one.


I broke my ankle TWO days before the show and could not go. This concert ended up on MTV. Green Day--Jaded in Chicago.

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The Warning Tour, because that album came out before I became a fan, but it's now one of my all time favorite albums and I would've loved to have seen some of those songs live. :D

As far as reliving the shows I've been to - 7/27 MSG in New York, most definitely. All three times I've seen GD they've been amazing, but the 7/27 show was out of this world.

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I would really, really love to have seen them during Nimrod, in those slightly smaller venues with such fun going on :D

And thinking about it, during the Nimrod era when I was 12/13 I often went to gigs with my dad and his girlfriend, and she was a Green Day fan. If I'd only had the good sense to like Green Day back then there's no doubt in my mind she would've taken me to see them :(

1st-Kerplunk or earlier. 2nd-This one.


I broke my ankle TWO days before the show and could not go. This concert ended up on MTV. Green Day--Jaded in Chicago.

Fuck! I think if that happened to me I still wouldn't be over it now. At least you can watch the great quality footage of it, although I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing....

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Probably the DOOKIE era.... I was fresh out of high school... so it would of been nice to see them right about that time.

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I would relive the concert I went to two months and three days ago.

Just because it was the best day of my life, since it was my first Green Day concert.

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Fuck! I think if that happened to me I still wouldn't be over it now. At least you can watch the great quality footage of it, although I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing....

Sometimes I think about it and it is bummer. My friends that did go said is was just ok. The sound had been turned down for filming and there were some other thing that I can't remember. I was stoked that they put two of my favorite songs from that show on the When I Come Around CD single-Coming Clean and She.

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I'd say Dookie era just so I could see Billie walk out on stage, spit in the air, catch that spit back in his mouth and then bust into song. Lame, I know, but that would have had me flipping shit for days.

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^oooooooooooooooooooooooh.... :eyebrows::eyebrows: god I'm so sick....

though def. dookie era (cuz they would have played all of their older stuff)....god.... seeing billie with that one dread in his hair, or seeing him play she naked..... woooooooooooooo..... Then maybe the nimrod era as well...

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I would have LOVED to see them play in the Attic in Dublin back in December 1991. :wub: Too bad I was only 3 years old.

I wish I could see myself at the American Idiot tour again, I wasn't as into them as I am now and it'd be interesting to see the difference :lol:

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I think after my two shows in October i will want to relive them. I'll watch all my recorded videos hundreds of times over just to make it feel like i am still there.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think after my two shows in October i will want to relive them. I'll watch all my recorded videos hundreds of times over just to make it feel like i am still there.

Hehe me too, I'm going to hunt down every single piece of footage from my show to watch again and again :D. I'm looking forward to it. It's going to be weird because I love watching any and all footage of Green Day concerts and I've watched so many, I imagine watching it knowing I was there will be cool and strange.

Also, I see you are seeing Green Day on my birthday AND seeing Muse soon after! You are the person I am most jealous of on earth!

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