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If you could relive any GD tour...

Jet Taman

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I wish I could have seen them during:

a) Dookie Era

b) small club shows before this tour

c) Foxboro Hot Tubs tour

d) Pop Disaster Tour/General Warning Tour

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I definitely like 21st Century Breakdown because people who don't even really like Green Day too much can enjoy the show.

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Probably a few shows from each tour.

But I'd love to relive the Nimrod and Warning tour!

And if I had to pick one show.. well.. either Woodstock '94 or Milton Keynes Bowl '05 :)

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The Warning Tour! i saw them on it about 4 times and every show had a 70% completely different setlist. i know they have been mixing it up now with 3-4 requests, but on this tour, at least in my area of ny/nj, they would do about 8-10 requests!

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I would've wanted to see them at Jaded in Chicago at the dookie tour... it would've been so much fun!

and yeah i'd like to experience those 'secret shows' before 21st Century Breakdown released... oh, and I would SO wanna see a Foxboro gig!... okay, I'm gonna stop now XD

I'm just excited that I'm going to see them in October :D

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It would absolutely be the Nimrod tour, with those smaller venues and such fun going on. It seems like that was when the shows started to become a little more flamboyant and theatrical, so much showmanship! If I'd had the good taste to be a Green Day fan when I was 12 I know I totally could've gone to one of those Nimrod shows with my dad's girlfriend :(

The Nimrod tour looks like it was more cheerful than the Dookie tour, the band just seem happier when I watch those shows. Less of a wish to bait and mock certain members of the crowd, and more of a silly party vibe with less distance between band and fans. I can't help but remember what turmoil and issues they were going through during Dookie times, adjusting to playing to very different groups of people than before. Even though I'm sure the shows were amazing I wouldn't pick that time.

If not Nimrod then definitely the early days. How fabulous would that be??

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First time I saw them was the Insomniac tour, I'd love to go back to that night and relive it over and over and over again, just a few hundred people packed into a sweaty club :wub:

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Hmm... this is a difficult question to answer. Part of me would want to go to an AI era show, because that's when I first got into GD, and it would be awesome to see a show from that era.... maybe the Milton Keynes shows. Another part of me would like to go to the 1,039 SOSH or Kerplunk era, because I think it would be a lot of fun to see GD preform in somebody's living room or something. It would be a small and intimate setting. I would also love to see a Foxies show, because of the intimacy and crowd interaction.

I'd also like to relieve my concert, of course. :happy: Except, I would be at the barrier instead of 5-6 rows of people away. That way, I could reach out and touch Mike's hand when he runs down the catwalk during Longview... and I could see Billie performing Drama Queen as close as possible. :wub: I wish it was July 22nd again... and I think, for the first time since the concert, I'm getting a bit depressed over it all. I'm realizing that I can't go back to that day ever again, and that I only have the memories, confetti, ticket, and merch to remember it by. There's always next year... hopefully... if GD returns to Pittsburgh next year. :/

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the foxboro hot tubs tour... or the the your there are doing right now. but om from europe so im gonna wait some months :D

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Kerplunk tour definitely. Although that's not re-living it since i wasn't even born, but whatever. And I would love to see a FHT show. And AI.

I just want to see them, I don't care when.

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The only show I saw was the Hartford one two weeks ago, and I'd LOVE to relive that, but I'd really want to see them in the Insomniac era. I wish I wasnt three years old then! :lol:

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I think either Kerplunk or American Idiot. It might sound strange, because the AI tour and the 21st CB tour are pretty similar in some ways, but AI is still my favorite album,it means a lot to me and I still regret that I missed the tour. Kerplunk would be fun, too... small venues... and a straight forward punkrock concert with all the old songs <3

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They were in Germany a few months before Dookie came out. I really regret, that I didn't care about them at that time. :/

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Well, seeing as I've only been to one show, I'd have to go back and re-do the Milton Keynes bowl. I would tell my friend to leave HOURS earlier than she did, then I would've got near the front.

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I wish I could relive the September 7 2005 American Idiot Tour. I wish I didn't pass out and lose my perfect spot in the mosh pit. It was my first concert and I didn't know what to expect. I guess I got overwhelmed.

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Hmm, I'd either want to go to the Dookie tour, the Nimrod tour or the Kerplunk tour.

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