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Green Day to perform at VMA's


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Are there any Dutchies in here, secretly lurking the thread?

And aww, I want to see this again!

Me! :P

This thread goes so fast O_o

The performance was so awesomeeee! :D 'All the fucks who never learned to read' Haha :D

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its for her new movie. shes playing joan jett

Ummm. No. Before it was like a mullet. For that movie.

Now it's completely different again. Unless she changed it AGAIN for the movie.

Oh boy. Beyonce. Kayne's shitting brix.

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Wait, clearly I have not listened to 21CB enough.

But what does it really say? I'm assuming not "fucks who never learned to read"

In case no one has responded to this since it's going by so quickly, he normally says dogs.

For a second I thought he was going to pull someone up to be saved! But the whole crowd was good I guess...

LOL at the first girl int eh silver dress who nearly showed her Britney.

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performance of the night, NOW there's nothing left to see

I'll have the vid posted in a snap

yo quiero HD, porfavor

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They're gunna get shit from security. but it's totally worth it. THAT WAS FUCKING EPIC . as I predicted. :D:woot:

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I love how Lady Gaga must've spent tons of money and time designing her set and rehearsing dance routines and then Green Day comes out, doesn't spend a dime or time trying to impress people and totally blows her the fuck out of the water!!

ahhh.. they never let me down. :)


I'm so glad they performed EJN :D They just made my day :)

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omfg omfg omfg. I suffered a major teenie moment when billie asked everyone to come up on stage... seriously, I mean, green day is made up of just about the coolest people ever. I just love how they always try to make the fans' experience as incredible as possible, and always do something out of the ordinary...and they like to start riots xD haha I'm not even making much sense right now, green day is just too amazing, my brain has fallen out... :lol:

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Guest Shangri-La
here is the vid


is anyone's gdc page loading superrrrr slow because there's a million people on?

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LOL at the first girl int eh silver dress who nearly showed her Britney.

LMAO @ "showed her Britney"

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I love how Lady Gaga must've spent tons of money and time designing her set and rehearsing dance routines and then Green Day comes out, doesn't spend a dime or time trying to impress people and totally blows her the fuck out of the water!!

ahhh.. they never let me down. :)


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OH MY GOD. Green Day totally owned the show, no doubt. I feel bad for Beyonce and the rest of the performers.

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I know they changed the lyrics and that "fuck" was bleeped out, but I could've sworn I heard Billie say it when everyone on stage, like maybe someone hit him or something. Anyone else hear it?

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Green Day just fucking owns.

I'm hyper as hell.

Mine is!

It took me 4 minutes to refresh the damn page!!

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